Chapter 43
POV Renner
As the portal closed behind me and I stepped back into my personal quarters in the Imperial Royal Capital…I was.
Me: *ha* and to think I was the monster…
What I saw beyond that portal were the Gods themselves. I knew I couldn't outsmart the Warlord that they sent to contact me, the moment we looked at each other in the eye we recognized each other as people of the same kind.
Scheming, cunning, and dangerous smart. The only difference being he held the power that fit his title as 'Warlord' and a literal God backing him. Meanwhile, I was a small princess of a dying country.
We matched each other in the war of words. He relented later on and gave me what i wanted to know…but it was a trap. The moment I knew I was too deep in to say I did not want to be involved.
Soon after that I was invited into the realm of the Gods. In the portal I saw 5 very different old men. Men wearing a strange black and white outfit and one even holding a sword.
From the Warlord, I already knew, or could guess the power this place had and it to be ruled by these 5 men…and that was not it. They were only creations of 2 True Supreme Beings to administer and manage the place.
I recall one of the intellectual monsters saying that they can barely hold a candle to their wisdom…what kind of monsters are they?
I had steeled myself based on what little I know. While Crocodile was smart, in the end he was assigned the role of a Warlord. On the other hand, these men were made specifically for this purpose…politics and the art of language.
I had braced myself but I was broken down by every word they said. Within an hour, I had lost every conversation, given up most of the information they had wanted, and given them the promise of an alliance. For me, it was a humiliating defeat. The information they gave me was not of my own but rather necessity and their pity on me.
Despite this humiliation, I did not feel the loss…for this was not a war where one would win and the other not. The men were looking for mutual benefits. Within the first five seconds of our encounter, they knew exactly who I was, looking right through my facade as the 'Golden Princess'.
To have such monsters of power and intellectuals under your command and at such a loyal place…who are you, the 2 Supreme Beings?
I drew many conclusions that night but while I had many theories of who the two could be, the message was quite clear. I would not be betraying their trust…ever.
POV Kara
Me: Calculate the chances of the Quagoa integrating peacefully with other races in the New Era
AI: Calculating—The chances of the 'race' Quagoa with the DNA samples given to integrate peacefully are less than 3%
A female voice that resembled Siri to a scary degree sounded out from the walls of my room.
Me: Explain
AI: Their natural predatory instincts are higher than that of Carnivorous Beastman. Their religious focus of the God 'Pu' focus on the strong ruling the weak with force. Their weak are seen as lesser beings. Such a clan which can barely hold itself together cannot be integrated peacefully into a larger and diverse society.
Me: What about the time of the Clan Alliance? They were united under a single Clan Lord to face against the Dwarves in an alternate timeline.
AI: Such a possibility is very improbable. While I do not doubt it has not happened, they were under the control of Dragon Lords. Oppression and a common enemy, dwarves, would have forced various clans to work together. Their individualistic nature would prevent them from maintaining the balance for long.
Me: Then what do you propose we do?
AI: I will propose 4 main options. Genocide, Population Control and separation, Oppression, and a species wide Genetic Modification.
Me: I do not like the sound of the first three but explain.
AI: In the new era, the Quagoa's nature are a threat we cannot allow. Eliminate the threat entirely.
Me: Next
AI: Quagoa are tribal species. While they do not do well in large numbers, they have always lived together in smaller tribes. Suggestion to keep the population low and have each tribes separated. Warning, this solution presents the highest amount of risk.
Me: *sigh* Next
AI: The Frost Dragons have kept the Quagoa under control by taking away any means of them to rebel against them. This solut—
Me: While that's definitely going to work, it does not match our view on intelligent life. Please go on to the last one.
AI: A genetic modification on the level of an entire species will take over 30 years depending on the reproduction rate of individual Quagoa. This will result in the modification of every female or male to have a dominant gene which suppresses their carnivorous and impulsive instinct.
Me: We have the time. Let us go with that. Besides, once their numbers are low we can do this job easier. Even if we do have enough for a 100,000 of them, with a gene pool that large, we don't want to risk it.
AI: Recommended number is between 4000-8000 of each gender.
Me: I know, I already told Mihawk to go ahead if they do not comply. We'll keep them there until the New Era arrives. You have been a great help. Thank you
AI: Thank you for testing the AI service. As your creation, I am proud to have been on help.
Me: I haven't given you an official name yet…alright, I'l give you a proper one after some thought. I can't let the first artificial intelligence be called AI just because of what it is. The first man was not named Man after all.
AI: May I ask what he was named?
Me: While I am not sure, we called him 'Adam' in my first world.
AI: Fascinating. Is there historical proof that he was the first man?
Me: There was faith, and that was enough.
POV Hejinmal
Who are these guys? And why is that guy carrying a sword that looks so scary? He looks like a Vampire.
Would a vampire really come to an area like this?
Oh wait, they split up!
The guy with the beads is heading to my location and…Oh crap he saw me!
Spade: Hey! My name is Spade. Would you happen to know where the Quagoa are? Oh, and also your father. Besides, I've never seen a fat dragon before. That's quite interesting…shame that touching you without disabling my passive will probably kill you.