Chapter 98
Location: Hoburns, Capital of the Roble Holy Kingdom
POV, Queen Calca
Things were pretty shit. Actually, calling it shit would be an understatement of how much things went down the drain the last few years. Everything that the world has worked together for, the faith in the 4 Gods (except the fucking theocracy who believed in the undead as well) as well as the (somewhat) unity we have had as humans against the inferior races…all went down the drain with the arrival of the new Arcanian Empire.
Even today, I still wonder who they are. Not once have the twin emperors shown their faces or have made themselves public. I was only able to hear about them from rumors and gossip. Many have claimed to have seen the emperors themselves, but honestly that was doubtful. The figures we got to see were the 5 Elder Stars as they called themselves. The Highest authority of the Empire except for the Emperor themselves. With them seemingly doing all the work and the Emperors never showing themselves, it was sometimes doubtful if the Emperors really exist. Well…that was stupid since there were so many eye witnesses from the War in which the 2 emperors participated themselves. Still, nobody has seen them since that day.
Now…I'm starting to understand why a ruler such as the Emperors might want to conceal themselves and never want to be involved in anything.
Remedios: We've got it all under control my lady. The riots were suppressed by our armed forces yesterday and I, myself, have taken measures to make sure that they won't be doing anything foolish like rioting again!
That damn idiot…! While I respect her for her strength and spirit, she is truly the dumbest and simpleminded person I have ever seen. Is it perhaps that she traded her mind for muscle during her days as a Squire before becoming a Paladin? Does she not understand the consequences of her actions? No matter how much we push back the riots with our men, eventually their anger will ruin everything! These last few years have been full of myself and the minister trying to make amends to our people in order to make the burden off them a little but for their suffering and this idiot just stomps our reputation and image into the muddy ground.
As much as I wanted to yell at her for being an idiot, we had more pressing and severe issues to discuss. The fall of the Great Wall brought to us by some soldier who was stationed there. While initially all of us were skeptical about this, quick checks and scoutings with magic did reveal that what the solider was saying was indeed the truth. The strange thing being that the people and soldiers who were there simply…disappeared. I thought that the demons must have ate the people but magic showed that there was no signs of blood or resistance. It was as if they were plucked into nothing. Except for the soldiers that fought to protect the wall, there was nothing left. The wall itself a crumbling ruin and a welcoming door to the endless demon horde.
Me: Remedios, we do not have time to discuss about the people now. Gather your Paladin Corps. We must be ready to face this…Jaldabaoth figure should he choose to take his army here.
Remedios: Here my lady? Surely the demon is not that delusional! This is Hoburns, where all of our forces are.
Me: *twitch* Remedios, this demon singlehandedly brought down the Great Wall in which we have protected for generations. Apparently with an unknown tier of magic which brings down a meteor. Tell me Remedios, how do you plan on facing much a foe?
As expected, the idiot muscle girl had no answer. Actually, she probably did but I refused to hear her mumblings. It was obvious that whatever about her Holy Sword being blessed by the Gods can cut through whatever evil. It was tiring to hear her any longer that I dismissed her from the room. Maybe something later when the crisis is resolved Remedios and I can restore our relationship like normal but recent years have only proven to me that she is incapable of solving even the most basic of problems.
Just as I began to relax and think about the preparations against the demon army without the major distraction, the bells in the city began ringing and panic ensured.
Me: *sigh* another riot? Already? I thought Remedios told me that she took care of that for today…
Just then, a soldier burst into the throne room and kneeled.
Soldier: My Queen! We are under attack! Demons my lady! Hoburns is under siege!
POV Momonga
I don't know why Kara would trust me with this job. Honestly I was getting more and more into my love life with Albedo and petting my technically-daughter Kara as well. Of course, they were getting busier by the day with the 'final stage of the first arc of galactic domination' and Kara's 'rip-off dungeon plan' and whatever. Honestly, I wanted no part of it. Being undead was pretty chill and Kara's addition in my settings to remove my emotional limiter as well as a temporary flesh and blood body allowed me to have the time of my life. Then all of a sudden…*bam*
Me: Kara…? What is this?
Kara: Well papa, you told me you wanted to be an actor before. Well here, the biggest role you can ever play in your whole acting career. The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom.
And like that I was coaxed into playing a role I never told anyone I wanted. It would officially be my first job as the Adjudicator for the Empire, or rather it was like a tutorial as I would really just be facing Demiurge.
At least my girl gave me a few cool one liners to say at the end like.
"Your free trial of life has expired!" or " THIS IS ARCANIA!" which was the single word used for the Arcanian Empire. And my favorite… "I judge you guilty"
Overall, it looked like some pretty fun business. Apparently I also needed to convert someone into a devout believer or something but when I asked Kara for the details she told me to just be myself and act normal. I honestly don't have enough faith in myself to convert anyone to anything but I'll just do what she says.
All I knew was that things were going her way and that things were going well. Demiurge was hyper about his role as Jaldabaoth and has asked for my nonexistent wisdom in how to best play the role countless times and somehow took my ramblings about anime and complaints about Ulbert-san as great advice yelling "As expected of Ainz-sama!!!" before going over something about revising his plans to match my peerless intellect except Kara and Diana-sama's" and whatnot.
I heard the ruling queen of the Holy Kingdom died to a horrible invasion by fire demons. Was it Queen Calca or something? Quite unfortunate for her really. I hope that she had a proper burial and funeral. I don't know much about the world but I know that the Holy Kingdom reminded me more of my old home than I liked to admit. Looking through the mirror, I saw people in similar conditions as I was before I met Kara. Hopefully her death and invasion didn't have much to do with Demiurge. After all, he was here while the Giant Fire Demon burned down their capital.
(AN: In case you don't understand, Jaldabaoth was pissing off everyone in Hoburns by taunting them before purposefully taking a hit by Remedios and crashing into a building (taking no damage) then switching himself out with the Giant Fire Demon. The Demon then grabbed queen Calca and used her as a club to kill the rest of everyone in the Palace.)
Well, my previous life wasn't so great but looks like it's all pink and flowers now…wait, it should be black and skulls since I'm an undead. (Skull joke, Yohohohoho!!!!) Wait for me, my grand entrance into this world as the world's greatest actor that nobody realizes!
Message: Hey dad, it's Kara. Turns out we don't need you anymore for the plan. Just chill and relax for the next couple of years. We'll take care of the problems like always.
But...but my grand entrance...? My super amazing powers that I finally got to showcase in this world? Will they rot without ever being shown?
Kara: You know, actually we had this new super cool plan for a dungeon acutally but sis and I are a little busy. How about you take charge of that with Albedo nee?
Now that's what I'm talking about!!