Empire Heaven Dou

{("Thoughts") ('Conversation') ([Remembrances])}.

When although Kai had initially decided to stay only a week in Suotuo City.

After fighting in the Great Spirit Arena Kai felt he needed to fight other Spirit Masters to learn to control his strength.

After realizing this Kai stayed a month before deciding to leave.

(POV Kai)

''I've been fighting in the Grande Arena for a month now.''

''Today I'm leaving for the Heaven Dou Empire and then to Pôr-do-Sol Forest.''

''Thanks to the fights in the arena, I was able to control my strength and also be able to see the effect of the Spirit Rings.''

"But even though I've fought a Spirit King, I haven't had to use any magic yet."

Starting your journey to the Heaven Dou Empire.

Kai was lost in thought as he walked.

"Rem finished reviewing all the books I got traveling."

"She also finished seeing all the knowledge I transferred to her and decided to change her form to the character who has the same name as her."

(Image is not mine)

''Right now Rem can fight by my side as a support or even attacker.''

''Sapphire has focused on cultivating after she decided to transform into a human so she could get out of space with me without any problems.

''Rem is practically the space manager and now only bringing a spiritual ore or herb can I see its properties.''

''I can decide whether I want to create a mine or spread it out after planting in the case of herbs.''

''After discovering that I can create mines to extract material I created some and also made some simple Golems to mine.''

Kai who left for the Heaven Dou Empire through small and medium to use Eternal Mark.

After two weeks of traveling slowly Kai finally saw the entrance to the capital of Heaven Dou Empire in the distance.

Entering the city Kai was fascinated because it was so beautiful and clean.

Kai started walking around the city seeing the busy streets.

Finding a good restaurant Kai decided to have lunch and then try to find books, herbs and ores for space.

Sitting on the second floor of the Kai restaurant, he saw many young men in the Imperial Heaven Dou Academy uniform.

Finishing lunch Kai started to go through the stores to see if he could find something new but only found items he already had.

After a few hours without finding anything Kai decided to go back to space.

Inside the space Kai found Rem cleaning the cabin in his adult form who was a little taller than he was, but no more than 1.60.

Sitting on the couch Kai decided to check on his status.


Name: Kai

Age: 10

Spirit: Mana Cube Staff

Spiritual Power: 48

Mana: 480 + 288 = 768

Aura: 970


''I will stay in the capital of the Empire until I get my fifth Ring and then I will try to find and enter the garden of Poison Douluo.''

After deciding what to do, Kai asked Rem to make some juice as he sat on the couch.

"Master here is your juice." Rem.

As he sipped his juice Kai remembered the auction house in the capital of the empire.

"I think I'll take a look at the auction house later, maybe I find something interesting, want to come with me Rem." Kai.

"It would be my pleasure to accompany the Master." Rem.

"Then it's decided." Kai.