The Beginning of Madness

If I were to say what I thought about this job when I first got into it, I sure will say that I had my reservations about it.

It is dangerous. It is something that might bring my loved ones into harm. It is very secretive and incomprehensible at times.

And yet, with it being the only work I can do now, I accepted it.

"Rai! Rai-kun! Stand up!"

"Don't die on me, kid!"

"Is this all that you can do, Chronia?! I didn't save your ass in school for you to die like this!"

Damn it… Damn it all!!!

If they want to die, I will give them what they want!

These were the thoughts I had just before that voice spoke to me again after a long time.

["Let us begin… Chronia."]

I can remember it all clearly… A day before this fight…


"Good morning, Mr. Chronia!"

"Good morning, Sensei. Come on, you two. Greet Tamaki-sensei too."

""Good morning, Tamaki-sensei!""

"My, my! What polite little ladies you are."

"Ahaha! Please take care of my little ones again today."

"Haha! I sure love to take care of them. Especially this lively kid called Yukari."


As I dropped off my children at Sunogahara Municipal Elementary school, we bumped into the headmaster of the small, independent school who also teaches in several classes. She is the kind of teacher who is very friendly and supportive to her students while also being strict with them.

"Come on, Yukari. We're going to be late."

"Mm! I'll be off with Mio-nee now. See you later, Rai-nii!"

"See you later, you two! Do well in your classes, alright?!"



As the two ran off, I talked with Tamaki-sensei for a moment while classes are yet to start. On my chest was a sleeping Rea who was fastened in a baby carrier as I was driving a motorcycle with them. I admit, it is pretty dangerous, but I have to make do for now while I'm still learning how to drive a car.

"Ugaga… Uguu…"

"I see that baby Rea is growing too. I believe that raising these three must be taking a toll on you, Chronia-kun?"

"They do, actually. Sometimes, it is tiring, but their genuine little smiles and showing of appreciation helps me keep going…"


"I'll never regret being their adoptive parent."

Tamaki-sensei tapped my back lightly and spoke with a delighted tone.

"That's the spirit of parenthood. Not many people right now understands that happiness that you are describing. I'm glad that you're not like them."

"What do you mean, sensei?"

"Well… having raised two children myself, I can say with certainty that it is not easy. You have to do things that you are not used to, you have to stop doing some things that you want to do and you have to do all of that until the very end…"


"I've talked to a lot of young folks and all of them have the same reasons why not to have a child… "They're a pain to deal with", "I don't want to be held back and lose my freedom" or "they're bad for the environment". I can only shake my head on the last one, why the hell would they be bad for the environment? The human race was almost wiped out during the past decades, you dunderheads!"

Tamaki-sensei heartily laughed after shouting that which I followed lightly.

"Anyways, my point is that I haven't seen a lot of young people like you who would choose this troublesome yet noble decision of raising these kids into decent and healthy human beings. You're a different breed, Chronia-kun."

"Ahaha… I am flattered with the compliment, sensei."

"You're welcome. And also, I want to thank you for patronizing this small school of mine. There's a lot of Miyazono-owned schools here, but you chose mine. That's something that I greatly value not just as a business-owner but also a teacher."

"Well… knowing how some students are treated in those private-owned schools…"

I lowered the volume of my voice as some parents passed by with their children who are wearing elementary uniforms of a nearby Miyazono Academy school.

"I don't wanna! I don't wanna!"

"Shush, Yuuta! I don't want to hear any of that!"

"I don't want to go to school, mama!"

"Come on, darling… Please don't cry like that right here!"

Those children were crying or trying not to cry as they got nearer and nearer to the street crossing leading to their school building. For a random onlooker who is new to Old Tokyo, they would mistake it as young children not wanting to go to school because they hate studying… but for me and Tamaki-sensei who knows what happens inside those places, this is a disturbing scene.

"I heard that you stopped going to school… is it related to "that"?"

"…You can say that. To some degree, it is involved with my reason."

"I see… So even in high school levels, nothing really changes."

As I have stated before, Miyazono Academy has a sense of superiority in all of its facets. Their educational focus after all is to teach as many locals as possible so that they can replace the foreign workers who comprise most industries' employee populations nowadays.

I can get behind such a focus as it is something that I find acceptable. This is their country. It is normal that they don't want to depend on other country's people to run their country. It is not just a matter of pride, it is also one for security.

Outsiders usually find themselves as unwanted people who are forced to lower their performance to feign the effectivity of the school's programs while local students are forced to study and outperform others even against their own will. Hence, the reason why those kids were crying earlier.

It doesn't mean that we foreigners are all superior or something. Just that everyone is good at some things and bad at others. Yet the ideology of being a do-all, get-all is forced in every local student's throat that all of them ends up being stressed or disappointed of their selves in one way or another.

"So, you gave up on pursuing a renewal for your ACES accreditation?"

"My new workplace's boss knows some people in the medical field. She said that once there's an opening, I can become a medical consultant or some position that isn't covered by the law regarding local ACES certifications."

"That sounds nice."

"It is. It's a lot better than spending five more years in a place that either forgets about my existence or outright rejects it and treats me with contempt."

Just as I said that, the school's bell sounded, marking the last ten minutes until classes start.

"Well, just stay as who you really are, Chronia-kun. Not just for your kids, but also for yourself. Remember, no matter how much the world hates you, so long as you are doing nothing wrong, there is no reason for you to stop being yourself."

"…Thank you, Tamaki-sensei."

"Yeah. See you later, Chronia-kun."

Along with baby Rea, I rode my motorcycle and went around Old Tokyo in my usual morning patrol.

"Ever since that operation, malignances and unstable psychics have practically disappeared in here."

My team was designated to patrol around the western part of Old Tokyo. It was something that Yurippe requested for my sake which the Sumeragi higher-ups accepted since the area around Sunogahara-cho hasn't been designated to other teams yet.

"Oi, Rai-kun!"

"Ah. Look right there, Rea. That's my team and friends."

From a nearby hill, I heard Kai's voice calling to us. I looked around and saw him with Fujikawa who has also just finished her patrol trip. With that, I lowered my vehicle's speed and took the road exit leading to the hill.

"Well, well… Look who is here with a kid."

"Shut it, Kai. If you make a noise and Rea cries again, I'll strangle you to death."

"Gotcha, buddy!"

Just like his usual hyperactive self, Kai talked to me as if he understood what I said when he actually didn't.

"And you, Fujikawa. Stop staring at her awkwardly like that. If you want to carry her, she's all yours. My shoulders are stiff anyway, so I need a break."

"H-Hey! I didn't… ah, fine… Let me have her."

I just learned about it when she joined me when I was taking Rea from her daycare, but Mana is actually fond of babies. She wouldn't say it out loud because of her tomboyish image, but every time she sees her, she wants to hold Rea and lightly poke her cheeks.

"Agh… that feels good. Now, let's talk about business… I believe you also don't have any encounters since the last mission, right?"

"Right. I've been doing patrols on the outskirts of the city too and there's not even a pip of a malignance or an unstable Psychic."

"What? How did you get out of the city? The city exits has been heavily guarded since the bombing in Chiba."

"The main exits are guarded, but auxiliary roads and drainage sewers aren't covered by those lazy private Miyazono mercenaries. I bet you a dime that even a truck full of the most shady-looking people with guns and explosives can pass by them during the early evening."

"Kai… Don't tell me that you guys…"

"Yup! We transferred some supplies from our estate in Old Kyoto yesterday. We were prepared to make a scene when we passed by the checkpoint, but we found out that most of them are dead drunk and passed by them after handing them a case of beer… Those mercenaries sure are jokes."

The Sumeragi group does not hide their history and current activities to us in the S.S.S. We are aware that they are and are still a mafia group, although they have pledged to keep regular people away from their trouble and only attacks the Miyazono strongholds and their members.

"Regardless, now that there are no operations in sight for us, we have to keep our eyes peeled for malignances and irregular psychics. That's the least that we can do to justify the numbers in our paycheck."

"I second that. I'd be ashamed to face Director Yuri and Kaede-sensei if their trust and instruction went to waste with me. I've pledged that I will use these flames to fulfill my role as a Psychic!"

"Awawa! Ugaa!"

As Fujikawa gave an impassioned statement, she let a fireball to appear on one of her hands which caught Rea's attention and reached out for it.

"H-hey, Mana!"

"Oh no! Cut it! Cut it! Fwoo!"

She hurriedly extinguished it as I took Rea from her and kept her near my chest.

"Watch where you're using that! What would you do if she got burned?!"

"A-ah…! I am… Argh… Sorry, I got caught up with my words."

"Haah… For goodness' sake."

I reattached Rea into her carrier and she nuzzled on my chest as we waited until Furuta-sensei comes back from his own patrol. It only took a moment before he arrived from the stairs at the other side of the hill and went straight to talking to us.

"Hey, you brats. Are you also finished?"

"Yep. All clear from all of us, Furuta-sensei."

"We didn't fight any enemies and there are no traces of people from the Miyazono group. We're all okay for now."

Fujikawa and I gave our reports about our patrol and I gave the statement that our team is cleared for now. But Furuta-sensei declined that.

"I wouldn't say that if I am you, Chronia."


"I was just contacted by your instructor, Imamura Kirin. She told me that you three are being called for a raid in Chiba tonight."

"Chiba? If there's a surprise mission, is it possible that-"

"Yeah. It's related to the bombings. This isn't the right place to talk about it… Let's go to the usual place and talk about it properly."

"Yeah. I'll give Fujikawa a lift."

"Sure. Kai, you're riding with me."

"Sure, so long as I ride shotgun on the car!"

"Whatever suits you. Let's go!"

We drove towards a park in the northern part of Sunogahara-cho where a seemingly abandoned gas station with a diner is located. One may see it as the ghost town that it is, but the diner is actually open for business and we've set it as our meeting place because there are rarely any customers here.

"Two orders of hotcakes for me and this kid, strawberry shortcake for the young lady, a slice of cassava cake and coffee for the young man-"


"…and some mashed potatoes for the toddler."

"Got it. Just wait for a moment, my oven is still warming up."

"No problem. We have time."

After making our usual order, Furuta-sensei footed the bill and even threw some extra for Rea who was also here and sitting on a high-chair.

"Now, now, boss. What is this new mission of ours about?"

"The bombing in Chiba three days ago was a work of the Mori cult. They attacked a Miyazono Electric corporation office that has been under our surveillance for a while. As all of you may know, the eastern part of Old Tokyo is less of a ghost town than here in the west given their proximity to the Yokohama port area. Because of that, there are more infrastructures there that may also hide an accessway to the hideouts of our enemies. And the more buildings, the more attempts for attacks from us or those lunatics."

"The Mori cult, huh? I've heard a bit from them. They worship seven gods of death or something?"

"You're quite right, Fujikawa. But there's some new additions to that general information. Their attack in Chiba was caught by our cameras and we detected that this isn't like their past attacks that are made by the grassroot believers. One of the seven death gods of theirs did it."

"Since we were able to detect it… does that mean that these "gods of death" are Psychics?"

"We can't confirm that either. Our spectrograms show that they do emit Astra energy and the rubble of the building after the explosion showed that it absorbed some of that energy, but the nature of the Astra energy can't be confirmed properly."

"So, to put it simply, boss. We know that they use the same Astra energy, but we can't identify its element?"

"Right. But it would be accurate to say that we don't have any idea about its element. It's a total mystery how something can cause an explosion and kill the Miyazono psychics that are guarding the place without poisoning or injuring them. It's just like they died from being exposed to that type of Astra energy."

After our conversation, the diner owner came out of the kitchen and brought to us our order. We ate in silence to regain some strength and prepare ourselves for the mission tonight.

"Say "ahh", Rea."

"Ahh… Om!"

"Is it good?"


After a while, we finished our food and settled to meet at Shibuya by three in the afternoon. That was a perfect time for me as I can bring back the two home before I leave.

"Hey, Chronia. Mind letting me ride until Sunogahara station? I need to make a report for Yusa-san about my Aptitude test."

"Oh yeah. You haven't taken that one yet, right? Sure, I need someone to hold Rea after all."

"Thanks. I owe you one, man."

"No problem. Come on, you have a train to catch."

During our time as teammates, I and Fujikawa came to get a bit closer with each other personally. I already set up a good first impression on her when we talked under the cherry tree at the Sumeragi estate, so it wasn't that surprising to me when she came to open up to me sometimes about life and how she ended up becoming a Psychic and quitting school as well.

"My dad is the vice-director of the internal defense agency so he's a pretty busy person. Although he is busy, his expectations and demands are still tight for all of his kids. So even from a young age, me and my siblings have been training on martial arts."

"I can somehow sense that with how you beat up an entire baseball team."

"Argh, don't remind me of that! Anyways, when I awakened as a Psychic, I almost burned down my room and my mom scolded me about playing with fire or something about burning myself to commit suicide, but my dad who is aware of the existence of Psychics understood what happened and brought me to Yuri-san who had me tested and confirmed my powers as genuine."

"So, she was also the one who discovered and recruited you?"

"Yeah. Dad requested Yuri-san to look after me and make sure that I won't get into the wrong crowd of Psychics where I can end up being the one who has to be hunted by the S.S.S. After being handed temporarily to the Sumeragi psychics and studying under Kaede-sensei, I became a full-fledged Psychic and I decided to make proper use of this power of mine."

"That's a good story. I'm surprised that you're a natural."

"It would be hard if I am like you who is a fight-or-flight. I heard that your type usually underwent traumatic experiences that awakened your powers. Given the many inconveniences and harassment that you went through in this place, I believe one of them is it, right?"

"Well… no. I don't think so. How I was awakened is something that I decided for myself. And even if my awakening wouldn't have saved me back then, I would have no regrets other than leaving my children behind in this terrible world."

"Is that so?"

"Yep. It just like that. Because just like how an old friend of mine used to say… Personal losses that end up helping others are not something that you should regret. Most of the time, the most heroic thing to do is accept that you have to lose something in order to be helpful to others. And in that case, you can hold your head on high."

We arrived at the train station just in time for the current train to leave and the next one to come after she gets into the platform.

"Come on, Rea. Wave your Mana-nee a goodbye. Bye-bye!"


"Ahaha! Bye too, Rea-chan! See you again another time!"

As Fujikawa left and climbed into the station, I revved up my engine and left with Rea to go to the grocery store and shop for the kid's dinner.

"Today is a Thursday, so let's go with fish. In that case… sweet and sour cream dory. Gotta find some pineapple juice and some sauce base then…"

It took me only a few minutes until I got what I needed and paid for it in the cashier.

"Ah. Just in time for their dismissal."

We rode again towards Mio and Yukari's school where they quickly recognized me and hopped in so we can get home quickly.

By the time we arrived at home and they changed back to their casual clothes, I told them that I have work for tonight and reminded them of what to do while I am gone.

"Do your homework while I'm making dinner. I already said it right? I have work tonight so-"

"We will warm the food and eat without Rai-nii… We already know that."

"Well, someone is getting cheeky. Are you already in your rebellious phase, Yukari? Surely a tickle or two will straighten you up. Kucho-kucho-kucho!"

"Nyahahaha! S-stop that, Rai-nii! I give! I give!"

I got to enjoy some quality time with my children before I changed my face again to prepare for the terrible work I will do later.

"Now, I am not sure when I'll be back, but if its already late and I am still not home, you should take a bath and go to bed already, okay? I'm sorry if I can't tuck you in this time if ever."

"Nn, nn… It's alright. So long as Rai-san will be able to come back."

"Thank you for being understanding, Mio. I'll leave the two of them to you, okay?"

"Mm! Take care, Rai-san!"

"Yup! Yup! Take care, Rai-nii!"


"Ahaha! I'll be off now!"

I took my duffel bag from the living room and rode my motorcycle out of our neighborhood, driving in a brisk speed out to the highway leading to Shibuya where we agreed to meet.

"You're almost late, Chronia."

"Sorry, traffic jam at the intersection. I had to avoid some students who are going home from my pervious school."

"Well, I didn't say that you're late per se. Anyways, come here and pay the parking fee. We have to get to Chiba inside a special van, so you have to leave your motorcycle here."

I did just as Sensei said and rode the van where I saw two familiar faces.

"Hello there, kid."

"You must be Ephraim Chronia. It's a pleasure to meet you."

It was my instructor, Imamura Kirin and Fujikawa's instructor, Imamura Kaede. Both are high-ranked officers in the Sumeragi group. They must also be here for the mission given that they are holding black cases that emits some Astra energy waves.

"Let's go. We can't get through New Tokyo, so we have to take the roundabout route to Chiba. It will take two hours till we get past the area, so if you need to go to the toilet, go now because this van will be sealed until we get there."

"A-ah! Speaking of which… that hotcake we ate earlier is hitting the bad spot right now… I'll try to make this fast, boss!"

"Haah… what am I supposed to expect...? Alright, anyone else?"

"O-O-Oww… My stomach is hurting too… I think I need to go as well…"

Kaede-san suddenly held her tummy too and walked to the toilet of the car park. But her awful acting made it clear that she was just covering up for Kai who has an actual issue in his stomach. I heard about it from Fujikawa before. Kaede-san is a very kind and compassionate person that she usually tolerates the mistakes or bad traits of others.

Although it attracts the respect of her students, it also makes her quite vulnerable to some jerks who abuses her kindness. Just like Kai who had to be pardoned for his awful digestive issues.

"While they are away, mind letting me catch up to how you have been doing, kid?"

"A-ah! I just have the story to tell you, sensei. Let's start with the first training that I had from Furuta-sensei together with the two."

To pass time, I talked to Kirin-sensei who listened to my story about the past few weeks and in the end, gave me some reminders about myself and my powers.

"You seem to be overexerting your self by constantly changing the phase of your blood control. It's good that you are now able to quickly turn it into solid and liquid, but speed is not everything in battle. From what you said and what Renjiro-kun has been reporting about you, your attacks lack coordination, and you rarely follow up on your attacks."

"I-I see…"

"You seem to need more training about fluidity and adaptability as a Psychic. After this mission, tell me which day you are available. I'll train you in my dojo until you become more effective as a fighter."

"I'll prepare for that day, sensei."

"Good, good. That's how a student of mine should conduct himself."

After a while, Kai and Kaede-san came out from each gender's sides toilets and we made a final headcount before we left for Chiba.

After we entered the expressway leading to the other side of Old Tokyo, Furuta-sensei gave me the permission to open the bag that I brought with me.

"Chronia. Now that we're outside the center of the city, you can give it to the two."


"Give what, boss?"

"I heard about it from Yuri-san. So they handed it to you since you have a house nearby, huh?"

From the duffel bag, I took out a sawed-off lever-action rifle, a dagger made of tungsten and a flask with a tesla valve.

These are prototype Augmenter weapons for us three. The short rifle is for Kai who can place seeds on the empty shotgun shells and launch them further and more accurate than he can throw them. The dagger is for Fujikawa which she can cover with fire and not cause it to melt. Mine is the flask with this strange one-way valve. With this, I can quickly draw out my blood without having to fiddle it open like before."

I gave the two items to Kai and Mana who immediately inspected it and tested their hand on it.


"This is quite heavy… but the shortness is just right!"

I took mine out as well and carefully placed my blood in the sealed flask. I wanted to try out if the valve really works and will not spill it while I am just moving around, but since it may leak out my Astra energy, I didn't make an attempt.

"Hey, Kai! Don't place your finger on that thing's trigger. If you accidentally shoot the roof or door, all of us are dead."

"Y-Yes… Got it…umm… mom."

"Mm. I'm glad that you do."

I sensed some nervousness in Kai's voice as he addressed Kirin-sensei as mom. It was probably due to him being just a clone of the real Kai, so it wasn't bad at all after she responded to him neutrally."

"How about you, Mana-chan? I guess that dagger will solve your problem regarding your fire machete. That weapon made of fire isn't as effective to beings with physical bodies, but this is something that can work on both kinds, yes?"

"Yeah. I'm happy that I can extend my horizons now using this. I want to train with you again after this mission, Kaede-sensei!"

"Ufufu! Sure thing, darling!"

And so, after a short trip in the expressway, we turned to an exit that allowed us to enter the other side of Old Tokyo that wasn't like the western part of it.