Short Talks

Chapter 85

4: Our satellite images show that there are three more continents that have either a similar landmass to the one we are currently residing in and four more that are smaller but are large enough to be considered a 'landmass' or a 'continent'. Of those seven continents, two are covered in Ice while one is a desert and Savannah landmass which I found doubtful if it will harbor intelligent life.

Me: You'll be surprised at where they can survive. Any sign of technological advancements? Perhaps railroads or something along the technology of the middle ages?

4: We have confirmed civilizations on two of the large continents. By the fact that the images show them using animals that are similar to the shape of 'lamas' to pull wagons and the height of their structures, I do not believe they are as developed as our country are.

Me: How many countries are there? Or warring nations should I say.

4: This is an estimate but both continents seem to have 2 central powers with dozens of city states all throughout the smaller and less valuable lands across the continent.

Me: Interesting. So this is kind of like China where they continue to unify and then break up only to reunite again?

4: Excuse me?

Me: South Blue Alliance?

4: Ah yes. They form alliances and unite only to break up again.

Me: And how's the training for the Navy going? Did many people sign up for it?

4: We got more than we expected, judging that even if it is the Arcanian Empire, joining the military isn't exactly the safest occupation. Despite this, the benefits of becoming a veteran and the services we promised has got many to join.

Me: We can't have them become officers yet. You know how putting them next to each other causes corruption. We need at least one of our direct summons on each ship to keep an eye out for things like that.

4: Of course

Me: And how's the Arcanian Academy doing? I heard that it opened the other day.

4: It's new so we succeeded in gaining the attention of a lot of people. We just need to show why the Academy will be called the 'best'. I suggest sending a few of our summoned cooks to serve them the Newkama Secret Ingredient food so the students can develop faster.

Me: Not now, but soon. For now, we must search for talent in this vast empire. Search for those who have 'unqiue' ones. Not necessarily powerful but useful in other ways. We need to bring them into the Empire for 'work'. Cover for every possible scenario that might happen.

4: Yes, of course Kara-sama.

Me: How is our war industry. It better be rolling and steaming out money.

4: It is almost working overtime. While we lack the soldiers, we have an overwhelming number of applicants for the officer track. Perhaps we should make it mandatory for the them to go as regulars for a couple years before applying.

Me: Balance it out between regions for now. Start with the central areas before moving into areas like the former theocracy. We still want to have a strong hand on them before we start to trust them a bit.

4: Of course Kara-sama. Um…may I ask a question?

Me: Shoot

4: Why did you make the persona of Liliana? And why are you teaching that little thing using your own time? Wasting the time of someone of your status should be a federal offense!

Me: I created Liliana so I can travel around easier, though that boy had a talent and saw right through me. Not my illusion but my power. Did you know he inherited a will of someone I knew? It was honestly curiosity

4: I see

Me: It was also the fact that I was extremely bored but I didn't want to do paperwork so I used what I just said as an excuse to go out and do even more nothing.

4: So there really wasn't a point?

Me: Well, I can actively engage with my own citizens, even if they don't know. I think that's reason enough. Besides, it's relaxing to just do nothing. You know the changes we've made in just a few years have made this world a better place…except for the Holy Kingdom. Let's be honest though, they brought this down upon themselves.

4: True. I thought they would have a higher chance of mobilizing and fighting the death than isolating themselves into death by starvation. The most likely thing to happen was them opening up and asking for vassalage but independence in their rule; which we would have not accepted, but they would have tried.

Me: Calca calls Remedios and idiot but sometimes I wonder how blind a ruler can be regarding the state of their own people to make a choice like that. Or maybe their history just wasn't long enough to understand what happens when a small country isolates itself and discourages trade.

4: It has earned us time and matching theirs, we have adopted and equally effective strategy.

Me: True, Ainz Ool Gown should be here soon. I hope Momonga's alone. Dealing with the others would be too troublesome. Especially Lucifer and Touch Me. Too blind or arrogant in their own right, although Touch Me does remind me of my younger selves when we blindly chased Justice.

4: We can only aim to create a perfect nation. Actually achieving it will be impossible if not an illusion.

Me: Actually, it's pretty easy to make a utopia; however it involves taking away free will and that kind of ruins the point, doesn't it?

4: Will you ever resort to that?

Me: Not for creating a utopia, no. But I will if our nation is ever in the risk of fracturing. Though I hope that day will never come. We've already put in so much work during the last few years to unify this Empire and glue together the cracks and grudges that species and former nations have held against each other.