Chapter 94
"Naruto might have had the Talk-no Jutsu but I have the I-don't-give-a-fuck-no Jutsu"
Diana Fujitora, Black Monarch of Safe Haven
Me: Now, let's see what Zaryusu is doing…
I activated my eye of Heimdal, expecting to see the Lizards (who have successfully gathered all the tribes to unite and stand together) to be preparing for war. What I did see was a scene straight from the manga I had completely forgotten about.
Me: *bleugh!!!*
Diana: Kara, you okay?
Me: Sometimes I wish I didn't have mental immunity so I can forget what I just saw…
Diana: What did you…oh, OH
Me: Someone tell me how to forget humanoid lizards having sex…in doggy position.
POV Zaryusu
The entire Lizardmen army was tense as they could feel the change in the atmosphere. The sky, which was forecasted to be clear, had suddenly turned dark and cloudy just like the day the messenger came to warn us.
Chief: Brave lizardmen of the Lake! Have no fear! The Spirit of our Ancestors shall guide us today! Have no fear, for we will prevail!
Zenberu: Paint yourselves with the color of ALL Tribes! For today we stand united against a common enemy! The great Evil!
The Lizardmen cheered as they took up their weapons once again. Looking out across the swamp to see what would exit the clearing of the forest. Then…a single small creature exited the clearing.
It looked small and frail. So frail that the lizards first suspected that it was a lost goblin child until they saw more of them. Hundreds of them entering the swamp holding nothing but a knife, blindly, mindlessly walking towards the Lizardmen. Little black demon spawns hunched over, slowly making their way through the swamp.
Me: Enemy spotted! Prepare to attack! Mages and Druids, fire now!!!
The sky was lit up with magic spells as they hit the endless horde of demons. Demons died in great numbers, but the horde simply stepped over and on top of their own, using them as footing across the muddy swamps.
Chief: They're coming! Prepare for hand to hand combat! Red Eye Tribe and Small Fang Tribe, flank them now!
As the Dragon Tusk and Green Claw tribe rushed the demons to meet them face on, the Red Eye tribe and Small Fang tribe ran to the sides in hopes of outmaneuvering the overwhelming numbers of the enemy.
The clash was initially successful as each Lizardmen proved to be superior to the demons, but that soon changed as the demons simply never ceased to stop coming. When one was slain, two more took their place. Eventually, the Lizardmen, split and separated from each other began to fight for their lives as they attempted to run back to their base.
Chief: Red Eye, Small Fang, Now!!
As the two tribes began to charge back towards the center of battle, something disrupted them.
?: Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to do that, Fireball
A giant ball of fire collided with the unsuspecting unit as the lizards got fried one after another. Due to the sheer distance between the lizardmen and the being, they couldn't get back at him.
Chief: It must be him! The Elder Lich! Kill the lich who is controlling the demons!
Iguva=41: Me, the Great Demon Emperor? I am flattered but I am no more than a mere summon of his. I am a loyal servant of his majesty, the great Jaldabaoth!!! Now taste his greatness as I wash away your sins! Fireball!!
So there was a power even greater than his…? No, I cannot afford to think about those now. I must focus on the fight!
Me: Rororo!
My faithful hydra came rushing out of the village as it spit the venom directly at the demons who were attempting to surround me.
Me: Good boy!
I charged in the direction of the Elder Lich as I found the other chieftains doing the same as well. No matter what power was behind his, it was more important to stop the immediate threat.
Iguva=41: Impudent Lizards! Fireball!
Me: Icy Burst!!
My Frost Pain ability countered the Fireball as it neutralized the magic. As the demons tried to swarm me in the short time, Rorora swatted them away just in time for me to jump right in front of the lich.
Me: This is the end!
Chief: Humph! I can't let you have all the glory!
Just as the lich was about to fire a fireball again, my brother tackled him into the ground and tied together him arms as my frost pain splattered the lich's brains before freezing it…
I looked behind me in desperate hope but…somehow, it seemed to have worked. The demons, while not dead, have completely stopped their movements. So was this lich really the mastermind behind all of the demons? He seemed too weak to really be of that caliber.
?: My my…I was just sending this army out to test the waters but I didn't expect the reptiles to actually take out Iguva…how mysterious.
A tall man….no, devil, exited the clearing. It was a tall man wearing a white and blue mask that seemed to have a mocking smile drawn on it. Surrounding him were monsters in their own right, auras completely outdoing anyone's in the entire clearing.
There was a mass of hulking burning muscle…and 4 Maids wearing the same mask. Who were they and what were maids doing here? Or could they be concubines of that devil?
Jaldabaoth: My apologies, it looks like I haven't properly given my introduction. I am Jaldabaoth, the great Demon Emperor. Now that I have finished my greetings…I'll give you two choices. Surrender or Die.
Suddenly, a great aura exploded from the Devil as every lizardmen was forced onto their knees while others downright fainted.
Me: *huff* *huff* That's not something we can fight brother….!
Chief: *cough* Must we surrender now…?!!! If I only knew this would have happened…I would have signed that deal by the Empire!!!
Jaldabaoth: My my, looks like you haven't made your choice yet. How about I help you make that choice?
With a flick of his hand, Zenberu, the leader of the Dragon Tusk clan's neck was cut off. The shocking fact was the Zenberu was nowhere even close to the Devil and yet he had been slain instantly…what choice or option did we even have?
Jaldabaoth: Greed, summon your army.
Greed: Of course Jaldabaoth-sama
As the mass of burning muscle bowed, the woods behind him caught on fire as flying demons, leagues beyond what we had fought exited the forest and into the swamp in similar numbers.
Despair took on the face of the Liazardmen as they realized that they had no chance to begin with. After all, who could fight true power such as this? Could even the Empire fight against a being like Jaldabaoth?
Beside me, I found my brother fumbling with a blank piece of paper…as if trying to set the paper on fire using the burning remains of the Elder Lich.
Me: Brother, what are you doing??!! We need to surrender now!
Chief: No…no…there is still a chance. The Empire wouldn't let us die, not with their ideology and belief!
As the fire caught onto the paper, the paper immediately burst into flames…and then promptly disappeared into nothing. The shock and soon despair showed on brother's face as his last hope did nothing.
In front of me I saw the endless army of Jaldabaoth being to march towards the center of the lake, prepared to completely eradicate the Lizardmen who have chosen not to submit.
Jaldabaoth: You foolish lizards…you have chosen to resist. The only result that awaits you is death.
The Devil's hand expanded into claws and began to gather the darkness around it as he prepared to fire off something that would surely decimate the remaining forces of the lizards when…
Jaldabaoth: Who…?
Jaldabaoth: The Empire…? Why would the Empire be here!