Chapter 14
We took a day's worth of break before going to work on our NPCs again. We also told our employees that while they continue working on the luxury lifestyle and everything else, we wanted them to create a 9.5th floor, and make the entire exit/entry only accessible through a very complicated means, or to guild members only.
While they will be working on that, sis and I hoped to finish recreating our former crew. Of course, we would be nowhere close to done on the NPC creation, there was simply too many people to create. Such a big place cannot just be run on a few Guardians, no matter how much the anime makes it seem possible.
The place is run by a collective effort of hundreds of NPCs who are dedicated to keeping the place together and running.
We decided to start with our loyal and kind doctor. Doctor Brown. He was already pretty old in my opinion when we met him, being 50 years old. Of course, now I had no right to say anything like that, but the difference between him and me was that he aged. Or at least back then…I'm growing older now as well.
Since I'm in the game so much and we asked God to make it seem like reality (which means we have all of our 5 senses + extra senses as well as not being limited to the game rules if we want to), I felt like I was 15 again and not 6. I blame my avatar.
Anyway, we recreated the doc that was most rooted deep within our minds. A mixture of brown and grey hair, but completely white in the back. His short beard looking as if he hasn't shaved for a week or two. His slightly hunched back but nowhere enough to deduce he was having back problems or anything. His typical white Doctor's coat with our symbol in Black and Gold instead.
For his racial class, we chose Immortal Human. We simply couldn't choose anything else for him. Unlike the others, his view as a human was so deeply rooted in our minds. While we would've made him a normal human, we didn't want him to age anymore than he was already so we chose the same race as Omega. This was the only race we gave him, and it should be all he needs. Well, he technically has a normal human class as well but it counted as heteromorph since we put 0 levels in it and pushed all of it to Immortal Human which does not count as humanoid.
For his Job Class, we gave him Holy priest, surgeon of death, Poison Master, and Mage. While this general build isn't strong, we knew that his build and combat AI would allow him to fight well no matter where it was going to be. Besides, beginning with the transfer, he would get all his powers back. It would not be a problem in the least. I wouldn't be surprised if he could fight with Seas on equal grounds if not overpower him. After all, Doc was a strategist, he excelled against dumb opponents (not to say Seas is dumb but he certainly isn't the thinking type).
We put him in the 5th Floor, away from all the ice but closer to where it would seem like a normal hospital. As a floor guardian, we can wait there until the players suffered all the frost damage before coming to face them on the border to the 6th floor entrance.
Next, we recreated one of our new members of the crew. Portugas D. Ace, or as we called him, Spade. Since we didn't want him to throw away the name his mother gave him, we kept his original name 'Ace' and decided to use 'Spade' whenever there was something to do. For example when Demiurge needed to be called 'Jalabadoth'.
For his race, we gave him a Primordial Fire Elemental. While it should be similar to the massive fire giant Ainz summoned from his Guild Weapon, we changed his looks and designs a bit in that form so that he looks like himself…but can keep all the fire and heat inside himself. We also gave him a race as an Imp in which we leveled all the way to Arch Devil. This was going to be quite a problem but we made sure that we had a consumable item that would bring his Karma to 0 no matter what his race was. This would keep the peace inside society. I didn't like the idea of a specific Fire Fist burning down the world because he loves torture.
Due to giving him excessive levels into his race…actually, we spent all of our 100 levels in his race. He was already a master of fighting already so preparing for the New World, we simply did not see the point in giving him knowledge to fight on something he already knows how to do. This was one brokenly strong Fire Demon.
As expected, we put him in the fiery depths of the 7th floor where he could be continuously buffed with passive effect from being in the 7th floor. Any player if anyone ever makes it here that does't have excessive Fire Protection would suffer greatly here.
Finally, our last official and newest member of the crew…Alisha. She was a native from Mycan who was shunned because of her Devil Fruit. She was only 17 and shorter than even me when she joined our crew…but she grew even taller than me. She was 17, how is that possible to grow more from there? When we took her into our crew, we found that her fruit had so much potential for an organization like ours. Her ability to buff and debuff was a great asset to us in every major war.
We made her the 'Victim' role in the 8th floor. While we gave her a normal 'Immortal Human' race, we did the opposite of what we did to Ace. Instead of filling up her racial class, we filled 90 levels into her Job Class. First, we gave her a crazy level of maneuverability through teleportation, warping, Gate, speed. Next, we gave her so much Job classes that specialized in buff and debuffs and then one more that would allow her to spam this non-stop. Of course, we planned to put her with something equivalent to a physical monster class NPC. Which we did not play to make…yet.
With her placed in the 8th floor which was a barren desert, as well as what we planned to turn it into, we knew that this place was completely impenetrable. Forget Nazarick's defense. Victim needed to die and then be resurrected in order to cast major spells, our use of so many items in the creation of our NPCs could bypass that and still create a better if not better effect.
The final NPC guardian we were creating was an unofficial member of our crew. He was the oldest member of the crew in a way…but he was also never really there in a way like the other crew members. Our PXS-1.0 Prototype. Looks exactly like Kuma but in a full tux instead of his normal attire.
Filled to the brim of what a model Pacifista but better should be like (level 100), we put him on the first floor. His stats were extremely well balanced and his combat AI were directly programmed by us. I was sure with his stats and ability, he would be able to beat Shalltear on a 1v1 fight.
Many people assumed that the denizens of Nazarick placed Shalltear there for whatever reason, or simply because they could but that was wrong. The first guardian…or the first obstacle is crucial for a big/strong guild like ours and Nazarick (which at the point I am writing this has not been formed yet, they are currently known as Nine's Own Goals).
Other guilds would try and invade us, but going in blind into such a stronghold would be the equivalent to suicide. This is why most guild would sent a few scouts or maybe 1 or 2 parties ahead to check the inside of the guild before retreating.
While most other guardians are min-maxed to specialize in something, Shalltear is the only guardian that actually has a balanced build. This is for her to excel on 1v1 fights. By doing so, she can overpower any small party without having a specific or obvious weakness to be exploited from.
For example, Mare in close combat or Sebas from ranged attacks. Shalltear has at least a couple skills or abilities that cover for most situations as well as equipment that helps her cope with her racial weaknesses. For example her Divine class armor would block out holy attribute until it is broken.
If Shalltear successfully blocks/defeats the intruders to a point where they lose or need to retreat, then no information regarding the tomb is lost except for Shalltear.
The same was thought in mind for our PXS-1.0 He was a balanced fighter that could perform the same. Perhaps because we didn't make him into a kinky pervert or had the weakness of falling into bloodlust, i was sure our PXS-1.0 would perform the role better than that loli vampire.
That was it for our main crew, or guardian in this game. These were people who we had a real bond with…now for the rest of them as effective workers and soldiers. Of course, we'll love them and care for them as they are our creation, but our guardians just hold a special place in our hearts.
That's why we made them the 'guardians', the core NPCs of the guild and gave all of them max level…even though they really aren't that powerful.