Dragon Lords Pt 1

Kara, 135cm

Long white hair that reaches her mid back if left alone.

She usually has a ponytail.

Large round & Clear blue eyes. Changes to gold when she activates Eye of Heimdall.

Typical Rinnegan eye if she uses that.

Physical body when she stopped aging is 17 but her avatar looks 13. Thus she looks 13.

Usually wears tights and a white hoodie. Doesn't like formal wear very much.

Looks very huggable and likes to be cuddled. She carries a small fox plushie around when she's alone but she doesn't bring it out of her room.

Acts childish since that's her way of enjoying life.

Diana, 168cm

Long Dark Red (Black hair with shade of red) hair that reaches her upper back.

Usually lets hair be. Sometimes puts it up in ponytail but not as much as Kara does.

Pitch Black eye color like an abyss. Sometimes looks glossy like Obsidian.

Can change to red if she activates her magma nature or Sharingan.

Phyiscal body stopped aging at 22. Her in-game avatar set age to 18. So her physical age is 18.

She's less of a loli than Kara is, that's all I'm going to say.

She looks fit like she plays Volleyball.

Wears either Pajamas or Formal Wear (Black and White suit and pants).

She look intimidating if she doesn't smile but she looks cute (like Kara) when she does. Her natural resting face has a very slight smile on the edge.

While they look different this way, most people would guess they are somewhat related. Either sisters who just look different or cousins with a striking resemblance.

Chapter 33

POV Ramposa II (Son of Ramposa). King of the Re-Estize Kingdom

Marquis: Your Majesty, our spies have informed us that the Empire is rapidly mobilizing!

Not this again, they've always threatened us to no end. Sending peasants to war again should solve the problem.

Me: I don't see the problem Marquis. Can we not just arm our men and send them to war?

Marquis: You Majesty, the Imperial Knights have…they have arms of that should belong to the Great Nobles!


Me: How did the Empire finance such things! Don't they know how expensive crafting such a blade is?!

Marquis: Your Majesty. It is not just their sword, but also their armor and shields. Their entire arms is of an army of legend!

Me: Impossible!!

How could this be? Numbers should not be a problem but with superior arms, how could we hope to beat them!

Me: Quickly!! Find out how they got their weapons! This must be a trick or a hoax! Something that simply looks the part! Find out immediately and prepare the peasants for war!!

We must find out how they got those weapons. If they are genuine weapons, then we must supply them…even if it means going into debt, and raising the taxes once more.

POV Doflamingo

Doppelgänger: Our connection with the empire has ordered an additional 20,000 sets. They request it to be delivered as soon as possible.

Me: Tell them to wait. Now that they know we have their goods, now they must wait like dogs. What is the situation with the Kingdom?

Doppelgänger 2: The Kingdom is in search for where the Empire had gotten their arms, us. We plan on revealing ourself to a few nobles in the near future. They are getting ready for war against the Empire.

Me: Good…make them wait a little longer. Make them more desperate as the Empire mobilizes. Send a note to Empire to not rush their order. After all, crafting such 'delicate' goods takes both time and effort.

Behind me, the machine roared as it stamped out yet another hundred sets and began repeating the process.

Me: Tell me about the Elven Kingdom.

Doppelgänger 3: We have slipped information to the Elf King without being seen. He is now aware of the location of Zesshi Zetsumi. He will push the Kingdom for an all out war.

Me: And the connection?

Doppelgänger 3: They request 10 million arrow heads and 10,000 Bows of the wood we have shown them.

Me: kekekeke…not even Adam Tree and they jump at the opportunity. Tell them that their order will be delivered by the end of this month.

The wheel is turning. I simply hope the other Doppelgängers are doing their jobs properly. They should be collecting the misdeeds and the secrets of the Kingdom and Empire. Secrets that must never be made known to the public.

Me: The Slane Theocracy, Draconic Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom then.

Doppelgänger 4: As you have ordered, we have not shown them anything regarding weapons but have shown them our healing totems. They are requesting to buy it by the millions.

Me: No…spread more. Make the market easily approachable. We do not want them re-selling this to the public at an expensive price. Make our presence known enough for them to approach us. Impersonate someone at this 'Adventurers' guild and send injured people to us.

Doppelgänger 4: Yes sir.

POV Kara

Diana: Alright Kara, wake up now.

Me: kuu~

Diana: Come on now, change back so we can talk properly.

I obliged while pouting, which sis just poked instead.

Diana: Doflamingo began his trade with the surrounding nations. We need to get rid of all the major distractions before they become a problem.

Me: Fine…

From my inventory, I took out 'Downfall of Castle and Country'. When I willed the item to change, it turned into a comfortable looking hoodie with a dragon on its back.

Me: There, so much better than that weird looking dress.

Diana: Ready to go?

Me: It's time we show the Dragons that they've been playing tutorial.

After informing the 5 Elders of our departure to meet the Dragon Lords, we Gate our way out to the Argland Council State.

We ignored the onlooking eyes and walked straight through the streets. Demi-humans walked in and out but we were really only interested in a few people.

As we approached the door, a few guards tried to stop us but were quickly suppressed and had their faces in the ground by simple the pressure of us walking.

We walked straight through the hallways with servants fainting left and right from our Conqueror's Haki. Reminding me of the time of when Shanks walked onto the Moby Dick to meet Whitebeard.

Diana: We're here to talk to your rulers. You will let us through if you value your life and country

Royal Guard: …cou…country?

Diana: If you refuse passage, we'll burn it down. So yes.

A complete bluff, but one that worked all the same. As he opened the door, we found ourselves facing 5 massive thrones. On 4 of them was a full grown dragon.

Blue Sky Dragon Lord, Diamond Dragon Lord, Obsidian Dragon Lord, Wyrm Dragon Lord. I'm guessing that Platinum Dragon Lord would still be up in his Flying Castle and defending it from any possible intruders.

Diana: Good day Dragon Lords. Since we are new to this world, I thought we ought to introduce ourselves.

They were already wary of us but that statement set off the bomb.

Obsidian Dragon Lord: PLAYERS!!!

He let his impulse take over as he flung himself over to us, not caring about any repercussions.

Me: Prostrate Yourself

I activated my Command mantra and buffed it up with the World Item. By the fact that my level should be over 300 (though we don't use it anymore) and that normally Command Mantra works for 40% of our Level, and the fact that any Dragon Lord was under level 120, the Obsidian Dragon Lord's face was smashed into the ground.

Technically I didn't need Downfall of Castle and Country but with this I can go beyond the limits with my job as an Evangelist. Complete and permanent Mind Control of multiple targets to say for one.


Obsidian: *GROWL*!!!

Me: Do not Resist

His resistance died away as I ordered him to not resist.

Me: See? Much better. Now then…

I looked at the other Dragon Lords who were looking at us in shock. Shock at how easily their fellow Dragon Lord was taken out of the fight.

Me: Should we do what we came here for sis?

Diana: Of course. Now, I will say it once and clear. I am not in the same league as these 'Players' you have fought. We can be said to quite literally the source of their power. We can take any number of you any day.

The Dragon Lords shivered as they understood the situation they were in. They must have been hoping that we were around the Strength of the 8 Greed Kings, for then they would have had a chance since we were only two.

Diana: In the next few decades, we will begin our plan to conquer this known world ad turn it into a paradise. Any interference from your kind will spell the extinction of Dragon Lords. Am I clear?

Diamond Dragon Lord: Who are you?

Diana: We are Society

Dragon Lords: *gasp*

DianaL I don't understand how but it looks like you have heard of us. Perhaps that would make things easier. Now, onto the deal to make sure you won't mess up.

I activated my Hobi Hobi Fruit. But unlike before, I segmented each portion of the power and now I could apply them separately. For example…

I walked up the Dragon Lord who was still squirming slightly on the ground, unsightly.

Me: Let's Make a Contract.

As I said those words, the Dragon Lords' face turned into panic as he realized he would be forced to comply.

Me: First, you must not interfere with us. You must never hurt anyone that bears the name of Society and Ainz Ool Gown. You must never hurt anyone under our protection.

Second, you must never tell anyone who we are and that we came here.

Third, you must never tell anyone what was discussed in this room.

Failure to comply would result in your immediate death.

As I was higher up and could literally feel their fear, I knew that the contract was established.

Me: It was good doing business with you. It's so nice of you to understand your place in this world. Now, would you mind telling us a few things?