Long Time No See!

Chapter 90

A famous Quote by Kara Fujitora

"Everybody gangsta until a yonko shows up at their door"

A famous Quote by Diana Fujitora

"What's up bitches?"

Me: He's here

Diana: You sure?

Me: Positive. Space warp around the Katze Plains that is on the scale of our magic. It's either a prank from ?? or it's Momonga I'm willing to bet it's him. It's already been years. It's about time he gets here.

Diana: Is he here here or is he coming here.

Me: The transfer is going to complete in a few minutes. the terrain…or should I saw Nazarick is being uploaded into this world. I'm going to say hello to him when he arrives.

Then both of us felt it. As the fabric of space expanded to fit something that was not initially there. Something…somehow had just created more space.

Me: Man…that's some next level shit. I could only push space out of the way to create the illusion that there's more space when I'm taking it from somewhere else. I should look into how that happened.

Diana: Ok, enough small talk. Ainz Ool Gown is here. You do your part.

With that, I teleported outside of Society and out into the Katze Plains. I took the long way and chose to walk for a few minutes before I saw Nazarick literally materializing in front of me. The Old and Grand tomb in all it's glory…I spent so much time and effort here just like I did with Society. Of course, it wasn't long compared to how long I lived and how much more I can (which is eternity) but for when I was still a human, dedication of that much time meant a lot.

I felt a familiar pull as a player tried to connect to the system in the world. A system in which sis and I had already taken over. While in one part I had no idea how Momonga was subconsciously reaching out for the GM call function without the menu, it was still the easier way to get to explain everything.

Me: [Looking for this?]

Momonga: who…??

Wow…his voice definitely changed. Back when it was the game, his voice was not as deep or powerful as his avatar was. Did he not realize it himself now? He should be able to hear himself say things with his new voice.

Me: Hey Momonga! I'm afraid this is the closest thing to a GM call you're going to get. It's Kara by the way

I decided that was enough of an introduction before I pulled out the Ring of Ainz Ool Gown from my inventory, put it on my ring and teleported straight into the Throne Room…scaring the living daylight out of almost everyone there.

Me: I've got a lot of explaining to do, but since your mind is now that of an undead, I trust that you will listen to me well and trust what I say.

I looked around the throne room to see so many nostalgic faces. I saw Albedo right in front of me who was…why was she panting…??!!

For some reason, I felt a feeling of dread as I realized what Momonga had done to Albedon in canon. But I already took the precaution for that and put in the necessary clauses so anything like the crazy Albedo will not happen…so why was Albedo like this?


Momonga: …nothing…

Me: *glares*

Momonga: Message [I might've made her a mother figure to you…and wants to dote on you a lot]

He barely finished his sentence before I was tackled to the ground my Albedo, who despite my overwhelming strength continued to leech on me…like a true pervert.

Albedo: KARA-SAMA! AAHHH~~ I feel full…My daily refreshment time of my cute little Kara~~~

While I did like being called cute, I was not in favor of being physically and mentally raped in the process of doing so.

Me: Albedo! Control yourself, please! I'm your creator, not the other way around!

Albedo: It's no use Kara-sama! I'm already in love with you as my daughter! My cute little adorable daughter! *pant* *pant* I want to see little Kara-sama in a cat pajamas

Me: Excuse me?

Albedo: Nothing

*sigh* So trouble did come along…just not in the form I expected. Well, at least this was better than the other type I was expecting where Albedo is solely and only focused on getting Momonga's bone dick (which doesn't exist). I still needed to get onto the matters at hand.

Me: Now, Momonga…don't you feel weird at all? Your mind has been locked into your avatar and now you are in a place you do not recognize. How haven't you asked me any questions yet…? *smooch* *smooch* … …AND SEBAS PLEASE RESTRAIN ALBEDO FOR THE TIME BEING!

As a lustful moan from Albedo was followed by a WWE move by Sebas holding her in a pin on the luxurious floor of Nazarick's throne room, I turned my attention back to Momonga.

Me: Anyway, I think it's better to have this discussion with everyone. Demiurge

Demiurge: Yes, White Sovereign-sama?

The Arch Devil put on his creepy (and evil) smile as he bowed to me. Apparently something in his code that I changed made me look like the perfect image of evil hidden in the personification of a perfect being. Well…as long as it worked to keep his carnivorous and brutal desires down a bit.

Me: Demiurge, while I am pleased with the honor you put on my name, you may call me Kara like the others do. Call all the Guardians, and Area Guardians, the Pleiades, and other high ranking members of Nazarick to the Throne Room…except Gargantua. I don't think we have the room to fit him here.

Demiurge: As you wish.

With a flick, the arch demon disappeared.

Me: Now while the others are being gathered Momonga, let's go over the basics. Now, here is what I know would have happened to you. You were acting normally, expecting the end of Yggdrasil when you were suddenly…in a way…locked in and before you realized you were pulled here. Correct?

Momonga: hmm…yes, that will be about right.

Me: Congratulations Momonga, you have experienced the advent, in other words, you survived the end of the World Tree. You can thank me, sis, and my dad for that. In other words, you are Momonga right now. I trust that you understand what I mean?

Normally, Satorou was not a fast thinking man but his avatar, the highest ranking undead was a natural genius, so it didn't take much for the elementary graduate to understand what I meant. He himself must have felt it after all. His lack of emotions, the negative energy flowing through his very bones, and his undead powers and awareness giving him the knowledge that he was no longer where he was just moments ago.

Me: I'll give you some truth. You think I am as old as Kara Fujitora, the little girl of Issho is. Truth is, I'm way older Momonga, much older than your history actually. I come from before your kind set up proper civilizations. That is how old I am…and I simply knew that this would happen one day, and thus I took the chance to escape into this world.

I could see the negative energy focusing in his skull as he tried to make sense of what I was saying. What I was saying was essentially disregarding common sense and the knowledge as a whole but…right now he was an overlord so common sense was already thrown out the window. Besides, he trusted me. There were man things the old bones was cautious and worried about but if he had one quality that I respected, it was his trust and love for his friends…and I happened to be near the top of that list.

Me: You know how the world is. Sure, with my position and power I was in a much better place than most of the world…actually all of the world to be realistic; but how long will that last? Soon your world would have descended even lower than what was conceived possible. The Megacorps will not keep their power forever and soon they will all collapse, one by one…as they have already begun to do so. The Earth itself will keep people from being able to rebuild our communities…that world is already doomed and I did not plan on dying with them.

Albedo and Sebas's eyes opened as they realized a small portion of the world we had come from.

Me: Now, before you get all worried about all of this Albedo, Sebas. The world I am talking about is not my original world, it is my…hmm…third home in a sense. Or should I say 'I took a vacation but I got stuck there' situation. Imagine you went to the fifth floor to feed the prisoners but the door accidentally got closed on you…that's a similar situation to what happened to me.

This time, a look of understanding flashed across their faces as I took something that they actually understood. Nobody really liked going to the fifth floor…maybe except Cocytus but secretly I knew he liked the 6th floor more. He was always (secretly) jealous of the arena we had put there (code inputted)…strange since it wasn't like we wouldn't build one for him if he asked one.

Me: So I came here, where finally all of my powers were restored…and more. Perhaps now you can understand why I exploited Yggdrasil the best I can.

Just when I said that, gates opened across the throne room as guardians and the others entered the throne room and promptly kneeled before me, or Momonga; after all, he was still sitting on the throne.

Me: Good to see that you have spread my message so fast Demiurge. And it's good to see all of you again. It may have only seemed like a day for you but…for me, it was a long time; which I will explain that the 'long time' was literal.

I turned to Demiurge who had once agin walked up the stairs leading up to the throne and had taken his place opposite of where Albedo would normally stand.

Me: Demiurge, I think it is time they know what I have told you to expect. I give you permission to inform the denizens of Nazarick of their current situation and my plan of moving forward.

Demiurge took a step forward, straightening his tie and looking quite proud of himself as he addressed the rest of Nazarick. During this time, Sebas has let go of Albedo and has allowed her to take her position back as Guardian Overseer next to Momonga's throne.

Demiurge: Of course Kara-sama! It is my honor! As expected of her foresight, things have come to pass exactly as Kara-sama has predicted!

The sound of awe and respect filled the room as the guardians who have arrived fixed their eyes on me. Pandora's actor…well, he didn't really have eyes but it looked like his dots were fixed on me as well.

Demiurge: Kara-sama has informed us all that the World Tree will come to an end, that our world will burn with it…I am sure that we all despaired when we heard this news. Strong, we might be, but what are in the face of the flames of the World Tree itself?

Then, he gestured to me as he got down on one knee, as if he was praising a hero of legend…ok, maybe I already had that title but this was getting ridiculous. I'm certain that I messed with his codes enough so that all of his blind reverence was downplayed but I guess other factors played in as well.

Demiurge: then…Kara-sama was the answer all along! She was the way! The will! The road!

God no, please stop. You're making me sound like Jesus and I'm not him.

Demiurge: She told us that as the World Tree falls and the worlds with it, a new one shall take its place…with Nazarick and all of its denizens with it. Here we are, safe and sound. Just as she had predicted.

The others looked at me in reverence again, but why? I already told them all of this; this wasn't the part to be surprised yet or anything.

Demiurge: Kara-sama and her holy sister took it upon themselves to carry the burden of the World Tree and give us another world to live; their only worry was when they would arrive in the New World. As even though our world ended at the same time, the time difference and rupture in the fabric would teleport Society and Nazarick to different points of time and space in this New World.

I nodded at him to continue.

Demiurge: Kara-sama had given me contingency plans for what I was to do if Nazarick had arrived ahead of her…but looking at it now, I feel like that is useless. Kara-sama…I believe that everything has going to the plan?

Right now, I could almost hear the inside Suzuki going 'what plan???!!!'

Me: It is as you say Demiurge. All has gone as planned. I only need Nazarick to fill in the rest and this world which resembles a box of jewels…is ours. So now Momonga, I must bring up this topic to you.

I turned and faced the Overlord who I was sure was sweating profusely inwardly. He was hiding it pretty well right now with all the unmoving face, but I knew Suzuki Satorou better than anybody (maybe except Ulbert).

Me: I want you to hand over the leadership of Ainz Ool Gown to me…you lead us in Yggdrasil, better than anyone else could have ever done, but now the scene has changed. We are in the New World now Momonga. This is a stage you do not know at all, but one in which I have practically conquered. To complete it, I need Ainz Ool Gown, and I cannot have complete freedom in my actions until I am guild master, so what say you Momonga?

I could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to make sense of the words I said to him. Essentially, he was just asked to step down from his position as guild leader. If this was back in the game, he probably wouldn't have minded at all judging that while he was honored that his guild master trusted him that much…he no longer had a reason to play guild master with me there; however, this was real life now. Other than the fact that he was a Level 100 Overlord, his status here as a guild master guaranteed him power in Ainz Ool Gown, and while he would remain unquestionably a 'Supreme Being', there was a difference between that and the Guild Master.

Me: I know how to lead them Momonga. Not in ways of reaching an agreement between two sides, but actual politics. I know how to lead the people here, I had all the time I needed to prepare for this role Momonga, listen to me.

This was where I hit his sore side. As far as he was concerned, he was a normal Japanese Salaryman with the education of a middle schooler and he knew that. He knew he wasn't capable. The pressure of leading this massive guild, now that it was alive and real would crush him…if he couldn't feel it through his undead emotion limiter, than I would make him feel it through haki. After all, this was his one weakness in his mask.

Momonga: Umu…I see your point Kara, but what will I do in the guild if I am not Guild Leader?

Me: Well, what about doing some of the stuff you've always wanted to do with your unlife? Enjoy it a little with the time and power you now hold. The good food, the clean world, the creations of our friends; there is so much you can do here. You will always be a Supreme Being, am I right?

The Nazarick denizens behind me cheered as they recognized Momonga's achievements and glory of his status (forever) as a Supreme being.

Me: Besides, it looks like Albedo is dead set on being my…um…stepmother. That's all I'm compensating, and tell me truthfully Momonga, don't you like Albedo? I thought Tabula created her in your image of the perfect waifu.

I couldn't see the skeleton blush but his sudden green magic of his emotional limiter going off told me what he felt. Behind me, I heard the lustful sounds of an H-Cup Level 100 Succubus making a blissful moan as she heard the truth behind her creations. Well, I did make sure that she would love Momonga.

Me: You can get a love life here. Tabula created her for this role, you are in no way insulting Tabula's honor or creation. If any, you are honoring both him and her for serving her purpose well…also…you'll technically be my stepfather because of that damn line of code you put in.

Another line of green emotional limiters went off as the timid (but not on the outside) Overlord realized his new role in the great tomb. It looked like I had overwhelmed him a bit with too much…actually, this was when I needed to push him more.

*sigh* I didn't want to do this to anyone other than sis or a few of the maids but…doing this would make the job go so much smoother.

Taking a deep breath, I activated my strongest and most powerful ability.

I looked down and focused my muscles to the sides of my eyes as tears started to well in them. Looking directly up towards the skeleton, I opened my impossibly clear and large eyes directly at him. Tilting my head exactly 7.5 degrees to the right, I started sniffling.

Me: …*sob* You won't…*sniffle* you won't do this for me?

Momonga: Whaa…?

His undead emotional limiter failed him as my cute aura was coated in haki. It burned right through it has he felt the ultimate cuteness of his world.

My lower lip trembled and a single drop rolled down my right cheek as I continued.

Me: but…but *hiccup* I sacrificed so much for Nazarick…*hic* why can't papa grant me this?

The impossible proved to be true as pure negative energy sprouted out of the Overlord's skull where his nose should be. His hands trembled as he suddenly pushed himself off of his throne and crushed me into his embrace.

Momonga: Stop that Kara! Please…I'll give you anything. *sigh* I'll give you my soul.


Cheers sounded from behind me as I looked back for the first time. For some reason, much of the floor of the Throne Room was covered with blood and many lower ranking members covering their nose as they lay unconscious…and Albedo who was also spilling liters of blood. My god, how is she even still alive?!

In the corner, I saw Demiurge slightly wipe his nose with a handkerchief, but it looked like he had successfully resisted my cuteness. My oh my.

Momonga: I announce to you all today… even though some of you probably need time to recover….I pass my title and role as Guild master of Ainz Ool Gown to Kara-Fujitora. The White Sovereign of the World Tree!

With that, he summoned his grand staff, the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown, to his side as he tapped my chest with it.

Momonga: Take it, it is your rightful weapon of Guild Leader.

I looked at the staff…it really was a masterpiece. The hoarder inside of me wanted it but I knew that was stupid since I already had one in my inventory. I knew what I had to say.

Grabbing the edge of the staff and pushing it back into his hand, I said to him.

Me: Keep it Momonga, that is yours to keep. The guild built that staff not for the Guild Master but for you. Everything about it is specialized only for you. It is the culmination of thousands of hours of work and effort everyone had put in it for you. It would be an insult if I take it from you hands, now keep it.

Pushing back the staff, I walked up the stairs and took a look at the massive throne, the Throne of Kings…one World Item which I found impossible to rip out of Nazarick and to Society. In truth, this didn't count…this was an immovable world item.

Turning back around, I let my hand slide across the seat for a bit as it adjusted to my height. Lowing a bit for the body of a child and the designs turning a bit more lighter, more elegant to fit my female self.

Finally, once it stopped shifting, I sat down as a notification popped up…it was actually sis but same thing now really.

System (Diana): Congratulations, you are now the Guild Master of High Rank Guild, Ainz Ool Gown. New Options include Guild Warfare and Tasks.

Finally…the final stretch of our plan, so it begins.