Separate Ways for Apprenticeships

Today is training day for my team who just got our designation of Combined Team 4 or codenamed "Argent".




Inside the general courtyard of the Sumeragi Estate of Old Tokyo, Mana, Kai and I are being trained by Furuta-sensei just like how we asked him last time.

"You two are still too slow!"



While charging towards him with her machete made of fire, Furuta-sensei tripped Mana's foot by raising a rebar from the concrete floor which made her fall down to the ground.


"Don't look away from your opponent!"


Kai turned his head around, being worried for her. But because of that, he didn't see Furuta-sensei flinging a steel horseshoe towards his abdomen which made him wince in pain after it hit him.

"Now… where is the other-"



As for me, Furuta-sensei did not sense my approach from behind him after I used Mana and Kai's charge earlier as a distraction against him.



"Do it, Rai-kun!"


Because he was shocked with my appearance behind him while my hand has a bleeding wound, he focused the most on blocking me from the direction I am charging from and didn't notice that Kai was the one who had my flask of blood.

"Don't think that you can do that so easily!"

Furuta-sensei is still quick-witted. He took a piece of sheet metal from nearby and used it to block the attacks from both directions as he isn't sure which direction I would attack.

"Just let us win already, old man! "



"We got you! "

Mana flung an arrow of blue flames towards the metal sheet on their side, melting a hole in it. As soon as I was in range, the blood gushed out of the flask and crystallized rapidly until it was only a few inches away from Sensei's side.

"Haah… haah… haah…"

"Haha… Ahahaha!"

"We finally got you, don't we, boss?"

"…Yeah. After so many tries, you finally got to coordinate with each other properly."

After conceding his defeat, I liquified and placed all of the blood back to the flask and Furuta-sensei crumpled the metal sheets and flattened it back to fix the melted one.

After half a day of non-stop training, we finally got to transition from being a group of Psychics that fight by ourselves into a group that fights as a group.

"Argh! Fighting you is such a chore, sensei!"

"Shut it, Fujikawa. Maybe you're already forgetting that none of you can do any good against your strong opponents last time."

"I know that, geez… just let me complain, would'ya?"

"Haah… you darn headache…"

While laying on the ground, the exhausted and beaten Mana complained about Sensei's strict training and after being scolded, just complained more which caused Sensei to just sigh in defeat.

"Hyahaha! It's so like Mana-chan to complain about stuff!"

"Whad'ya say, leaf-head?!"


"Get back here, ya moron!"

Kai on the other hand, innocently teased her. But being exhausted, the hot-headed girl hit him on the back of his head and chased him around the yard, making me sigh because of their noise.

"Haah… these two, really…"

"Get back here!"

"Stop chasing me already!"

"Hey! I thought you two were exhausted already!"

I wanted to rest as well after being beaten again and again earlier, but the two are making too much ruckus for me to actually rest. Thankfully, sensei let me be distracted from them for a moment.

"Hey, Rai. Over here."


I approached him at the porch of Kirin-sensei's dojo building where he told me something now that the main training for us three is over, and we have reinforced our coordination with each other enough to be more effective in fights.

"As you may have already noticed, you three have learned enough from me for today. Right now, you three have reached the peaks of your current potentials."


"When you first came under my wing, you three are already Mid or High Class-4 Psychics, which places you three way above the mass-produced Seed Psychics of the enemy whose power level is usually between Mid Class-5 or Low Class-4… but if you three want to continue being stronger, you need to break your limits and not be contented with what you are today."


Furuta-sensei handed me a crystal orb, and as soon as I held it on my hand, it became crimson red and emitted a faintly bright light.


"It's a new tool called a Growstone. It is made by Kaede-chan. Do you remember her? Kirin-san's niece and Kai's elder cousin?"

"Yes. Kanbu Officer Imamura Kaede. Mana's Psychic instructor and the Pyrokinetic psychic who uses the Augmenter weapon… umm… oh! Momotaro."

I had to take a quick jog in my memory to dig up her weapon's name. Since the Chiba operation happened a month and a half ago, I didn't remember as much about it as I wish I could.

"Good. Anyways, this is an Augmenter tool that she developed thanks to our last mission in Chiba and the amount of enemy research data that we got to steal from our raids in Fukushima. As I suspected from the amount of Astra energy that you exhibited throughout our many missions, you are on the High Class-4 level, but with the flexibility of your material type, you can scratch the surface into Low Class-3."

None of what sensei was talking about truly made it into my head. But if he is saying that I have been improving, that is joyous news for me.

"Now that I have confirmed your current power level, I can conclude that you can enter an apprenticeship to a Kanbu officer."


"Well, how do I put this…? Basically, I can't teach you anything anymore in your current state. If you want to become stronger, you have to choose a certain Kanbu officer that you want to study under and with their tutelage, figure out what is limiting you from breaking into the next power class."

"…I see."

Furuta-sensei might be avoiding that word in consideration for my feelings. But I knew what this "apprenticeship" meant.

"So… we three are going on our separate ways?"

"…Yes. Until you three can come back under me again so I can build up from the foundation that you and your chosen master laid out."

"I understand… Is it just me or...?"

"Oh. I'm just waiting for the two dunces to finish their game of tag before I give them the Growstone."

"Get back here!"

"Leave me alone already!"

After a while, the two got exhausted and Furuta-sensei placed the object on their hands, confirming that like me, there hasn't been any other improvement with their powers since the last time Furuta-sensei measured it by his own self.

"…And so, that's the deal now."

"I… I see…"

"Darn… Just when we three got used to fighting together…"

"Don't make those faces, Mana and Kai… It's not like we're not seeing each other again."


"If we don't want to miss each other's company, then we shouldn't slack off and figure out quickly how we can be stronger. Only through that can we get back together and fight side by side again."

"Y-yeah. You're right…"

"Man… now that you say that, I'm not so sad about it anymore."

The two also seemed regretful of the news. But knowing that it is what has to be done if we want to become stronger and not lose our lives in battle, we three showed each other reassuring smiles. Even Mana who usually acts cool and tough tried to hold back some tears as we shared a group hug.

"Alright, I just got the list. Look at this, you brats."

Furuta-sensei handed us a tablet phone and there, we found a few pages with the names and short information about the Kanbu officers in the Sumeragi group.

"Here's the list of Kanbu officers who are willing to take apprentices these next few months. Don't be picky with who you want to go with, they are all good people and I know that they can help you well with figuring out how you would break your limits."

"Wait… Kaede-sensei is not here?"

"Oh, Kaede-chan is busy with her research. She and her mother actually flew to Hawaii yesterday to meet with some colleagues. From what I heard from Akari-san, it seems like they will head to the Pacific States of America or the Union of Britannia afterwards. It's something about that Replicant we found back in Morioka."

"Woah, woah, woah… Are you saying that auntie Akari and Kaede-nee flew out of the country again with no warning at all?"

"Yeah… it's a bad habit of those two…"

"Ugh! I'll pester her to bring me a ton of souvenirs!"

Mana and I continued to scroll down the list and having seen none of the others especially interesting, I chose the only person who was in my mind since Furuta-sensei told me to look for a mentor.

"We're already here anyway, so I'll go under her again."

"Your Kirin-sensei, huh? I don't blame you for your choice. She's been a good instructor to you and except for me, she has known you personally because she facilitated your post-awakening and mind clearing test."

"Yeah. Although she's really harsh with training. I can't count how many times she zapped me for making minor mistakes."

"Hyahaha! Mom does become a monster when it comes to training. She'd surely eat you alive if you even make a single mistake."


"H-hey… Kai-kun…!"


As soon as I saw a pair of glowing purple eyes from the slightly open door of the behind him, all of the hairs on my body stood on its end. Mana tried to half-whisperingly shout to Kai to stop while Furuta-sensei clasped his hands and chanted a Buddhist prayer for him.

"What did you just say, you loud brat?"


"Come on. Say that again in front of me."

"A-A-Ahh… M-Mom… I can explain about this…"



A pulse of electricity snapped just an inch away from his face, scaring Kai off his feet.

"If you can't speak, then scram!"

"Y-Y-Yes, ma'am!!!"

As we watched him anxiously as he ran away in fear, we turned around to see his mother and the master of the dojo emerging from inside the building while the purple glow on her eyes dissipated back to its normal black color.

"Aaaahhhh… my back hurts."

"Did you just come back from your meditation, Sensei?"

"Yeah. I feel a bit lighter now. Can you fetch me some cold water, Rai-kun?"

"Sure thing, sensei."

She sat at the bench where the three of us were sitting at earlier, letting her face Furuta-sensei who was seating at a stool in front of the bench. Her casual yukata is covered by a lilac-colored haori that has the Imamura clan's family crest.

"Was your sudden deployment at New Osaka that tiring, Kirin-san?"

"Haah… Don't even let me start about it, Furuta-kun. It's almost like that shitshow in Old Osaka back at '64 all over again."


"Yep. Minus the rebels, the Miyazonos with our hostages and one traitorous bastard."


"Anything other than those, happened again. But now, it is mainly the enemy's problem. I just came there to scout their damages and slug skulls with some who crossed by my way."

"Sensei, your water."

"Ah. Thanks a lot."

Kirin-sensei may not have trained me since my post-awakening and mind clearing test with her, but she sure has all of my respect mostly because of how she reminds me of my mother.

"…Something wrong, kid?"

"No. I just feel a bit lonely that we three have to be split apart for a while during our apprenticeships."

"Hehe… no need to feel so down, son."



Kirin-sensei placed down her glass and hit my on the back which made me sit down beside her.

"You youngsters need to improve and if possible, surpass us if you want to actually fight to stay alive."


"You see… this world ain't getting safer and safer as time goes by. Unlike how our enemies would tell the common folk in order to fool them into believing that their corporation is rebuilding and remaking the world to become united and safe, it's not the truth."


"How can people be safe when none of them are willing to question that false peace's guarantors to test if it's really the peace that they want and need? In the end, their peace is only perpetuated by everyone's ignorance and blind obedience."

"Kirin-san… these kids are…"

"You don't have to be afraid about saying it to him, Renjiro."


"You can treat Ephraim like a child because of his age, but this kid already went far and beyond his age when it comes to maturity. He surely understands and can relate to what I just said."

"I actually do, Furuta-sensei."

I spoke up as I understood what Kirin-sensei wants to tell to Furuta-sensei.

"It's a regrettable thing for us grown-ups to pass the baton like this to youngsters like you kids… we're supposed to take it to the enemy and end all of this terrible stuff, but if ever we bite the dust or our bodies just gives in to all the blows we slugged along the way, we have to leave someone to keep the fight going…"

"Sensei. Pardon me for doing this."

"H-huh? W-Woah…"

"R-Rai… haah… this is quite rare."

"Who could've known that the usually cool Rai has this side in him?"

None of them knows about it. They all probably thought that I was trying to make a move on Kirin-sensei. But the reason why I tightly embraced her is because of the same thing that I stated before.

"D-Do you want to stay like this for a bit more?"


"A-Alright… you can let go once you want to."

Kirin-sensei reminds me a lot about my mother… and hearing her say things about "passing the baton to us" and "biting the dust" hurts me not only for her sake but also for the one she reminds me of.

"Hey, man. Not cool. That's my mom you're hugging, you know?"

"Piss off, you brat. Ephraim-kun is a lot better than you when it comes to acting like a proper son!"

"E-Eh? M-Mom… why are you-"

"Ahh… I wish Ephraim-kun was my son instead of you."

"Argh! Darn it!"

In the end, us three chose our Kanbu officers who will become our masters during our apprenticeships.

"Ephraim-kun will be Kirin-san's apprentice. He'll be studying here in Old Tokyo and will stay under the Old Tokyo command of the S.S.S. Is this your final choice, kid?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright. Mana-chan will be Lucas-kun's apprentice. She'll be studying at Sapporo detachment's estate in Hokkaido and will be under the command of the Motomiya branch of the S.S.S. Is this your final choice, Mana-chan?"

"Yes, sensei. I'll handle the temporary transfer with Director Yuri later."

"Lastly, Kai will stay under old man Naganohara in Okinawa. He'll be temporarily relieved from the organization's operations during his apprenticeship."

"Yahoo! I can't wait to meet with the old man again!"

I was a bit puzzled when I heard that Kai won't be going on mission during his apprenticeship, so I asked Furuta-sensei about it.

"Huh? Hasn't Director Yuri or anyone in the S.S.S elites told you about the ceasefire yet?"

"Ceasefire? I don't think we've been told about that yet."

Even Mana turned her head side to side to say that she doesn't know it either.

"Huh… well, to put it simply, the Miyazono conglomerate announced on our last indirect communications that they will not make a move for now. It's pretty clear to us since they are now being questioned by the government regarding their involvement in the rebellion at Fukushima, which didn't only drain their money and control over the area but also dwindled their numbers."

"I see…"

"We don't know if they will keep their word, or they are just bidding their time for another offensive against us, but a ceasefire is a vital rest time for all of us. If they won't shoot, we won't shoot either."

Now that we were told that there will be a pause in the battles, we were quite glad. But it did mean that the S.S.S will still monitor us if hostilities suddenly begin again.

"Nevertheless, I wish the best for you three. Well then, while you're busy with your apprenticeships, I will be taking my well-deserved vacation in a tropical colony island beach at the south."

"W-What? No fair, sensei!"

"Here's to you, brat."


"Oww… that would hurt you inside."

"H-hey Mom! Would you just let your son be disrespected like that?"

"You deserve it, you brat."

After Kai shouted a complaint to Furuta-sensei, even if his mother, Kirin-sensei, was there to see it, he flipped the bird to Kai before walking out of the estate, showing that he's going to unwind from dealing with us until we can go back under him.

That highly disrespectful gesture made Mana and I slightly giggle at Kai's expense, while he was scolded after asking Kirin-sensei to help him out.

With the training day over, I asked Mana and Kai out to dinner along my children. The place where we went is a place that I finally got to enter again after a long while.

"H-Head chef-"

"Quit with that. I'm just a customer now."

"…Still, you were our senior and… leader back then."

This is the reason. My former workmates are here and as soon as I entered the place, they all lined up to welcome me as if I am the owner of the place.

Still, I can't just shoo them away and treat their admiration as needless.

"If you want to call me senpai, prove me to me that all of you has improved."

"H-Head chef…"

"Come on. Get our orders."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

A waiter hurriedly took out a pad of order slips and listened carefully to my words.

"Kiddie set 5 for three. Extra platter of garlic fried rice. Side dish is not spicy. Don't add extra sugar to the iced tea. One order has to be toddler safe. And lastly, the fried chicken should only be wings."

"G-got it, sir."

"How about you two? Go on, it's my treat today."


"You know, Rai-kun… You actually intimidate some people when you know what you're doing."


After that awkward moment, we three talked about our plans while Mio is reading a book at a separate area from where the rowdy Yukari is playing inside a ball pit with other kids. As for little Rea, she's on her highchair and playing with her rattle.

"Why did you choose to apprentice for Boss Lucas, Mana?"

"Hm? Well, it's not fair that only you three got to meet him. It's not everyday that you get to meet foreigner, you know."

"Are you blind, Mana? What am I, then?"

"Shut up, Rai. With how you look and act, you're pretty indistinguishable from a Japanese person… well, except for your name that's quite a mouthful to speak."

"Alright, I'll give you that."

"And besides, with Kaede-sensei out of the country, his Psychic element is the nearest to mine. Maybe he can teach me about how to make my flames burn hotter or maybe control it better."

"That's good thinking, Mana-chan. Boss Lucas is a good teacher, and I can guarantee you that he'll look after you better than anyone else."

"That's good to hear."

"How about you, Kai-kun? I only heard about that Kanbu officer from some reports. Who is Naganohara-san anyway?"

"Oh! I'm glad you asked. Old man Naganohara is a Karate master who leads our small and scattered forces in the Okinawa islands. Do you guys know about Moriyama Kamaji-san who guards the main gate of the estate?"

"Oh! That sharply-dressed guy who's always sitting near the gate?"

"Yep. Old man Naganohara is the reason why he's usually sitting down while guarding the gate. From how I heard about it, Kamaji-san angered the old man once and after their duel, damaged some of the bones on his lumbar and hip bone."

"Ouch… I can't imagine how painful that can be."

For those who don't know, the spinal bone in the lumbar region is a vital support bone for the overall posture of the back and because of this, is usually depended on by the body to bear some of the torso's weight. Therefore, having it damaged along with your hipbone is a sure-fire way to guarantee that the victim can't stand like he does before.

"I chose to go under the old man to refine my Flow state form's combat ability. Both boss Furuta and mom told me that I shouldn't go after improving my ability over plants since it isn't as flexible as other types. Instead, I should improve my ace in the hole."

"I see… well, your plants do have a lot of antagonistic elements because it is an organic-centered material. My blood control is the same, but because of its clotting and crystallization properties, it has a lot less materials that it is weak against."

"Yeah. I'm going to improve my close combat ability by studying the use of Karate and other martial art while I am in my Flow state. Maybe after finding and breaking my limits, I can also find a better name for it."

"Just don't attach a number on its end. I've seen it once on a show and it gets really confusing over time."

"Ahaha! I sure won't buddy."

Once our food arrived, all of us gathered to eat. I finished quickly since I had to prepare her food and spoon feed baby Rea.

"Come on, sweetie. Open wide."


"Alright. Chew properly, okay?"

"What a doting father…"

"Hey kids, if your Rai-nii gets married, do you think he'll still be a good dad to you three?"

"E-Eh? Umm… Rai-san…"

"Uwaaah! Don't leave us, Rai-nii!"

"Darn it, Mana! You made them cry again! Stop teasing them about something that won't happen!"


"Don't "ehe" me, moron!"

After we were finished and the restaurant staff began to clean the tables, I heard a familiar three-tone footstep behind us.

"Fancy meeting you here, former employee of ours."

"I'm glad to be able to meet you again too, Madame Alicia."

Madame Alicia Pecorino Mercado-Dela Cruz. My former boss in Ars Classica and the sister of my professor back at our home country.

"Y-you know her, Ephraim?"

"Yes… she's my former boss and sub-mentor in here."

"E-eh? I thought you are in the medical field?"

"I just dabbled on culinary arts as a sub-course in my ACES program."

"You just dabbled, you say… when you practically overpowered anyone else in my sister's class?"


"Aren't you being too full of yourself, Ephraim?"

"S-Sorry… I'm trying my best not to make this harder to explain to everyone."

I sighed heavily as the old lady asked me how I am doing lately and if I am earning enough for my children's needs and my sister and mother's expenses back at home.

"Everything is alright, madame. As you can see, these kids are lively and healthy, and I am hearing good news about mom's recovery from Hannah."

"I see, I see… God really has helped you out, huh?"

"Yes. I'm doing my best and things has been well for all of us so far. And I wish it would be like this for as long as possible."

Suddenly, the old lady asked me something in our native language. Probably taking care not to let anyone else but me and her know about it. For simplicity's sake though, I chose to word it out our conversation in my mind in a translated form.

{"They're making a move. It seems like they want to build something over the land and has been harassing me and the management to relocate the business elsewhere for free in exchange of this property."}

{"How are the odds? Is the replacement land better?"}

{"Very. The land is larger than this, the foot traffic is better, and it's for free."}

{"What's your decision then?"}

{"They can kiss my foot. I'm not leaving this place. I'll place my grave here if needed just to bring them away."}


After hearing her reply, and maybe even how it sounded in our language, I almost can't hold back my laughter. Knowing that we're pretty much in the clear, she returned to speaking in Japanese and excused herself away to start the day's deliberation.

"In any case, that is the situation we are in. I won't be asking you for help since I know you are busy with your own issues, but in case you can lend a hand, I'll accept it."

"I'll try my best to pitch in sometimes, madame."

"Alright. Thank you for coming here even though this place is quite a bothersome place for you to hang out now."

"Yeah. Give them my praises, madame. I don't think I'll come by here regularly anymore."


We were the last customers to leave the restaurant. And being the one who invited them out until this late in the night, I decided to just go with it and bring them to their homes as well.

"Why do you get to borrow vehicles and I don't get to, Rai-kun?"

"Want me to remind you about the last time you practiced driving, Mana?"

"S-Shut it! I'm not listening to that again!"

"Haha! Don't worry, I barely got to get used to this car as well. I guess motorcycles are my limit."

We used the car that I borrowed from the Agency's motor pool earlier. Kai was the first to get home since he said that he wanted to be dropped off a corner away from the isolation zone's gate, probably out of consideration to the children whom he didn't want to let to see the infected people inside the area.

"Bye-bye, kiddies!"

"Bye, Kai-nii!"

"Take care, Kai-san!"

Next came Mana who lives near Sagami bridge. Given that she's the daughter of the Internal Defense vice-minister, her house was nearer to New Tokyo and quite larger too.

"Should we ring the bell or- wait, what?"

"It detected my house key. The gates here are automatic."

The gate to their house opened and she told me to just drive in until we reached the mansion where she lives.

"""Welcome back, Fujikawa-ojou-sama…"""


Even though it was already late in the night, a line of butlers and maids still welcomed her into the mansion. Even with this extravagant and royal-like welcome, there was only exasperation on her face.

"What are you guys waiting for? Leave the car to the chauffeur and follow me inside."



"Leave the car to me. You can follow Young lady Fujikawa inside now."

I told my children to get out of the car as I handed the keys to the chauffeur who drove it away to a separate parking space.


"Where is this place, Rai-nii?"

"Haah… let's go and see what your Mana-nee is planning to do."

I took Rea from Mio's arms, and we went inside the mansion to follow Mana into the wide western-style family room of the huge house. Even if she is ahead of us, I can sense some kind of annoyance in Mana's expression.

Still, I said nothing in order to not aggravate the situation more.

"You have come home late again, Mana…"


"I understand that you wish to enjoy your time with your friends but do mind the importance of your stature and how it would reflect on your father's reputation."

"…I understand, grandmother."

At the center of the room, an old lady dressed in a traditional kimono was finishing her Ikebana arrangement.

"Oho… I did not expect you to bring over a guest."

"Good evening, madam… I am Ephraim Chronia, Mana's friend and co-worker. And these are my children, Mio, Yukari and Rea."

""G-Good evening, granny.""

"Good evening too, sweethearts… wait, children?"

"They are my adoptive daughters. I apologize, it's a long story."

"I see… Well then, let me call some maids to prepare so refreshments for you."

"W-Wait, grandmother…"

"Yes, darling?"

"Is mom and dad… here?"

The old lady paused for a moment before replying.

"I'm sorry, darling. They are still both away."

"I-I see…"

"You should rest now. Leave your guests to me."


Mana waved a goodbye for us before climbing up to the upper floor and entering her room. With that, we were left in the receiving room with the old lady. She told us to sit down on the luxurious and soft couch while maids were placing cups of tea and some biscuits on the table.


"Alright, but not too much or you'll upset your stomach."

"Yay! Yummies…"

Yukari, having a sweet tooth, asked for my permission to take some of the biscuits before munching on them. Seeing the joyful expression on her face made the old lady smile a little.

"Should I arrange for a guest room for you four?"

"I thank you for your hospitality, madame. Even if we came unannounced."

"This is nothing, young man. Miss Koyomi, prepare a room and lead the children afterwards, young children like them need a good sleep after all."

"Yes, madame…"

A few maids climbed up the stairs to prepare our guest room and after a while, beckoned for the children to follow them. I handed Rea to Mio and bid all of them a good night while placing a kiss on their foreheads.

"You are a good lad… um…"

"Ephraim, mam… For convenience's sake, Rai will be alright."

"No, no… that is not proper. Let me just wrap my head around it…"

The old lady insisted to call me with my real name and after a while, started a short conversation with me.

"So, Ephraim-kun… You say that you are Mana's co-worker and friend, yes?"

"Yes. It seems like you are aware of the details, so I will not withhold information. Mana and I are both S.S.S Agents and Operatives. We've been working side by side for a while and even served near the recent Fukushima uprising."

"Yes. I have heard it from her and her father. It was quite frightening for me and her mother since… as old-fashioned as it may sound, she is a girl."


"But what are we to do? She wishes to serve her country and even if it will be on her expense, if it is how she wishes to be remembered, we cannot intervene in it. Only pray that she stays safe and sound."

Though I had the impression that she sort-of hated her grandmother earlier, perhaps it isn't hatred, but guilt that made her seem evasive with the elderly woman.

"Mana has always been the odd one of them all. She's boyish, tough and loud, short-tempered and after she grew up a bit more, quite crass mouthed…"


"But deep inside, she has this womanliness that not many others have. The kind of womanly trait that isn't delicate, powerless, or fragile. She's a girl who does not follow the usually expected traits from a woman. And in that kind of way, her uniqueness is… astonishing."

"It does."

"What was that, Ephraim-kun?"

"Mana… I haven't met many other women in my life who carries their self like her."


"You are right, madame. Mana is a strange girl with a strange personality. But just because she's not alike the others means that she's undesirable."

I looked at the old lady straight and told her my true words about her granddaughter.

"Even if I am in the most dangerous of battlefields, I don't feel afraid or unsure about my safety when I am with her. In that case, I can say that Mana is a trustworthy and dependable friend… and I wish to continue working with her until the very end."

"…You really are a kind lad, Ephraim-kun."

The old lady said that she will be leaving after feeling sleepy. I offered to help her up the stairs and into her room which she accepted. After opening the door for her, she bid me a thanks and a good evening.


"Huh? Mana…"

I was slightly surprised to see Mana behind me after closing the old lady's door. She's dressed in her pajamas and is looking at me straightly.

"Everything that you said to grandmother earlier… was that true?"

"…You know that I don't lie when it come to assessing people. What you heard there is what I really think about you."

She approached me and gave me a light punch on the chest. It didn't have any strength at all, probably just a gesture to let some annoyance out on me.

"Furuta-sensei, Kai and you… I'll miss you three while we're apart."

"Me too. I'll miss your loud snoring and unwomanly appetite."

"H-hey! Take that back!"

"Ahaha! Make me."

"Get back here!"

For a while, I cherished this short amount of peace that I was given… For in the days to come, there came nothing in my mind but utter fear and unresolved traumas.

The limits that Furuta-sensei wanted me to break through… are things that still haunted me even after I thought I have resolved them when I just became a Psychic.