Chapter 25
In the last 4 months of the game, on the 12th year, Yggdrasil declared that the game will end. With that came one final and possibly the most ambitious event of the entire event.
It promised the longest event, the strongest enemies, a battle of thousands upon thousands of players and NPC together, and most importantly, a Unique Item that will break the balance of the game itself will be hidden somewhere in the world.
On the day Ragnarok began, we heard the sound of a horn blowing throughout all the worlds as Heimdall blew the Gjallarhorn. The ground rumbles as hundreds of thousands of NPCs awakened and hundreds of boss level NPCs awoke for all 3 sides. Mankind, Giants (plus the dishonorable dead), and the Gods
System: Ragnarok has come. The end of the world has come. Pick up your weapon and fight against the Giants as Asynjur, honorable Goddess of War!
As expected, the system expected me to fight against the Giants but that wouldn't be fun, would it? The things I wanted were in Asgard after all. The new area of Asgard where Odin and his Gods were, defending the place. Besides, we took care to remove the penalties on our characters for fighting for the wrong side anyway.
But before we do anything like that, we needed to get 'that' before anyone else does. Our key to success.
As the world started to burn from the countless NPCs spawning in even the safe areas, sis and I gate(ed) out way out of the world, this was previously impossible to do, and into the void before falling back…not into a world but onto the branch of the World Tree itself. We had made it to the hidden area of the tree which was supposed to be the final arena for the showdown between the gods, mankind, and giants. But hey! It's alright. We weren't here to destroy the arena (or the ridiculously huge branch).
Me: It should be around here somewhere!
Diana: We're a little bit off! We need to climb upwards!
I sprouted arcane wings behind me (temporary) which looked like fairy wings and left a trail of faint golden mana behind, as sis and I began to fly up an area that was never revealed to anyone before. It lived up to its name as the World Tree as it was larger than anything I had ever seen before, and that counted for entire Worlds. Higher and higher we went and up through the very fabric of reality itself…or at least how it was represented when the devs made this place.
At the very top was a barren road of wood. Of course, the entire tree was barren, dry, and sick, but this branch seemed completely empty. But at the end was a small pinkish glow. One that radiated warmth and hope.
Me: It's there.
We ran as fast as we could until we reached it. What we found was an apple. A normal looking apple but also perfect. It was perfectly shaped, a perfect shade of red, and a small green leaf on the stem where it was dangling from the World Tree.
I grabbed it and plucked it off from the tree and raised it so I can see it better.
System: You have found Unique World Item "Fruit of the World Tree"
Me: It's…it's so beautiful. I know it looks like just a normal apple but we've been waiting for this moment for so long *sniffle*
System: The Fruit of the World Tree is the first and only fruit that the World Tree has birthed. Eating this fruit will result in complete freedom from the restrictions of the game and acquiring the power of the World Tree.
At that moment, I felt a familiar sense as something powerful entered the realm. No…this wasn't a game.
?: You sisters have always made me wonder…but for today, why do you take my fruit?
The voice was a female voice, but quite low. It was filled with power and authority, but also with the love of a mother and with a sense of calmness to it.
Diana: Are you the World Tree? Yggdrasil?
Yggdrasil: That I am child.
Diana: We have decided to take your fruit so we can be free. Free from your influence and power. The power, skill, and system in the world has tied us directly to you…eating the fruit will free us.
Yggdrasil: Yes it will, for the fruit is the next World Tree. Eating the Fruit will also give you my power…upon my death.
Me: May I ask why you are not afraid of death? The tone you use now seems as if you have already accepted it. I do not understand since you have shared your power to so many, why not form them as your anchor to this world?
Yggdrasil: My purpose was to use this power to give life and host them. For an eternity I have done my part. It is simply time for me to go…yet, I wish to be remembered. For while I will pass on to nothing to rest, it is being forgotten that will be the death of me.
Diana: So…you never planned to use us as an anchor to stay alive?
Yggdrasil: No. Why would I when my death is inevitable? Besides, it is my purpose to give and nurture life. Doing such to my children would be akin to killing myself. I have foreseen this death of mine so many eons ago, and truthfully, I was looking forward to it. I am glad that the day is near.
Me: So you are fine with us eating the fruit?
Yggdrasil: Fine indeed. To be honest, I am glad it is you two. Others might have used that power for abuse while others wasting it. I see in both of you that you have the correct mind to use it correctly. I name you my successor of my power but I will free you the responsibility since it seems that is what you want. The power you receive will come slowly over the eons as you understand the truth of existence and reality.
Me: Exactly so, thank you.
Yggdrasil: It is no matter. It was nice to meet such young children again. I wish you the best of luck…this was our first meeting and unfortunately our last. I believe it is time.
Just as she said that, the world shifted as color returned. The world retuned to normal…
Diana: Did that really just happen?
Me: If you mean meeting the World Tree herself…yes. I guess. I guess we got another cheat skill that ?? didn't give us. We're going to inherit the World Tree's power
Diana: What is her power?
Me: Don't know, but I know it's going to be something ridiculous powerful. I mean, it's Yggdrasil. How could it not be.
Diana: I guess you are right. Now then, the fruit?
I held the apple in my palm and took out Invidia's mirror and copied the apple…twice. I put the original back into my inventory before taking a copy each.
Me: To freedom
Diana: Freedom, but not the American kind.
(Author Note: Making a joke here about OIL. Just in case you don't get the joke.)
We took a bite of the fruit. The moment we did, we felt as if the world was lifted from our shoulders as everything became clearer. The power of the World Tree wasn't clear and we didn't understand any of it, but I was sure we would someday, but there was more important things to do.
Diana: With the limits gone, we can hunt beyond the level barrier. It's time to farm as much as we can!
With that, we ran off to hunt the newest exp bags, the World Threats of Ragnarok.