Training a brat

Chapter 83

Morius POV

For the next few weeks, life was both heaven and hell at the same time.

Liliana-sama, or at least that was what she told me to call her brought me to the edge of the Forest of Tob where she told me I would be training for a couple years. I was about to complain about all the stuff I would need when…

Liliana: Summon Mansion

Just like that, a black brick mansion, three stories high was created in the middle of nowhere. To make matters even more confusing, the place was stocked with food and all the utensils I would ever need. Water flowed through what was she called "This magical thingy which imitates a pipe".

It was all great until I was called outside and I saw what the word 'deforestation' meant. Somehow in a matter of seconds Liliana sensei managed to clear out the nearby couple hundred meters into nothing but flat land.

Liliana: Welcome to hell, your training begins today. Now, attack me.

Me: Excuse me?

Liliana: You heard me correctly. Now attack me.

That was ridiculous. I wasn't one to be fooled by her appearance. I can literally see her level in which even my talent couldn't calculate. She was quite literally a god wearing human skin.

Me: Sensei, don't you think that's…um…kind of impossible? Can I learn how to fight before I train with you?

Liliana: Pain and experience creates the best results. I need to see what parts of the body you use and all before I begin to teach you. That involves crushing you into a pulp a couple of times. Now stop wasting time and bring it.

I knew this was going to be painful. It was what I decided to do thought anyway. Holding back my regret, I charged her with my fists at the ready.

The moment I threw my fist, she grabbed me and threw me down. I didn't even give me a chance to get back up before she grabbed me with one hand before slamming me down again.

Liliana: Your enemies would have killed you if you stay down. Always land on your feet…unless you have a different plan.

*thud* *thud* *thud*

Like a ragdoll, I was thrown around the clearing as I definitely felt my ribs break one after another.

Me: Time! Time! My ribs!

Liliana: Low Heal. Ok, let's continue.

I know it. She's not a god. She's a devil in disguise!

Timeskip 3 Weeks

Training here was like heaven and hell…or did I say that before? The training was the worst. Sensei had absolutely no mercy, even when she wasn't here. Often times she's send a something called a doppelgänger who looks exactly like her to teach me and they were just as bad.

The only saving grace here was the amazing accommodations that came with it. First of all, the mansion was what I imagined what a Royal Palace would look like, except it turned out to be better. The food…oh my god the food! I've never tasted things that good in my entire life and here I could have it at every meal. It's was just the hell that came after the meal that I dreaded…even though I knew it would all pay off one day.

Liliana: Those old guys don't know style. This is what it means to live in luxury.

Me: Aren't you olde—

Liliana: Shut it kid. I'm 17 years and 50,600 months old.

Me: So you're over 4 thous—

Suddenly, I felt the shadow of death upon me as I looked at her eyes, burning with rage.

Me: *gulp* You're 17 forever sensei.

Liliana: That's better.

When I wasn't being thrown around the floor and getting bruised, she made me do strength and cardio training beyond what I thought was possible.

Sensei: Run around the forest…let's just say three times since you're new at this.

Me: WHAT?!

Sensei: You heard me.

Suddenly, we were teleported outside the forest. No, rather at the boundaries of the place.

Sensei: Follow the edge of this forest and keep running until you arrive back here. If you're not back in a week, I'll force you to do it again.

Me: This'll kill me!!!

Sensei: It will, but you'll be fine.


Sensei put something like a chain on my wrist and smiled at me.

Sensei: That wristband has a resurrection spell in it. It'll keep you alive until you get back here. Solve the food and water issues on your own. I'll allow you to go into the forest during those times. Also, try not the get eaten. I heard it's not nice being resurrected in an animal's digestive system. Now off you go.

She teleported back without me. That goddamn sensei!

Timeskip 3 Weeks

Maybe it's the food or maybe it's just the effect of being around sensei the but the effects of training was astounding.

I used to believe that being blindfolded and playing Piñata was something only a mad person would do. I still believe a mad person would do it, but if the trainer (or sensei) knew what they are trying to achieve, then it yielded results I never thought possible.

Step by step, she told me what to look for within myself. I still didn't know shit about it but she was so certain that there was this power in me that I could use. Something called 'observation haki for noobs like you'. I don't know what noobs mean but I'm sure it's a branch of some superior Martial Art like the ones she's shown me.

Other than that, my schedule was filled with strength training and endurance.

Me: Why can't I learn some actual moves yet?

Liliana: The 6 Styles requires great strength, speed, and endurance. Your weak body would cripple under its' use. I need to make sure your body is up for the challenge before I teach you how to use them.

I wanted to argue but I knew she was right. On a compromise, she let me see exactly what she was going to teach me.

Liliana: The 6 Styles is a Martial Art that was made to make your entire body into a weapon. With just your body, you will be able to defeat a hundred men. In reality, this world is weaker than that of where I came from…so around 500 armed soldiers I'll say. Now watch carefully.

She suddenly jumped into the air…but she didn't fall. Instead, she continued to jump around in the air as if she was making a platform in the air. Using the air below as platform to continue jumping, and thus flying in the air.

Liliana: This is the first style, called Geppo. It allows you to jump off the air itself and thus stay afloat for far longer than one normally would. This allows you great mobility and advantage over your opponent. You will quite literally have the high ground.

She then summoned a Death Knight out of nowhere and ordered it to strike her. The Death Knight, being the mindless brute it was, struck its master with all its strength using its blade.

I did not know much about these legendary undead but one thing I did know is that they are ridiculously powerful. I once heard that a single death knight is capable of bringing down an entire nation on its own and…


The blade of the Death Knight broke against the bare skin of Liliana sensei.

Liliana: Now, this actually doesn't count since Mortals are quite literally not allowed to strike me but even without the contract I would have been able to produce the same results. This is called Tekkai, the second style. It allows the user to harden your muscles to the level of steel to nullify attacks. Continue practicing and strengthen your natural body, your defense with Tekkai with grow as well.

As the Death Knight looked at his broken sword is a confused manner, Liliana Sensei pointed a single finger at him before…


Her finger penetrated his armor, into where his heart should be (if he does even have one) and through to the other side. Liliana Sensei withdrew her finger from the pierced hold of the Death Knight as it stumbled back before crumpling onto the ground, defeated.

Liliana: That is called Shigan but sis and I call it 'Finger Gun' for fun. I know you don't know what a gun is so just imagine your finger is a spear tip and you learn to do more with just your fingers.

She then turned and faced the far tree line, hundreds of meters away. I thought she would ask me to walk there with her…instead, she got ready for a kick. She kicked the air in a circular fashion, but instead of a natural kick, an air blade formed where she kicked. The blade continued onwards, not bothering to stop until it crashed into the tree line where it continued to cut more and more trees.

*slice* *slice* *thud* *thud*

Liliana: Jeez, this is why I don't like doing this outside. It ruins the scenery. Besides, I must've been out of practice for it to only go this much.

What I saw before me was strength from a single, normal kick…?

Liliana: Anyway, that's called Rankyaku, but I call it 'Sickle Kick' . You get the main gist of how I did that, right? You just kick the air to form an air blade and send it at your opponents. Simple. Now, that was 4 of the 6 Styles, so we'll do those first before moving on to the next 3 in a few years.

She began to walk back to the house but the math didn't add up.

Me: Why is it 3 more when there's 6 and you showed me 4?

Liliana: There's a hidden 7th skill. You don't need to worry about it yet.

As she left, what I saw here today left me a lot to think about. If this was really a level of strength that someone like me could achieve…! I still had doubts but after seeing the possibilities of what I could become.

Liliana: Hey, why aren't you coming? Can't you see that I'm waiting for you? I'm not exactly the most patient person you know.

I looked back to see Liliana Sensei just standing there. It wasn't much in reality but somewhere in my heart I felt something move…to have someone of such power wait for me. A worthless orphan.

Liliana: You'll need to keep up with me when I'm not training at least Commander Morius

Commander Morius…I did like the sound of that.