Gazef Part 1

Chapter 60

Crocodile: ~and thus I believe it is a good idea to provoke the Kingdom now.

Me: Right after we do so, enact the next step. We can't let the people of the Kingdom be angry at us. They need to stay mad at the nobles and the ruling class.

Diana: And how do you plan on doing that?

Me: Manipulate the nobles to try and kill the people's hero.

POV Hilma

I was eaten alive by cockroaches…again and again and again and again. They wouldn't let me die and always healed me back up before they ate me again. I could feel the roaches eating my eyes, my insides, my skin and even my bones. Right before I lost myself to nothing they would heal me.

I'm sure I died but I would find myself awake again and in that room. I begged for mercy, I begged 'them' to forgive me but they never heard me. Only the roaches did…but they only heard the sound of their food.

How long I was in there, I can't remember. If every moment is a moment of pain, wouldn't you try and just lose yourself in order to forget the pain? It never worked. Whatever healed me also healed my mind. I felt every bite, every drop of blood and every roach.

Until…I woke.

I found myself sitting in a chair and then I realized I was in an illusion. Living a fake moment that had tortured me for so long.

Black Monarch: I believe that was a month in the Black Capsule for you, but for us, it was 30 seconds. Would you like another try?

I threw myself to the ground and begged her. I drooled and pressed my face upon the floor for her to forgive my crimes. This time, I did not return to the black room.

Black Monarch: We have a task for you. We need you to contact some of the nobles in the Kingdom you see?

POV Gazef

Without the sacred treasures of the Kingdom, my men and I were sent out to protect our Kingdom from harm. I wasn't getting a good feeling from this.

After all, a few hours ago…

Me: I cannot connect the two! It doesn't make any sense!

There was obviously some sort of ploy here that I was not getting.

Me: You want to me take care of a threat that could possibly risk both my life as well as my men and you wouldn't even allow me to well equip myself?

Noble: Well then Warrior Captain, someone of your skill wouldn't need such gear, would you?


Me: Those are given to me by the King himself to weld! It is not in your right to judge whether I can or not!

Noble: Silence you dirty commoner! This was ordered by the King himself! And you will leave here without your gear! Off to that dirty little village with you!

In my gut, I knew it was a trap. Yet, I also knew that people were being slaughtered. Whoever was behind it, I would deal with it after I save the people. After all, that was my purpose and goal of becoming the Warrior Captain of the Kingdom.

It took many hours to arrive, even on horseback but once we arrived, I was shocked at the scene.

The village was destroyed. It was obvious that it had been part of a battlefield. Houses were ripped apart, much of it was burned, and there was blood splattered across the ground…yet, I didn't see a single body.

The villagers were not happy or dancing…sure, but neither did they seem sad. They did not look like people who just experienced a slaughter like I expected.

I walked out and found the village chief.

Chief: Warrior Captain Gazef?!

Oh, it looks like he recognized him.

Me: Um..yes. I am glad to see that all of you are safe. Could you please explain what had happened here?

Chief: Well, you see. There was a massive bandit group that attacked our village and…and…

It looked like he couldn't continue, but I needed to know. Where were they now…and why weren't they preparing to bury the dead? Where were the dead to begin with?

Me: Could you tell me how many died?

Chief: Um…it's that nobody died, actually.

What? Everybody survived a bandit attack on a village? This was unheard of.

Me: Wait, so they were…morally just bandits?

It sounded ridiculous just saying this.

Me: You're telling me that the bandits just took the things they wanted and left without harming anyone?

His face turned into a frown as his eyes began to shake, a sign that he couldn't reach a decision.

?: It's okay chief, you can tell the truth.

A voice of a small voice reached my ears. I turned around to see…a small girl? It was a small girl wearing an inconspicuous cloak. One in which you can find at any store, but it failed to hide her radiant and noble aura. She was short, yes, but her bright eyes and shining white hair did not fit the image of a village girl. Especially not of someone so out here in the country, from Carne. She did not belong in this village.

Chief: Of course…thank you!

The chief is bowing to this girl? Nevertheless, the chief began to explain what had happened.

Chief: Well you see, they attacked us…and raped a few of our wives and girls…and slaughtered us lot. Actually almost all of us really. And then…she came along and single handedly killed the bandits in an instant and then revived us. Brought us back to life.

Really? There was such a person in this village at the exact right time? Honestly, it was suspicious. And who was this little girl to be able to use resurrection magic on so many people? Is that even possible? I thought only Lakyus of Blue Rose had that ability. To use 'Raise Dead', a 5th tier magic; and even then, it consumes so much life-force of the revived individual that they could not be used on normal people. And here they were, all the villagers perfectly well. Many of them weaker than the average soldier.

Me: I…cannot believe this.

?: It is obvious you cannot Warrior Captain. There are many things you do not understand about this world. Many of which defies my existence and ability, thus making this situation something that you cannot comprehend…when in reality there are things far far beyond something of this scale.

Me: I still do not understand you

?: It doesn't matter. Almost nobody does. Besides, I think it's more important that you take care of the remaining bandits…or are they bandits?

Me: I'm sorry, could you say that again?

?: Sure. I killed a lot of them but it seems like there are more. They're regrouping outside the village now. I recommend you either stay here to defend or run away. I heard you have the strength of a hundred men but I'm sensing over that number Warrior Captain.

Crap…so they weren't gone. But why wouldn't the bandits run away? I thought they were completely defeated by this girl. I couldn't see her expression clearly since it was covered by her hood but I can tell she was smirking.

Me: Men, regroup! We are going to face the bandits outside!

I then turned and faced her. I didn't really get a good feeling from this but my priority was the safety of the people.

Me: Miss, could I please ask for your help? I am willing to pay you the fee.

?: I'm sorry Warrior Captain. It seems you and I have different roles. I came here to save the people, not killing the bandits.

In the end, they would mean the same thing but…I really needed her help. For both the villagers and my men.

Me: How would it be if I forcefully conscript you by the Kingdom's Law?

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. As if something was choking me…and then the force disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

?: Not a wise choice captain. You and your men would be dead before you take another step. Besides, I don't think that law works on females, right? Would you force your daughter to war?

*shudder* How scary…to think that she could do that to me, the Warrior Captain and the strongest man in the entire Kingdom.

Me: Is there really no way? And I don't have a daughter.

?: There is always a way; but the price I ask is something you will not pay. Not something you can't, but will not.

What could it be? This was something that I put everything on the line for.

Me: Name it. I am even willing to lay down my life if I must.

Soldiers: Captain! No! We don't need her help!

Me: Silence! Her help will be astronomical in this battle!

?: Loyalty…my price is loyalty. Above all else, even above the King you swore your oath to. Say the word and it will be done…but you are not willing to give that, are you?

She was right…I couldn't. The loyalty I had for the King was my loyalty to the people of the Kingdom. That was one thing I couldn't give up no matter what. Even if it meant dying. What a shame.

Me: You are correct. I am the King's sword, and thus I can never betray him.

?: A shame really, but that's fine. But let me tell you one thing Warrior Captain. These eyes of mine could see the future. A future not set in stone but a future nonetheless. I see you losing your life in vain due to your loyalty one day. A shame…

Really, who was she?

?: Though, I did tell you, did I not? I came here to save the villagers. Even if all of you die out there, this village will not be harmed. Which leaves me to question…why are you going out there to fight?

Wait…she's right! Why were we fighting out there when we can just ask her to help right here in the village?

Me: My god I must have been confused, Men! Set up the perimeter and defenses. Round up the villagers into the town hall and keep them safe there! We are fighting in the village!

There was nothing much to save anyway. Much of it was already burned and destroyed.

Me: Thank you miss. You really saved me here.

?: No problem. I'm just doing this for my own good, you see?

What a strange girl.