Chapter 70
Diana: Well then Senator, general, it's good to see you again.
Jircniv looked like he swallowed shit but after frowning, he decided to let it go and smiled back.
Jircniv: It sure is Diana-sama, and to you too Kara-sama. May I ask if you plan on bringing your troops to this war?
Diana: Why of course. This is a war between nations, is it not? It would be rude to use the forces of a single state instead of the entire Royal Army after all. Actually, I think they are ready. Kara?
Me: *Widen Magic* *Maximize Magic* *Gate*
Suddenly multiple massive swirling portal size of a fortress opened up behind me.
Me: Here they are…the remainder of the Royal Army of the Arcanian Empire.
In perfect rows marched thousands of the Elven Forces from the former Elven Kingdom led by Zesshi. Elves in the newly forged and enchanted Leather and metal armor marched in rows out through the gate in perfect formation. Their new bows glowing in the sunlight and their quiver full of wickedly tipped arrows. Some shining in a different color as the sun glanced off them.
Following the elves were the Dwarven forces. Mostly here to help support through technical means but they had their armed forces nonetheless. Despite their small size, they carried an impressive Warhammer, and newly forged battle axes. Not to talk about their full plate armor. The head lich got multiple complaints about how their beards always got tangled with their weapons but that was solved by braiding the beards. So this was the strongest and also the most ridiculous looking Dwarven army, numbering in the thousands as well.
Following the Dwarven forces was the Platinum Dragon Lord himself in all his glory. Not his armor or substitute but him himself in his full Dragon form. He nodded towards me before taking his place next to the other senators.
Finally, after them were our own forces. The disposable forces of 'Society' but an invincible force by the New World's standards.
Lines after lines of Death Knights and Death Cavaliers rode out on the Soul Eaters out the Gate. A handiwork of Gecko Moria who had been working overtime combining low level corpses and adding negative energy for forcefully make them undergo evolution. Following them were my own personal summons. The Lines of Valhallan Warriors who followed with a face full of arrogance and pride.
In smaller numbers came the higher level summons. Angels, Valkyries, Dragons (Beasts), Liches, Fire Giants and Ice Spirits as well as a few which were summoned from Mercenary Scrolls.
Diana: These are our troops. Oh, and that is Draudilon, Queen from the Draconic Kingdom. She's here to watch us beat down the Re-Estize Kingdom. Raymond's in the back if you want to see him, feel free but he doesn't feeling like talking now for some reason.
Sis smiled. A smile closer to a smirk than something of showing joy.
All in all, it was close to the numbers of the Kingdom, and surpassing even that with the State of Baharuth's legions. Nobody could look down on the forces gathered here today; after all, each of the members of the last troops was a doomsday monster. And here they were, in the thousands. Standing around and waiting for orders.
While sis began talking with the other officials, I teleported out towards where the battle will take place. Upon the hill where the former Baharuth Empire had set up their base was the remains of their fort…untouched since last year.
Their wooden fortress had served their purpose each year but now it was no longer required. A wooden fort up top a hill might be intimidating but it wasn't enough to strike fear into the hearts of people.
Me: Sorry to all the people who built this but it looks like it is past its expiration date.
As I raised my hand, the fort crumpled into the ground by sheer unseen force before burning into nothing but ashes.
As the last traces of the wooden fort was gone, I began to cast my own magic. One that would surely scare the shit out of the troops.
Me: *Super-tier Magic* *GM Rights-Widen Magic* *GM Rights-Maximize Magic* *Summon Fortress*
While it was originally impossible to use supporting spells on super tier spells, I was able to bypass all those restrictions like it was nothing. As I pumped an unbelievable amount of mana into the spell, the timer spun down to 0.
Me: *Summon*
The ground glowed bright before turning into a shade of gold. As the light continued to blind those around it, once the light was gone stood a massive fortress. The word fortress was an understatement as it's size almost matched that of the size of the inner wall of E-Rantel…except this one was way better.
The solid stone brick walls were lined with adamantium to prevent both corroding and other materials from damaging it at all. As if that was not enough, I managed to put in runes that would harden the walls on impact as well as self-repair if the damage was too big. Also one for cleaning since keeping a wall in shape is no easy task. This would allow the soldiers to do more productive things in that time.
The silver light wall stood at a stunning 20 meters tall and 4 meters thick. Each wall was set with the proper equipment ready to go. The storage was stocked with weapons, ammunitions, food, other goods, and the symbol of the Arcanian Empire.
Me: Now this will surely ought to scare the shit out of them
I smiled as I imagined what the look on their faces will be once they realize something like this was standing where a small wooden fort was.
Poor fools. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Of course, even if they accepted the deal one in a million, I had no intention of sparing the nobles anyway. In the deal, I specifically states that I will offer protection to the Royal family, but I never mentioned the nobles so the protection would not apply to them.
Me: Well, now at least things are going our way.
The winners always decide the conditions of the post-war treaty. This way, we wouldn't need to concede anything to the Royal family…not that Renner needed anything other than her Climb to begin with.
I hope she's doing her part well. We'll need her when the negotiations begin.