Chapter 2: The War

It had only been a couple of weeks since the love bugs have began dating keeling it secret from everyone especially the ones close to them but only the Queen knew as she arranged all of this to happen knowing how much these two loved one another while Megatronus grew agitated and impatient for the time he can call her his.

Aquarius was currently minding her own business doing some decoding practices for future use as she loves to hack and be a complete menace when it comes to fire walls and corrupting other mechs things but mainly the ones who miss use them for bad things. She couldn't get the thought of Orion off her mind even though it had been a while since they had seen one another due to work and things. The door to her room opened allowing her mother to sneaking inside shutting it slowly not making a sound but Aquarius already knew that her mother was here as she turned her spiny chair around to face her expecting to see a happy face but that wasn't anything compared to the energon leaking from her waist like if she had been attacked making Aquarius panic even though she already knew what to do when it comes to medical procedures due to homeschooling for safety reasons the excuse her father always says.

"Mom! Who did this to you?" She quickly grabbed something sitting her mother down and began to cover the wound up as there is nothing in her room that could possibly patch up a open wound. The Queen however was glad to be helped by the only hope she had left on this planet as none of the guards helped her while she bled through out the palace in search for her daughter.

"There's no time, I need to get you off Cybertron before it's too late" she refused to answer standing back up still in pain worrying Aquarius on what was happening as the walks in her room are sound proof making it impossible for her to hear the sounds of death and war outside.

"But I don't know what's happening! I need to know" she said as her mother grab a hold of her hand pulling her out from the bedroom and into the hallway carefully running through knowing the risks if she was to ever take Aquarius outside seeing so much blood shed and death. When they reached outside it was instantly seen by both of what had occurred seeing their own kind at war but with who? "Who are fighting?" She asked looking up ya her mother who stood there disgusted at what she was seeing knowing that Aquarius must be afraid of what is to come.

"Deceptacons and their leader Megatron but the reason behind this war is still unsure to me but I know that you'll be able to find it out yourself" the Queen spoke again still holding her daughter's hand carefully guiding her straight into the battlefield as the ships that allow them to travel through space were on the other side in the current autobot base.

"I knew there was something up with him but what about father and Plasmus, are they safe?" Even if Aquarius hated her father greatly she still cared about him as if it wasn't for him then this little princess or any of her siblings wouldn't be born and a new era will be gone if there wasn't anyone pure and loyal to guide them through the darkest days.

"I'm unsure but you know how boys are, independent and incredibly selfish" she lastly replied as they had to dodge through the cross fire seeing by enemies and allies alike protecting the ones that gave them hope. Despite being targeted by the Deceptacons they two were able to get out of enemies way and Megatrons sight now in the care of the autobots.

"Aquarius you're alive!" Orion or now named Optimus Prime came over seeing his spark mate unscathed while her mother wasn't doing so well. They exchanged embraces before getting back to reality as it's not the time to be lovey dovey.

"When will there be a ship so I can send her to a safe place like Aurora?" The Queen asked as Aquarius looked around seeing injured and dead mechs being seen to with their injuries from the war they're stuck in making the princess sick and tired of being pushed around and seen as some precious object.

"Can I fight too? Or possibly help in anyway, I came out on top in the medical field so is that good enough" She asked not wanting to be some burden and sit around while the ones she cares about fall and die in the hands of the enemy. They could tell thats she was being serious due to her troublesome past that lead to her being homeschooled during her young mech days.

"We could put your medical skills to good use and help ratchet and Athena with the injured troops" Optimus kindly replied as she nodded in response before putting his attention back at the Queen.

"Don't let them take her, she's all that's left of our home, if we do manage to win this war don't let her become corrupted like her father" she reassured him as he already his purpose and the promise he swore on that when he had that urgent meeting with the Queen who helped him at a dire situation and if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be so lucky to have a spark mate like Aquarius.

"I assure you that she's in good hands your highness, but right now you should go get your injuries seen to for Aquarius's sake" Optimus knew how important she was to her and seeing someone important to you bleed out or possibly die right before your eyes will leave a permanent scar on your heart knowing that you could've done something about it even though that something is impossible to achieve. The Queen sighed accepting reality and went over to get her wound seen to with proper tools this time and stop the bleeding so she can get out there and show them what a real warrior is.

The war carried on for centuries and millennia's before the planet began to slowly die out making it impossible to support life forcing those left to retreat. Aquarius is currently helping the Autobots on the battlefield by her mother's side not seeing a single sight of her family anywhere making her lose hope.

"Remember, patience yields focus" Aquarius thought to herself from her mother's person fighting lessons but she couldn't help but think that it was all planned for her to be trained in close combat for a situation like this. She hated violence but it was the only way she could survive against the Deceptacons especially Megatron himself but he never got a chance to get close enough and do damage due to the Autobots protective leader who kept his promise to the Queen and keep their future alive. As they got separated Aquarius got into a situation she wishes to never speak of again, cornered by Deceptacons left and right with their cannons raised aiming straight at her ready to obliterate her instantly in front of several others who thought that this was the end of everything they've worked so hard for.

"Back away from my daughter your traitors!" The mother swooped in taking down almost every troop with the help of Aquarius herself learning more and more seeing the reality she is now stuck in or possibly a loop. "You okay?" She asked as Aquarius nodded with a hum watching her mother's back as she watched hers a perfect in-sync duo.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Aquarius asked keeping an eyes on her surroundings taking in any Deceptacons that came their way.

"Keep on fighting and one day you'll might be able to awaken the beast inside of you my dear" the Queen responded not wanting to spoil the surprise she had In store for her little princess once she awakens the beast within her spark. But that conversation got cut short when they were blasted away by a grenade separating the two several feet apart which wasn't good as the plan was for them to stick together. Aquarius got herself together standing back on her two feet again not seeing her mother in sight until she looked forward at something she wished she had never ever looked up at.

"Mum?" She began to carefully walk forward seeing her began to push herself up from the floor until someone pushed her back down with their foot taking this as a advantage, looking up she saw Aquarius shocked and speechless at what she was, confused as she is making her look up seeing her husband standing there looking down at her with such a pale look of nothingness like he didn't even care.

"You are pathetic to think that you can actually stand up against us" he said kneeling down at her as the prince was seen walking up beside her as the King grabbed the Queen by the back of her throat aggressively yanking her onto her knees as she looked up at her daughter with a smile knowing what's to come.

"Mother!" Aquarius yelled about to dash towards her mother but was quickly stopped as Optimus held her back trying to pull her away keeping his promise to the Queen as it was her time to fall.

"I love you" she lastly mouth at Aquarius knowing that Optimus will do the right thing until her spark was ripped out of her body by the one she raised and cherished.

"No!" She yelled one last time wanting to go at him and get revenge but Optimus was too strong for her to break free as her optics leaked but no matter how far he dragged her guilt and sympathy grew knowing how important the Queen was to her and how strongly bonded they were and it was recommended that Aquarius stays alive for the future of Cybertron.

There was another ship available for Aquarius to take and flee Cybertron away from the war and being next on the Deceptacon's list in search for the Matrix of Royalty now knowing that she is the one that wields it. "Get the ship ready!" He ordered as they got back to the base while the others willingly knew what was needed to be done as Aquarius must be safely evacuated to safety until the war had passed.

"No you can't make me go! I refuse to leave" she stated but there was no other choice as he put her in front of the entrance of the ship looking her straight in eyes being very serious about this choice he was making.

"Our future depends on your survival, no matter how hard is it to say goodbye" he said as she looked away angry but also upset that she would have to leave her fellow comrades alone to continue this war even if she held hatred for her father, brother and Megatron for resulting in the death of her mother.

"I will see you again..right?" She role is not wanting to let him go back out there without her help and expertise in close combat but she knew that the rage inside of her will most surely be the end of her. He stepped forward pulling her into one last embrace before she is sent away with some trusted comrades as well as a heavily pregnant medic. "I'm going to miss you" she said not wanting to let go as he pulled his head back from her shoulders before quickly kissing her one last time before saying goodbye.

"I am unsure of what the future will bring but I'll wait for you until we meet again in the all spark or somewhere far within the galaxy" he lastly said before watching Aquarius board the ship with the others ready to lead her little team somewhere safe and out of Deceptacon reach until they meet again, when the shipped set sail Optimus looked at one of the mechs. "get me through to princess Aurora ASAP, she mustn't ever return back to Cybertron" he ordered as the mech did exactly what they were told and got through and contacted her immediately to make sure that she doesn't get in the same situation the Queen ended up in.

Aquarius's PoV:

Despite being sent into space I had an important job to ensure that everyone stays alive especially the medic who is growing increasingly close to her due date in a few days or possibly next week. I their leader must take a step forward and keep us out of Deceptacon reach until the war dies down and collect a good amount of energon to get us through a good amount of cycles before potentially finding a place to call our base like the earth planet mother was talking to me about and would make a safe place to start our journey once it is safe to travel.

"Do you know how to drive this thing?" Oracle asked not recognising the skills i have on piloting ships especially ones like this with my very own crew who I refuse to let down again like the others who once depended on me. I quickly glanced over at her for a quick second seeing how determined she is as I knew that this mech had some experience when it came to flying spacecrafts but I was uncertain to let her take control until Athena successfully delivers her sparkling I'm safe hands.

"Yes. But until everything is dealt with I'll think about letting you drive the ship" I stated not wanting to sound rude as she shrugged her shoulders not giving a care either way as she was a wrecker and it is good to always have one of those on your side whenever you're in quite a pickle. I quietly sighed as the thoughts of my mother filled my mind forcing me to replay that horrific scene over and over again like I had some play in it which I didn't but for some reason I felt like it was my fault for putting her in a situation like that and getting murdered by the ones who she thought loved her.

"Whatever boss" she said before walking off understand that I was the leader as now I the Queen-in-waiting must keep my composure and never let my guard down no matter what as the others would be relying on me to leader them with full determination and bravery to fight any enemies as we travel through space together as a team. I brought myself back to reality going to the settee coordinates Optimus had set for us to take refuge until our next departure after the sparkling is born and if it was safe to leave.

"Oo, that looks painful, I'm so glad that I ain't pregnant" Snowdrift said despite being possible the only existing Predicon alive to this day she knew what birth was and how it went with the contractions thanks to the education she got wanting to be a medic but due to the war she wasn't able to fulfil that dream and became my scout instead. I caught my attention as Athena was having intense contractions but her water hasn't broken yet even though they will become stronger my help isn't needed right now. "Don't worry we are almost at the safe point Athena, and everything will be alright I just know it!" I was honoured to have such a bright and positive scout by my side throughout my journey seeing her more of a younger sister than just ally in this war despite her strength and beats for she wasn't a threat to anyone here and never will be.

"Y-yeah..just don't get your hopes up just yet kiddo..we still have quite a bit to go" Athena said trying to get her breaths through the contractions no matter how much pain she was in but behind the fighter she was backing down was a no-go for her and I loved that about her reminding me of myself when I was young and fearless years before the war began having the time of my life to the fullest. I let out a small sigh with a smile keeping my eyes looking forward through the glass not allowing anyone of them to see this side of me to prevent any soft spot relations from happening as I could lose anymore in a single slip of a hand just like my mother.

When we arrived at the safe point I turned off the transmitter so any enemy ships that go by wouldn't be able to track us as we hide on this floating space rock that just elegantly drifted away into the cosmos. "How are you doing old friend?" I asked walking over to Athena before kneeling down in front of her joining her on the floor wanting to support her the best I can, she looked up at me with a weak smile before flinching as the pain came rushing back as her water broke right before my eyes. "oh..OH! Scrap, snowdrift get me something comfortable for Athena to lean on and to wrap the sparkling in when it arrives!" I said giving some very specific orders before looking straight at Magmaslide who stood there not certain of what to do, I on the other hand wasn't going to leave no one out besides I had something big for the guy as he is well know for finding stuff for being a thief and a well know treasure hunter for his old age. "Magmaslide, could you kindly find me some Acetaminophen please" I said staring him straight in the eyes as he quickly stumbled before rushing off as Snowdrift just came back with the things I asked for allowing Athena to finally get comfy as Snowdrift was by her side holding a hand not worried about her hand being potentially squished to death while I help deliver this baby safely on my ship.

After the Acetaminophen was finally brought to me liquified giving some to Athena to ease the pain a bit while everything else goes smoothly according to plan. Everyone stayed out of the main room while I and my scout helped in a small team to deliver this sparkling safely without any complications. "Alright, you're now big enough to start with the few pushes" I said looking up at her as she nodded understanding the command which wasn't one but she began to push as o began to carefully observe and do my job to make sure that the baby doesn't get stuck anywhere or that the cord gets wrapped around the sparkling's neck as it's coming out.

"Scrap! It hurts, it freaking hurts!" She said before stopping for a second and continued the push knowing the cycle as she used to be a midwife before becoming pregnant herself during the war. It was about an hour when I was beginning to see the baby's head as it popped out.

"Stop pushing, I need to adjust the shoulders before you begin to push again" I said as she stopped catching her breath like taking a little breath while I brought the sparkling's shoulders out carefully with my hands to not damage the child during birth or I'll be in quite a pickle if I let that happen. "Okay the shoulders are out now, you can start pushing again" I planned to notify her on the situation as it would put her at ease than keeping quiet thorough all of it as it does recommend cooperation to get this baby out of her and in good arms, as the final push came allowing the baby to slip out completely it was identified immediately of what gender it is crying with life finally free from being trapped inside for so long. "Congratulations! It's a healthy baby girl" I said cutting the cord and cleaned it up before wrapping her up and handing the sparkling over to her mother who absolutely adored her.

"Oh my, you're father would've loved to see you right now if he could" she said as I could clearly tell who the baby daddy was being the medic Rachet himself as she resembled his white and orange coloristics on her metal coat.

"What are you going to name her?" I asked wanting to know what creative names she had in store or if they had already chosen one for this little sparkling, she looked absolutely adorable in her mother's arms quiet knowing that she is safe from all harm.

"We already came up with one, it was Cascade i know it's kinda strange but we liked it" Athena wasn't lying it was a rather unique name and I thought it fit the child as well making a good addition to our little family here as we travel together on this floating rock.

"Well I think it's a wonderful choice" I stated not disagreeing on anything she had chosen as it was her child and she had the right to name it whatever she wanted and I had no choice to act against it. But I got myself back onto my feet and headed to the front of the ship and keep an eye on the radar for anything suspicious or any enemy signatures detected nearby but nothing was coming up as I drifted in my thoughts thinking of the possible life I could've had with my spark mate but it had to change thanks to the war Megatron started ruining everything we had planned together but why? I just want to know what was the reason that caused him to put our home and risk our sparks and kill one another? Is it really all worth it? I hate it I truly do but I can't do anything about it like this, I need to get stronger and lead my crew to the nearest planet or crater for any energon as we'll be drifting through the galaxy for quite a while.

"What is the plan boss?" Oracle asked as I sighed bringing up the energon tracker and instantly we found one a few miles away from where we are far away from the war making of the best and possibly the only option we have to survive. "Do you want me and Sunburst to go and check it out?" She asked as they are the only ones that posses the ability of flight while the rest of his hasn't chose a suitable vehicle mode yet especially me as those on Cybertron weren't to my liking and kinda outta dated.

"Don't get yourselves into any trouble and stick together, you never know what lies underneath all of that rock" I said giving them permission to set off to the designated location of where there was enough energon for the whole crew for 2 Orbital Cycles before we have to search for more energon.

"You've got it boss! But don't get your hopes up though, you know how I like to pound stuff" Oracle said as I sighed anticipating that she would do something like this but I can't change a mech's personality as i always liked my people being themselves but Sunburst was acting quite suspicious about something and keeps looking over his shoulder 24/7.

"Is something wrong Sunburst? If you don't want to go I can send someone else out instead" I suggest as he shook his head no but I can tell by his body language that he wasn't really up for it, I trust that Oracle will take great care of him when they're out on that deserted planet.

"Let me go too, just to make sure that these young mechs don't get into trouble with any Deceptacons while they're out there" Magmaslide butted in as he was right since these two are a bit younger than us and amateurs on the battle field so losing them would be a big loss on us as we need more muscle power and they've got it.

"Just keep them out of danger please, I don't want to lose anymore good guys" I lastly said as he got into one of the ships that was made for one mech as the other two transformed and took off to the planet I'm search for some energon even though we do have a lot of Cybertronians on this ship now as Cascade making 7 but our mechanic was downstairs minding his own business keeping everything in check despite being quite young too but he wasn't stupid or naive like the other young mechs.