Prologue: Curse the World that Cursed Thee.

I never wished to be anyone special.

I never wanted to be someone chosen to become someone like this or that.

I just wanted to live a peaceful life pushed to do meaningful work for the ones that I hold most important in my life.

"Risa… I apologize, but I wanted to help."

But in the end, I cannot escape my fate. I cannot escape the responsibility that was handed to me by this sick, rotten world who has cursed me again and again for simply existing.

"…Come at me."

I have always wanted to speak these words. But I knew that I shouldn't, because there are still things and people in my life that I thank for giving me a reason to live.

"If I will die anyway…"

I was cursed… to be this world's fool. I was fated to suffer again and again for the entertainment of other people. No one would ever desire to live this life... yet here am I, cursed to live through it.

"I will curse this world more than all of you can worship it!!!"

That day, in a dark alley in Old Tokyo, the last fragment of the law and order that this cursed world has shattered for the sake of its own hedonistic pleasures, chose its vessel… and that vessel is me.

["The oath has thus been signed… Your flesh shall be mine and my spirit shall be yours."]

My name is Ephraim Seliah Chronia... and this is the story of my war against this world.