The Boy with an Inherited Will

Chapter 81

POV Morius, a young orphan boy in the Holy Kingdom

4 years ago…

In the broken down house, I wept over the corpse of my mother…who I knew was no longer breathing. I knew she was dead. I've seen it happen to so many others in this dangerous street.

I knew it might happen to our family…but what else could I have done in this twisted world? I was 8! Goddammit, what gods? What faith? the only thing this world cared about was power and money.

Failure to pay their 'fee' meant coming in and killing my family. As I wept, I realized that I was numb. I was crying…weeping really because my body felt like it…on the inside…I felt nothing, and that was worse.

I desperately wanted to feel sad, horrible, but my mind was way beyond that stage. I could think very clearly, but at the same time I couldn't finish a thought either. I was mad, numb, emotionless, than raging again.

I broke the broken furniture; I shook my death mother; I called out to my missing father…nothing was making me feel better. I don't know how long I just sat there with no will to move or do anything when the gang members returned.

Gang: Oi kid, move. This is our place now.

My brain was functioning correctly. I tried to tell my legs to move. If that didn't work, to shake my neck to tell them that I understand and I will comply. But nothing worked. I was stuck on the floor and my screaming mind couldn't get my obey to obey. With a sharp hit to my head, I found myself seeing black…only to wake up in the muddy alleyway outside.

Since then, I lived off by stealing and thieving. I stole bread, money, clothes, and everything I needed. Sometimes I slept in the streets, other times in sewers. A few times when I was especially lucky I snuck into empty homes that the owners weren't using for some reason…of course I was always quickly busted thanks to those damn neighbors but I was still alive, and that was all that mattered.

At least that was what I tried to convince myself. I never stopped doing 'something'. I couldn't allow myself to stop and feel the pain and emptiness of what that day brought me.

On one fateful day, I awakened my talent. One in which I didn't realize what it was until some time passed. I realized I had something akin to a permanent 'inspection' spell on people. If I wanted to, I could see everyone's name and occupation as well as their 'level' which showed their level of general power.

I remember the strongest Paladin, Remedios, walking with her troop across the street when I used my talent on her.

Remedios, Paladin

Level 42

That was the highest level I had ever seen on anyone. I myself was only Level 11 while most people were around 5 or 6. Trained soldiers and Paladins were higher but almost nobody was higher than level 30…even the Paladins who had their own troops. I used to think that was the highest point in power, until now that was…

It was a small girl, perhaps around my age. She was blond and under her cloak I saw the prettiest face I had ever seen. It was weird since someone like her would usually be known around the city, especially with those expensive shoes I could make out from under her cloak. My first impression was she was probably some noble's hidden daughter, until I used my talent on her.

???, ???

Level: BEYOND LIMIT///////ERROR///////ERROR///////ERROR///////ERROR

Message: Nice talent kid, but it's not nice to appraise people like that

What the heck?!

POV Kara

This kid had an interesting talent. If I hadn't payed attention beforehand, then he probably would have seen my name and job, and that's not really good if I'm found in a foreign (or enemy) Kingdom.

Oh? He's walking towards me. Didn't he get my message of don't ask and stay away through his message thing?

Boy: Are you a god?

Interesting first question. To be truthful, that was the same question I've been asking myself for a few years now. To many, I would no doubt be considered a god with the feats I have done and are capable of. Still, I knew I wasn't omnipotent, I had a superior god, namely ??, above me. Can I still be considered god? Well, it wasn't like I really cared about what I was.

Me: I guess you can say that, but I don't consider myself to be one.

Boy: What do you mean?

Me: Well, do you believe in the 6 gods? Well, 4 gods, whatever

Boy: No

And yet he's living here? Interesting

Me: Then I'm not a god to you either. Sorry to disappoint.

I was about to walk off when he called to me again. Well, in truth he was more like a teenager…maybe 17 years old? Short Dark blond hair, much taller than I was, maybe just under 6ft?

Boy: Could you…could you train me?

What were you playing at ??, is this another plot of yours?

Me: Let's hear out the story then, I'll treat you to a drink.

I walked into a bar where people stared at me for a bit until I made them feel uneasy unconsciously. Since times were times, nobody cared about a little girl walking into a place like this. The bartender needed every coin he could get.

Me: 10% coffee, 20% sugar, 70% milk. Mix them around a thousand times please.

Bartender: We don't have that on the menu. Much less coffee

I just put down a gold coin on the table when the guy took it, saluted me, and ran out of the place to buy some.

Me: We've got some privacy now. So tell me then, or I can just read it all out of your mind if you wish.

Boy: No…no thanks, I can talk. My name is Morius and I turned 16 a few weeks ago.

Me: Skip the useless parts.

So he did, and he shared his story. It was a shame truly, but when I searched for his parents' souls, they had already moved on. Shame really, since some choose to wait as long as they can before moving on. I decided to keep this information from him since it would only hurt him.

Me: So you're alone now, huh

Morius: Yes.

Me: So why do you want me to train you exactly?

Morius: Because I want to get stro-

Me: As in why do you need that power.

He stayed silent for a bit before answering.

Morius: So when I find something that is worth my life, I can protect it from harm.

For a split second, I thought I saw him in my eyes. My eye of Heimdall itched as I recognized something familiar about him, but I couldn't really place it anywhere.

Fuck it, I'm going to cheat and look into his soul.

I knew it.

Me: I knew the wills can be passed on even without bloodlines but this is remarkable.

Morius: Excuse me?

Me: I didn't know that wills could travel between worlds…or perhaps did it just follow me here? How interesting, and you actually kind of resemble him a bit.

Morius: I lost you a while ago

Me: I know you're not in there but I'm glad you found a loving family…at least before you lost them this time. And sorry for before. I think you already knew but I never really had the chance to apologize. Now I'm apologizing to someone who had inherited your will…strange feeling.

Morius: Miss? You're starting to creep me out here a bit.

Me: As a form of apology…uuu, it takes a bit of time but I guess I am in need of a Commander. The receiver of your will should do just fine. I still have your power stored aside for instances like this anyway.

The boy, or Morius, was looking at me as if I was totally crazy.

Me: Look, you won't understand it but you hold the will of someone I have met before. Not someone I knew or anything, but someone I owe an apology to. I never admired the guy but he was worthy of respect, I'll give him that.

Morius: So…?

Me: I'll train you as a way to make some reparations…also since you're pretty interesting. That talent you have is kind of useful too. Just don't trust it all the time thought.

He broke into a smile as he realized I was telling the truth, but then he scrunched his face back up into a frown as he asked me the question he must've been wondering.

Morius: So who were you talking about?

Me: You wouldn't know him of course, but his name was Katakuri.