In a War's End

Shortly after the successful ambush attack near the city of Morioka, Furuta-sensei, Kai and I was brought back to Motomiya to be kept inside the S.S.S bunker again.

"How many days has it been…? 12? 15?"

"Don't overexaggerate the number, you brat. It's just been 5 days since we came back here."

"Aaaagggghhh! I'm boreeeeddd!"

"Argh! Stop throwing a tantrum, Kai! You're shaking the table!"

For some reason, even if we four have been given our own isolation rooms, my team usually spends most of their time hanging out in my room. As for the reason why, it was something simple. My room has a good air conditioner.

"Hnnggg… Ngggg…"

"Damn… Mana-chan sure snores, huh?"

"Try to tell her about that once she wakes up and she'll roast you to a crisp, Kai."

"I-I know that! She already kicked my ass yesterday when I complained that she doesn't sit like a lady… Argh, now that I remember it, my ass hurts again."

For the past five days, we've been spending much of our time in my room. Furuta-sensei has been borrowing some books from the bunker library and reading it here, Kai will either be sleeping or playing video games on his phone and Mana, who is still recovering from her injuries, would be sleeping on my bed.

"This happened and this too… wait, no… it was this…"

"Still busy with your report, Rai?"

"Yeah. I'm doing two since Mana is still weakened by her wounds."

As for me, I've been typing mine and Mana's report to the Old Tokyo command of the S.S.S. Because of all of the stuff that happened these past few days since we were deployed here, our reports have been so long that I've lost track of some of the details.

"Hey, Sensei. Has there been any news about the people in Motomiya's comatose row?"

"Huh? Oh. I heard that some of them already woke up. Don't worry about it, we did our best not to aggravate the situation more. They will surely wake up."

"I see…"

Even though I am glad that things worked out fine for them in the end, there is still a frustration in my heart regarding that event.


"Hey, something wrong, Rai-kun?"

"No, no… I'm alright. Just a bit lightheaded."

When the news was told to us, both Furuta-sensei and Kai blamed their selves for it. I might have walked away from the room back then, but I sure carried just the same sense of guilt as they did.

I still remember it. When we were running away from that Miyazono Gardener, Law promised me that he will help me next time I face a strong opponent.


But I am not satisfied with that… I don't want it to be just like that.

"Haah… I know that look, kid."


"But you know our situation right now. I can't train you yet or we'll leak out Astra energy that might be carried to the nearby hospital…"

"I know that, Sensei. So I just want to make sure using your own words…"

"Yeah. I already told you several times. I will train you three again once we get back to Old Tokyo."

"…Thank you, sensei."


I don't want to wait for Law to emerge and fight for me. I want to be stronger and fight by myself as much as I can.

"You want to be stronger, Rai-kun?"

"Yeah… It's not a matter of pride. It's about my ability to actually fulfill my duty."


"I want to think that I didn't become a Psychic for nothing… I didn't become who I am right now to just be kicked to the curb because it's all that I can do."

"I see…"

"I want to be stronger. Stronger, so I can protect those who are important to me."

While I am in the middle of my monologue, Furuta-sensei put down his book and adjusted his eyeglasses to encourage me.

"Keep that feeling near your heart, Ephraim."


"Because only those who has that kind of feeling in their hearts has the ability to truly improve and become stronger."

By noon, we were called to the office of Branch Manager Otonashi. Though I brought her a wheelchair, Mana insisted to walk to the office even if she sometimes winces in pain because of her leg injury.

"It's a joy to see that you're already back on your feet, Agent Fujikawa."

"Yes, sir! I am nearly back to full recovery, sir!"

"Really? Agent Chronia, pinch her leg."


"That's an order."

I don't know what Manager Otonashi had today for him to order me to hurt Mana, but because it is an order, I turned to Mana slowly.

"U-U-Umm… H-hey, Rai…"

"S-sorry… this is an-"

"Alright, stop that you two."

Mana was sweating profusely after seeing me turn and prepare my hand to pinch her, but Furuta-sensei told us to stop and faced Manager Otonashi with a disgruntled expression.

"Commander Otonashi, please stop teasing my students…"

"Ahaha! Come on, I'm just joking. And that's kind of a test as well for them two."


"Agent Fujikawa."

"Y-yes, sir!"

"State the Agency's Disciplinary Code Article 3 number 57."


Faced with a sudden test that required memory, Mana was stunned while trying her best to remember what it is.

"U-Umm… Article three is about conversations, so… umm… w-wait…"

"Agent…? Is something not clear with my request?"

"N-No, sir! I-I am just…"

Seeing that Manager Otonashi is just teasing her, I sighed and answered the request myself.

"Article 3, Number 57. Policy regarding the statement of an Agent's well-being."


"Say it with me, Mana."

Leading her on, both of us stated the contents of the policy.

""All agents, both in the Operator and Operative designation, are required to truthfully state their health and readiness for missions in order for Command and Management to confidently give them their tasks. Failure to comply will surely compromise the safety of the Agent or Agents and their ability to fulfill their mission.""

"Mm! Do you understand now why I tested you earlier, Fujikawa-chan?"

"Y-Yes, sir! I am sorry for not truthfully stating my health status, sir!"

"It's alright… Take this as a light scolding. At least you understand now that you don't have to push yourself and pretend that you're alright when you actually aren't. Am I understood, Agent?"

"Yes, sir!"

Being done with assessing our status, Manager Otonashi finally spoke about why he called for us here.

"The city is nearly liberated from the insurrectionists, but there are still some areas that need to be properly cleared before we state that the city is safe."

"Are we being deployed again, Commander?"

"No, no… It's not that, Officer Furuta. There is no more reason for you four to go back there with the direct task of fighting. The SDF and Police force is already enough for that."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Instead, we want to send you to some parts where the Miyazono Psychics were last detected before they escaped through the convoy that you ambushed last week."

He turned his computer monitor towards us and showed us a map where several buildings are marked.

"We were able to gather enough intel from scanner drones and interrogated rebels to point out the strongholds that the Miyazono corporation used to run a drug factory in the city. Based on your past report regarding one of the drug laboratories, if they are making narcotics there, it is also possible that they are storing some of their experiments and data in there."

"So, we're going in and gather whatever they left there?"

"Yes. And hitting the drug laboratories that hasn't been raided by the police yet. Though we trust our police officers, it would be hard to convince them to give us the Miyazono intel that they confiscate once it falls to their hands. After all, the government needs that to press charges to the company."

"I see…"

Manager Otonashi took out his scanner gun to take the map data from his computer and told me and Mana to show our Agency smartphones so he can pass the data to us.

"An SDF Humvee will take you to the city interior later. You will all enter the place under the guise of S.S.S Agents gathering photo evidence for the government. It wouldn't be wrong for you to request some firearms, but do keep in mind that being too armed may raise some unwanted questions from them."

"We understand. We'll handle the rest, Commander."

"Mm. I'm glad to hear your cooperation, Officer Furuta. Well then, you are all dismissed!"

While Furuta-sensei and Kai are talking to their comrades back in Old Tokyo through a computer, Mana and I were tasked to take our equipment from the Bunker's armory.

"Two Vector 9mm SMGs, four FN handguns, four NIJ-3 ballistic armor and two sets of stun grenades."

"Mm. It's all here."

"Alright. Good luck on your mission, Agents."

While waiting for the two, Mana and I passed the time by filling our gun magazines with bullets and placing them in the compartments of our gun vests. During this time, I sensed that Mana wanted to talk about something.

"Out with it already, what is it about?"

"…Back then at the front yard of the city hall."


"I never got to thank you properly for saving my life."


"So, thank you, Rai-kun. I owe you my life."

Usually, people would say that "it's nothing" or "what matters is that you're alright now". But knowing that she did almost die and now has a fading scar that constantly reminded her of that memory, I decided to receive her appreciation properly.

"You're welcome."

"Haha… Ahaha!"

"What are you giggling at?"

"Ahaha! I've always thought of you as some kind of uptight or dense guy. I can't believe that you can actually sense how others feel and respond to it."

"Hey, hey… Where is this attitude coming from? Is this how you thank me for saving your life?"

"And what if it is?"




Even I was quite surprised about it. Fujikawa Mana, who was known to be the tomboyish girl in my school who can trade punches with any guy and is generally feared actually has this side that erases the negative connotations of her personality.

Knowing this now, instead of seeing her as just someone that I have to work with, I now see her as a friend whom I can fully trust and fight with.

"Are you the S.S.S Agents that we're giving a lift?"

"Yes. I am Agent Chronia, this is Agent Fujikawa, Furuta and Imamura."

"Ah! Sergeant Tsuchi of the 5th Mechanized Battalion. I will be your driver to the city, sir!"

"Mm. Let's head out now while the Air force aren't bombarding the city yet."

"Yes, sir! Please make yourselves comfortable inside."

We rode the armored car before the soldier started its engine. Once it was on, we proceeded to head towards the city that has lines upon lines of checkpoints that asked us to show our IDs.

"This is the designated point. I'll wait here until you have finished your mission sir."

"Mm. Keep yourself safe, Sergeant. We'll do our best to finish up things early."

We were dropped off at the post office branch that we went to before. After it was retaken by the government forces, the bodies have been taken down and it was a bit cleaner now than before.

Well, not that clean since some buildings have collapsed and had traces of bullet holes and blood stains.

"Wow… the SDF sure messed up this place, huh?"

"The rebels didn't back down when negotiations are still open. This is just what they asked for."

We walked by the sidewalk, making sure to observe a proper distance from the buildings that may collapse any moment while also staying close to them to not be found by enemy snipers.

"Rai, how far are we from the nearest target building?"

"…400 meters. We have to go left at that intersection before getting there."

"Alright, lead the way. I'll watch our rear."

Since the two of us are armed with sub-machineguns, Furuta-sensei and I became the head and tail of our team as we crossed the ruined city. After a while, we finally got to the target building that was relatively untouched.

"Heat signatures?"

"…None, but there are traces of Astra energy, maybe instruments that are left by the enemies."

"Alright. Breach it, Rai."


I kicked down the front door of the building and inside, we found equipment for producing the drug that we found last time.

"Same thing… It's a Sorcerer Stone."

"This looks like it has been abandoned for a while. Maybe during the initial offensive."

We looked around the place and snapped some pictures for the Intelligence department of the S.S.S. We even found some documents from the rebels and the Miyazono corporation. One of those is a delivery receipt for the materials used in the drugs.

"I found the items that are emitting Astra energy. It's the enhanced drugs."

"The ones that are used by their Seed Psychics, huh?"

"Mana, you know the drill."

"Yes, sir."

Furuta-sensei formed a large jar using a nearby piece of sheet metal before placing most of the enhanced drugs inside. After which, Mana dropped a fireball inside the metal jar before Furuta-sensei quickly crumpled its opening.

"Remember this, kids. Don't do drugs. It's bad for your health."

"Should I hold onto the samples, boss?"

"Yeah. We're passing that as evidence and giving some to Kaede so she can study it back at the estate."


Being given this task regarding drugs reminded me of Akamine Isao who was so out of his mind that he deluded himself that he and Akamine Kaori are lovers…

Wait… now that I remember… Why are the two of them sharing the same surnames?


"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"Do you know Akamine Kaori from Class 1-C?"

"Back at our school? Well, I heard about her once. She's the shy freshman that is being chased by her half-brother, right?"


"Yep. I heard about it when I talked to Sayaka-chan last time. It's quite screwed up, honestly… they are half-siblings and the elderly brother is going after his younger half-sister."

Once I learned about that, it would be an understatement to say that I was in shock.

"D-Did anyone say anything about her and him lately?"

"Well, I heard from Yurippe that Isao's disappearance was explained to his family as a case of running away from home. She said that in order to hide the fact that you killed him before she can assault his half-sister, they fabricated a security footage of him sneaking into a cargo ship after failing to assault Kaori-chan."

"I-Is that so?"

"For Kaori-chan, Sayaka said that she had to be sent to a psychiatrist for a while after she ran away that night. She hasn't been informed that you are alive yet or that Isao is dead, the doctor said that she's still unstable from both guilt and shock."


It has already been a few months since that night. Because of the hustle and bustle of my new job, I haven't been able to remember that she still thinks that I died for her and visit her.

"Ephraim, Fujikawa. This place is clear now so let's head to the next one."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll be leading us to the next, then."

With that in mind, I decided that before going home, I am going to visit her at the hospital so she can return to her normal life.



"Room clear!"

"Kai, cuff those morons while we're taking the pictures."

"Yes, sir."

"Mana and Rai, find the items and bring them here."

"Yes, sir."


In one night alone, we got to clear all of the 14 drug laboratories that we were tasked to break into.

"Hngggg… Nggghhhh…"


"Ahh! Who's there?! Come out or I'll shoot you!"

"Calm down, Sergeant. It's just us."

"S-sir! W-wait, that gunshot…"

"Sorry, someone was too amused to see you sleeping that he wanted to wake you up like that. We already hit him as punishment."


"Shut up, idiot. That wasn't a good prank."

Kai is holding his head after Furuta-sensei smacked it. After all, even he wasn't amused of what he did for fun.

"No, no… It's my fault for dozing off. Anyways, are we going back now, sir?"

"Yeah. We're going back."

"Alright, hop on in."

After passing the collected intel and evidence to Manager Otonashi, we were allowed to rest for the day… which means that we're back to where we started yesterday.

"Geez… You three really like my room, don't you?"

"Hnnggg… Mrgggghhh…"

"Argh! I'm bored!"

"Shut up, Kai. I'm in a good part of this book."

"Haah… This is my room and I'm getting ignored."

Three days later, the city of Fukushima was finally declared as liberated and we were allowed to go home ahead of the SDF soldiers that are clearing up the city.

"Wooow! It's so beautiful!"

"Wahaha!!! I wish I can hop off and swim down there!"

"Hold it, Kai! You're not going overboard in here."

"Argh… this hurts my eyes a bit."

Unlike before where we had to take the highway back to Old Tokyo, Manager Otonashi gave the four of us tickets to the ferry in Namie city since the highway has been closed in order to be used by government relief teams.

"Haah… I can finally rest my body."

"Is your body finally catching up to your age, Sen-"

"Shut up before I throw you to the sea, Rai."

"Ahaha! Alright, alright…"

Mana and Furuta-sensei sat on the chairs by the deck to sunbathe using the early morning sunshine. Having been detained under the bunker for weeks and only being let out during afternoons, they must've missed the feeling of the sun on their skin.

"Wow! That's a big whale!"

"S-sir! Please go down from the navigation mast!"

"Haah… Kai is being a moron again."

"Leave him be. He's enjoying his self, and I don't want to stand up here to scold him anyway."

"Same with me."

"Wait, when did you get a bathing suit, Mana?"

"Hm? I bought it back in the city. I'm not passing up these chances to leave Old Tokyo and do nothing."

"Oh yeah. So that's the reason you told me to help you pick up clothes in the mall, huh? You even used my kids as an excuse."

"Don't sweat it. You need to give them some souvenirs anyway."

"I know that…"

It took a few hours for us to return to Old Tokyo. Given that the ferry had to make several stop overs to pick up more passengers, Mana was able to harass me to help her shop around as well.

"You know that I'm not helping you take these back once we get back to Old Tokyo, right?"

"Don't worry, Kai-kun volunteered to help me with it. And it's not like I can't bring these home by myself anyway."

"You sure blew thorough your salary with these, huh?"

"Get off my case, man. It's these simple pleasures that keep me going."