Chapter 18
We stormed into Asgard, all of us.
At least 30 of the members from Ainz Ool Gown, sis, and myself 'gate'ed our way to where we believed was Seraphim's headquarters.
As their annoying POP Low rank angels started to pop out, we turned our plan. Which was quite cleverly thought out as so many people had both joined and left this massive guild. It was quite easy to get inside information.
Ulbert: "Maximize Magic!" "Super Tier Spell!"
He fired a giant demon fire like spell towards the golden base. In an instant, the gate looked as if it experienced a Nuclear explosion and the inside was open, all traps disabled…but we weren't blind enough to believe that.
Diana: Sending in Mercenary NPCs
Momonga: Summoning Low Tier Undead!
Fodder squads numbering in the hundreds flooded the base, setting off every trap the guild has set for us. As we rushed into their halls and one-shot their boss of the floor, we arrived at a massive hall where at least 200 members were waiting for us.
Seraphim Member: This is where you—*splat*
The last part is because I killed him. Why would you waste time and let them prepare?
Ulbert: Hold them in place! *Unholy Fire!*
Thank god friendly fire was disabled. As the most effective attribute attacked the angels, the room was soon clear of players.
Diana: They're going to respawn soon! Touch Me!
Touch Me: I know! B Squad, we go and destroy their respawn point inside the base!
Ulbert: C Squad! Protect the entrance! Stop them from coming back in! …and also trash the place while you're at ti!
Diana: Let's go! We need to destroy their Guild Weapon.
The Golden Temple was ripped apart brick from brick for hours as we searched for the items we wanted. We then realized after finding Longinus and the Shroud of the Messiah, that the Holy Grail was in the hands of the Guild Master.
Diana: Hand it over
Guild Master: No! Please….*sob* I spent so many hours getting this!
Diana: Then I'll destroy your guild weapon!
She poised the white staff above the head, holding it like a club, as if she's going to slam it down on the floor. She didn't really need to do that since once the Guild Weapon is in the hands of another player that is not from the guild, they can choose to destroy it at any given time.
Guild Master: No Please!! I'll give you anything except for that! You already took 2 of our World Items! Isn't that enough?
Me: It's never enough if you have eternity…
Guild Master: *sob* What?
Me: Sis, he's not going to listen. We're going to do this the hard way.
Touch Me: Wait, what's the hard way?
Diana: You don't want to see. I'll be honest. Even for me, this method is quite brutal.
With that, we began the 'hard way'
System: Player 'ImdaAngel' was slain by 'White Sovereign'. Item Dropped 'Sword of Michael' Additional Exp granted for slaying Guild Master
Me: Low Resurrection
Low Resurrection was a troll spell that was created for low level players. It only resurrected you with 30% of your health. You still had the same amount of mana as when you died.
ImdaAngel: Whaa—?
System: Player 'ImdaAngel' was slain by 'Black Monarch'. Item Dropped 'Spear of Destiny' Additional Exp granted for slaying Guild Master
Me: Low Resurrection
ImdaAngel: No! No! Please! Stop~!!
System: Player 'ImdaAngel' was slain by 'White Sovereign'. Item Dropped 'Book of Grace' Additional Exp granted for slaying Guild Master
POV Touch Me
The poor guy died again and dropped another item. To be honest, I'm amazed at his luck. Usually, the most valuable item is dropped but it seems like he's in that 1% where he managed to not give his weapon for like…at least 10 times now. White Sovereign ran out of times she could cast Low Resurrection so we thought that was it when…
White Sovereign: *Magic Scroll* Low Resurrection!
ImDaAngel: PLEASE!
There he goes again…Oh?
He finally dropped the Holy Grail which she gingerly picked up before storing it in her inventory.
Black Monarch: Here, you can have this.
With that, she threw us the Guild Weapon of Seraphim.
Black Monarch: I believe this concludes our alliance. It was nice doing business with you.
Bukubukuchagama: *shudder* Are they really little girls?
Ulbert: That was sick! I've never thought of something like that before! That was just so…*shudder* EVIL!
They can think whatever they want…but I was going to have to warn Momonga to never make those girls into our enemy.