
{("Thoughts") ('Conversation') ([Remembrances])}.

(POV Kai)

One day after getting second ring.

"Yesterday I finally got my second ring."

''Today I have to decide what to do with the spirit animals.''

[On the day the spirit animals reached 10,000 years Kai received a message from space.

''When a spirit animal reaches the age of 10,000 years, there are 2 paths.''

''First would be for them to continue to live like space animals and cultivate slowly, but from 10,000 years onwards they would gain a maximum of 1000 years of age each passing year instead of each month."

"The second path would be to make a contract with Kai that would link their life to his, from then on they would earn up to 10,000 years of cultivation every 6 Months."]

"I decided to make a contract with the little fox, but the rabbits decided to leave it at that because their intelligence is much lower than hers."

"The contract for the beast binds her life to mine I just need to give her a few drops of my blood to bind our lives and give her a name."

"I'll explain to her since she's smart."

'Little fox.'

Soon a four-foot tall fox came to Kai.

"Little fox I know you can already understand what I say so I'll be straight."

The little fox nodded in agreement that she already understood.

'Look from now on your growth in space will be slowed down a lot.'

"But can we make a contract that would change that are you interested?"

Little fox looked at him as if asking him to explain more.

'When you reached 10,000 years, space created 2 paths 1 and you could cultivate without the contract and you would be able to grow at most 1000 years per year.'

"And with a contract you can grow up to 20,000 years a year, but your life would be tied to mine and you could never betray me or hurt me."

Kai was silent and let the little fox think after a while he said.

'So which will be the first way or the second would be the contract.'

Putting his hands out for her to choose.

Without hesitating, little fox decided the second after all, she already felt attached to Kai and didn't see any harm in having her life linked to his.

'so let's start.'

Taking a small knife and cutting off the finger.

"Open your mouth and drink a few drops of my blood."

'From now on your name is Sapphire.'

At that moment all the mana and spiritual power hundreds of meters away began to gather where the fox was and form a sphere.

Kai realized that she was evolving to be able to use mana and spirit power and absorb the 2 like him.

Kai grabbed a book, sat a few feet away and began to read and wait for Sapphira to wake up.

'It's finally been running out for over a few hours.'

''Well it's started absorbing all the mana and spiritual power.''

Suddenly blue flames engulfed the sphere and after a few minutes all that was left was a beautiful 6-tailed fox.


Kai was glad it went well.

Until sapphire jumped him and knocked him to the ground.

'Kai, Kai I can speak now.' Sapphire

Jumping with Joy she started to shrink down to the size of 30cm and stood on top of Kai jumping with joy.