The Insiders

"Let's shelve this conversation topic for now… Wear your earpiece. Yusa-san is sending a transmission in our channel."

"A-Ah, yes!"

Mana wore her earpiece just as I did the same. After seeing that we're both good, I pressed the receive button on the touch-screen pad of the dashboard which has been ringing. It connected us to the channel just in time to hear Yurippe giving a command to us.

{"To S.S.S Agents Chronia and Fujikawa, this is an emergency transmission from me, Director Nakamura Yuri."}

"Emergency transmission, huh?"

"I wish something major isn't the cause."

{"I require your presence in the bunker as soon as possible. Go straight to my office as soon as you arrive."}

The serious tone under Yurippe's words gave me and Mana some insight on the gravity of the situation. We knew that tone of hers and the only times she would unknowingly use it while giving messages.

"Hold on tight and tidy yourself, Mana. I'm breaking the speed limit right now."

"Gotcha. Drive properly."

After confirming that she has latched on her seatbelt, I stepped on the pedal hard, and the electric engine of the car brought the vehicle forward at a speed that I never tried out before. Still, I retained control and we arrived just five minutes after we were called.

"Agents… I am glad that you have come as soon as humanly possible…"

"We're already going back anyway, Yurippe."

"Yeah. We just finished talking things through with the Akamine family. They gave us the thumbs-up for the things that are going to happen tomorrow onwards."

"I see… It's good that you already settled that discussion since that is connected with the one that I am about to say to you."


After Yurippe turned her computer monitor around, we saw a familiar sight in a familiar place to me and Mana.

"The Cultural Festival, huh?"

"I almost forgot about that one…"

"I'm not surprised that you did… after all, this used to be held at your school sometime in November."

"But the failure last year because of the early snow fall…"

Last year's cultural festival had to be cut short after the late autumn season brought heavy snow fall to Japan and sunk most of our stalls in thick snow. It disappointed many of the students who wanted to enjoy the festival, but it is an act of nature that no one can change or challenge.

"Anyways, this year's cultural fest was held in late spring not just to avoid extreme and unpredictable weather patterns, but also to act as a practical test for your batch on culinary and hospitality work. One of the career paths that the Local Labor Law mandated to be taught compulsorily and-"


"A-Ah… Sorry, Rai-kun."

"What? I don't mind it. No need to be so sensitive."

"Ahem… Continuing with what I just said, we received information from inside that your classes have joined up in this year's festival stall. And because this is also a practical test, they were provided with an entire story of your old school building that will act as their restaurant."

"Wow. 2-A and 2-D agreed to work together… that's like saying that a dog willingly shared its food with a random cat."


"The only problem is, they don't have the necessary skills to properly staff their kitchen…"


"That's why they are trying to outsource and find hired help. That's where Hinata suggested that we send you, Rai-kun, to be their chef."

"Alright, let me try to talk you out of this, Yurippe."

"Alright, I am listening."

"Personally, I don't want to meet those people again… and I find it hard to believe that they want to see me again too."


"I see no reason why we have to go on such a roundabout way to enter our school. We're former students of it and we will be guarding Kaori regularly now. Why do I have to enter it as my former class's hired chef?"

"Because we don't want to attract attention with what we are about to do."

"What… do you mean, Yurippe?"

"…Look at this, you two."

Yurippe opened an image file and it displayed long-distance shots probably taken by a hovering drone where a team of Miyazono Psychics entered the school during the night.

"We suspect that it's another attempt of theirs to find Psychic candidates like the one they had in the music festival that your group foiled."

"So, they're back at it again already?"

"Yeah. And with more bluster than before."

Yurippe switched to another image and there, the Psychics are carrying something that looks like a closed off metal coffin.

"What on earth is that?"

"None of our intel can be 100% sure of it… but we suspect that it's another weapon of the Miyazonos. Something that we have to stop before it becomes activated or used."

"Hmm… And why does this require me to be a hired help?"

"Because it seems like the Miyazonos are now partially aware of who you are."


"Does the mention of letting someone live during your skirmish with them in Aokigahara ring a bell, Rai-kun?"


"Then I believe you have no more reason to not cooperate with the plans…"


Normally, Yurippe would be pretty casual to me and try to be civil with giving orders… but right now, her tone and the gaze she is using on me is one that you would expect from a true leader. One that forces you to act as she commands because it is the best way forward.

"I will let Yusa handle the paperwork for you. You'll be a freelancer hired by one of our front companies to accommodate their request… I know that it would be plenty difficult for you to endure seeing them again, but I ask that you endure it for the sake of our mission."


"That metal coffin and the fact that the Miyazonos are trying to do all of this again just after their three failed attempts to raise havoc in the country, is raising everyone's concerns about whether the enemy is trying to achieve something that they cannot compromise on."

"I understand."

"Mn… Now, we can only see the true gravity of the situation once you're finally inside of that place. Being a hired help will give you a lot of free range in the place… probably even enough to stop it by yourself if you can."

Yurippe, who was acting in a serious fashion since earlier, finally mellowed out and told me some comforting and encouraging words.

"Don't forget why I took you in and you accepted my offer, Ephraim… There are so many important people to all of us than we who can protect them. I created this group to pool our strengths and properly defend those that we wish to protect against anything that may harm them… I don't want to see you putting yourself first and ending up regretting the fact that you didn't get to defend those that you hold important…"

"I understand."

"…If that is so, then prepare to give it your all in this mission. The fight you had with Miyazono Keiji last weekend should've already awakened you to the truth that they have no tolerance or care about whom they will step on all in order to get what they want… and that just because you have the strength, doesn't mean that you can be at peace that they will never reach you or those around you."

"I… understand that."

I really got carried away with thinking about my frustrations with my former classmates that I forgot that all of this is no longer just about me. I placed my whole self on a chopping board the moment I decided to join in and if I back out, I may not like what would happen to those who will take my place.

"Well then, you two are dismissed until further notice."

""Yes, Director!""

After we exited her office, Mana asked me something while we are walking back to the parking area.

"I didn't know you fought against one of the heirs of the Miyazono corporation and won…"

"It's only a partial win… He was overconfident that he can just squash me that I ended up being the one winning and bringing him back to rot on his prison cell."

"Are you… alright with what Yurippe and the other's planned?"

"…To be honest, I am not."


"But what I feel about it doesn't matter… right now, we all have a job to do, and I can't jeopardize it just because of my feelings."

To my surprise, Mana wrapped one of her arms across my shoulders and pulled down to make me bend over a bit so she can reach my head.

"C'mon, Rai-kun… Don't sell yourself short like that. I admire that you are willing to let go of your reservations about the plan for the sake of the mission, but don't say something sad like that. You are free to feel frustrated about it, y'know?"

"Yeah. That's exactly what I plan to do."

"Heh. I see…"

I and Mana split ways while waiting for Yusa-san who is handling my employment to my former classmates' festival restaurant. She said she wanted to sharpen her shooting skills and went off to the gun range while I went to the bunker's library to read some books that caught my interest.

Most of them are archived reports of recent patrol missions by our agents alongside some information that was passed by the Sumeragi group to coordinate our movements.

"Wait… why does the Sumeragi group seem to be going around more and more these days…?"

The reports from the Sumeragi group detailed that they are sending out more men and resources on patrols around the cities they hold. I want to call myself neurotic or some other thing, but I can speak from experience that this isn't normal.

"Are they just being cautious… or is this connected to their thing in Aokigahara that I unwittingly stuck my nose into?"

There was no one but Sir Lucas and Kirin-sensei who asked for me to be pulled away from that place… but that means that they were planning something there that was enough for two Kanbu officers to directly come to the S.S.S with that request out of the blue.

"But wasn't that issue already sorted out with my report and their assessment of the area afterwards…?"

The Sumeragi group and the S.S.S were there to investigate way before the police came to make the official investigations. And both parties found that my affidavit and recollection of the events was genuine, save for the part where I killed Hamasaki Satoshi which I hid until recently from everyone before speaking it out to Yurippe.

"This doesn't make sense… even if the Miyazonos are making their own covert moves, the volume of patrols and the equipment their men carry don't make sense…"

Maybe the best way to find out the truth is by asking Kirin-sensei directly… She still has some things that she has to be secretive of, but she can probably shed some light on what is really happening in their group.

After asserting to myself that I have to talk about this to Kirin-sensei, my phone rang and I read through the notification bar that it is Yusa-san calling me and Mana back to the Department of Operations office.

"Here are your papers and legal documents so you can enter unimpeded in your old school. Rai-kun will be the hired chef of Class 2-A and D, while Mana-chan will be the bodyguard of Kaori-chan at the premises of the school."

"…This contract seems to be unfair."

"Suck it up for now, Rai-kun… With them being students, you can't really expect a solid salary or even a signing bonus. In my opinion, 30% of the total sales would be enough for them to not let you go."

"I know, I know… Still, this is so tilted."

After I gave my gripes, it was Mana's turn to give her misgivings.

"Wouldn't I be conspicuous in there? You know, following her around like she's a juvenile delinquent on probation?"

"You don't need to be hanging out around her at all. In truth, we have planned something for you that is just as troublesome as the one we gave to Rai-kun."


As Mana's eyes went to the bottom of her mission details, there was a shocked expression on her face that was followed by her going pale all of a sudden.

"We've talked about this with Vice-minister Fujikawa and your mother… they said that this would help you have a legal reason for hanging around in there while also aiding in your father's campaign."

"No! No, no, no, no, hell no!"

"What is up with yours' that you are acting like that… oh."

I looked into her folder and saw that she will be leading a campaign kiosk inside the school grounds for her father's political party. And being its leader, she would have more than enough reason to hang around there like me.

"I refuse to do this! Dad and Mom already limited my activities because of the coming elections! I don't want to get mixed up in their business anymore!"

"What happened to doing your job regardless of what you feel about it?"

"This and that is different! You'll be staying in an isolated kitchen away from everyone's eyes most of the time! Meanwhile, I would be handing our flyers and shaking hands with people outside where everyone can see me!"

"Is it really that repulsive?"

"It is! Do you know how tiresome and annoying leading a campaign kiosk is?! You're either listening to all kinds of people thanking your candidate about something or a rival group thrashing your place!"

"I see…"

"Don't just answer like that! Save me here, will you, Rai-kun?!"


As she continued throwing a temper tantrum, Yusa-san simply watched until she wore herself out, before speaking.

"Your father's party staff would be waiting for you next week at the school grounds. You need to keep up appearances for a while in the morning before a slight window in lunch time where you can go around and locate the Astra energy emitters and sensors."


"Also, your kiosk will be located across Kaori-chan's class's stall. You can keep an eye on her from there, so don't appear conspicuous… as you said before."

"Aaahhh! I hate this!"

On the way home, I went to a place that has just recently closed its doors permanently. There is still some staff who are taking apart the furniture and other equipment from the building, but it definitely isn't the same place that it used to be before.

"Manager Kaede. I am here."

"Oh, Ephraim… I was waiting for you."

This is, or should I say, this was Ars Classica. The place I used to work at after my job offer in the nearby hospital was invalidated by law and I needed a stable salary to live day to day.

"How is Madame Alicia nowadays?"

"Granny is well and alright… but you know her enough to know that losing this place had a big impact on her."

"…I sure do. This place is the culmination of all of her dreams and hard work."

"Yeah… and in just a single moment, it was taken from her."

Ars Classica has long been the most favored place for all kinds of eating by everyone. From children's parties to family dining, an expensive luxury date dinner or catering for events… there is even a bakery and confectionary branch, the oldest of the restaurant's branches, whose highly acclaimed "sunrise bread" has assisted the rise back to normalcy of the Japanese people since the end of the war fifty years ago.

To say that such an eatery with a long history and favor to the people would one day fall from grace and declare bankruptcy would probably be a cause for laughter to the ones who hear it… however, just two weeks ago, that was exactly what happened.



Inside the now decrepit kitchen where I used to work at, Manager Kaede asked me to sit down on the exact same counter where I used to cook and poured out some tea for both of us.

First, to clear up a possible misunderstanding, Manager Kaede is different from Lady Imamura Kaede of the Sumeragi group. Even I was a bit puzzled by it at first, but it seems that the name became quite popular at the year when both of them were born.

"How did everyone accept the sudden failure of the shop?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? They are all frustrated with you-know-who… Granny tried her best to save everyone from unemployment, even proposing to the workers that she will allow for there to be little to no profit at all for a while… but if raising the price of the ingredients we need wasn't enough already to strangle us, those bastards began to actively scare away customers by sending some sketchy-looking people around the block."

"They really have no qualms about destroying normal people's livelihoods and dreams."

"They are heartless bastards… No need to expect anything from them."

The last time I talked with them was after we got back from Fukushima with my team. Back then, madame Alicia said that she won't be backing away from the Miyazonos who was aiming to buy the restaurant including the land it is standing on. She even joked about placing her grave in there if needed.

However, just as I said earlier, the has lost that battle in some respects.

"They were initially planning to take the place over and place it under new management, but after an "unfortunate kitchen error" where our recipe almanac was burnt, and a bunch of chefs "stole some equipment" and ran away, they decided to just convert this place into a shopping center."

"An unfortunate kitchen error and stolen equipment, huh?"

"Yep… we have really "ungrateful" workers, don't we?"

If it isn't already obvious with our sarcastic tone on some words, those are codes for our loyal workers who did all that they can to scorch the earth where our enemies wanted to tread on. The recipe book was burned on purpose and the chefs all ran away and hid in order to not be forced to cook the dishes that was just lost from the enemy's hold.

"Still, a shopping center, huh? It would be quite the unfavorable place since this is already smack in the middle of a commercial area with established stores that has a solid patron population."

"Well, do you think they aren't afraid of doing all of what they did to us on the other mom and pop shops here?"

"That is…"

"As I said earlier, they are heartless bastards… They strangled us who has been here since the 20's and they aren't afraid of doing the same to the other establishments here if that is what they want to."


"In any case, it's not like the future is bleak and hopeless for all of us… Granny has decided to retire now, so our family's finances is up to me…"

"Speaking of which, what are your plans now?"

"Isn't it obvious with how I am taking some of the stoves and equipment here?"


Manager Kaede slid a flyer to me across the table and there, I saw something that let me know what she has in mind.

"I'm planning to downscale the business into a smaller group. Many of the chefs that still wanted to cook for us will be joining me in this thing. We'll be preparing everything inside a property that we own, and this time, we don't have to worry about their hooligans scaring off customers when we'll be the ones coming to the customer's doors."

Basically, the Manager's plan was to open a door-to-door food service with the same dishes that we used to cook. With it being a non-dine-in or walk-in restaurant, all of the tactics they used against them would be useless. Add to that the fact that she seems to have found an importer who can sell her ingredients without the tight prices of Miyazono corporation who currently holds a monopoly in it, she's practically set up for success.

"There would still be some bumps along the way… but I believe that you can handle it properly given your experience and skills."

"I know. And I have the best team that one can ever hope to have… With that topic done, I'd like to ask you about the reason why you came here today."

"Oh. About that…"

I've told her the cover story that Yusa-san gave where I was thinking about moving out of Sunogahara-cho and into a better neighborhood for the sake of my children. With my former classmates offering a good payout for a hired chef, I decided to take it on.

"I see… Knowing your history with them, I find it hard to believe that you would willingly take it."

"Yeah. But you know that side of me too, if it's for my daughters, I'd go as far as fight a demon lord."

"You… You know that novel is-"

"Alright, alright. I didn't word that one out properly, sorry… The point is, I came here to ask for your permission to use our recipes while in there."

"Hmm… I understand why you came here just for that. Given that you learned our dishes from granny's sister, you must also know about the dishes that we're meant to treat as our specialties, yes?"

"That's right. That's what I came here for."

"Then you have my express approval. You were talented and responsible enough to be taught by my family's elders… I don't think entrusting you with the food quality that comes with my family's name would be harmful."

"Thank you, Manager…"

"Sure thing."

"I… have another concern."


"While your in-house stall is yet to be established… I want to ask for something from the Hasegawa twins."

For the first week of our security mission for Kaori, we did nothing more other than take her to school and back to her home. Her return seems to be adequately received… but of course, there are also those students who made or believed the rumors about her that I asked Kaori to swerve away from.

A week quickly passed by and the first day of the cultural festival's 2nd preparation week started. With that, I and Mana's covers will now be used.

"Do I look presentable?"

"Yep… Way better than me who has to endure wearing this dress… Ugh…"

As we waited for Kaori to leave her home and ride with us, I asked about how I looked like and was told that I was better off than Mana who had an exquisite dress that she wasn't really fond of.

"In any case, today is the first day of our investigation. I'll handle the steel coffin because it's nearer to where I will be working. For you, try to find all the emitters and sensors that they will use for their plans. We toppled them in the music fest, let's do it again."


"Good morning, Rai-senpai and Mana-senpai!"

"Good morning too, Kaori-chan."

"Whoa, Kaori-tan… Are those…?"

"Yep! My classmates learned that I was good at making them, so I spent the week preparing them both in school and at home."

What caused Mana's surprise was the boxes behind Kaori that contains paper flowers and other crafted furnishings that will be used as a design for their class's stall.

"These are well-made. If you sprayed some floral perfume on it, it may even look real from afar."

"Y-Yes… that was actually the plan, Rai-senpai."

"I see… Your class is following my class's plan last year regarding a floral café?"

"Ah! I didn't know that your section did something like this before!"

"We did. It was supposed to be some kind of design to counteract the cold late autumn with a design that highlights springtime… but in the end, the snowfall won."

"Alright! Let's load em up at the back and go to school now! We can't afford to lose more time in here!"


For the past week, no one really noticed that I and Mana has been around the school. Some of Mana's classmates do know that she is being brought to and from the school by a car, adding more rumors to the already inflated topics of tattling by her classmates. But it seems like she isn't aware of it or doesn't mind it at all.

"Kaori-chan, I have a small favor to ask from you starting today."

"What is it, Senpai?"

"As you already know, I'll be hired by my former classmates as the chef in their culinary and hospitality practical test during the cultural festival while Mana would be leading her father's political party kiosk near your class's stall."


"I want to ask you to only approach us when things are very dire for you or you are in serious need of help."


"I'm sorry for saying this straightly like this… But right now, both of us has things to do out there, and we can't provide as much overwatch for you as we want to."

There was a slight look of sorrow on Kaori's face after I spoke those words. It seems like she's felt a bit anxious about things after I said that we can't look after her much during this time.

"Don't worry though, we'll be giving you this."

"This is…"

"A necklace that has a tracker and a small transceiver. It's connected to our phones so we can respond if something bad comes up."

Mana handed her a small case where a necklace with a cherry blossom-shaped jewel is placed.

"Your return to the school seemed to have gone pretty smoothly, but we still have to be cautious about the ones who has spoken nothing but slander against you, Kaori-chan."

"For the past week, they seem to think that you can't be pounced at yet because someone with a vehicle like this is bringing you to and from the school. But once we appear there and they learn that the ones protecting you is just a pair of dropouts from that school, they would surely make their moves."


"We're really sorry, Kaori-tan. If only we both had more favorable reputations with them, you won't be dragged into our problems as well."

"No, no, no! That's not true at all, Mana-senpai! I'm… I'm the one who is supposed to apologize for being the one who has to force the two of you to go back there regularly."

Typical of her, Kaori took the apologetic stance and told us that she's the one who is actually troubling us… She's really kind-hearted when it counts.

"Anyways, I don't want you to be taken advantage of again or be the subject of everyone's gossiping. I saved your life back then and I don't want to see you suffering afterwards."


"Take care of yourself and stand up to anyone who would pose any kind of danger to you… but if the going gets tough and you can't handle it anymore, call on us and we'll be there."

"Yep! You can depend on us if you can't do it by yourself, Kaori-tan!"

"Thank you, Senpai!"

Once we arrived at the school, instead of just dropping her by the gate as we used to do before, we entered the campus grounds through the vehicle parking space gate and parked our car at one of the lots. We walked towards the school building afterwards where some students saw us and immediately had fierce looks on their eyes.

"If having eyes filled with disdain can be considered as a warm welcome, I'm probably on fire right now."

"Don't say it like you're the only one being a target of it… There are still some idiots here who can't get over the fact that I beat up their baseball team."

"We're in the same boat called "victims of circumstance", huh?"

"Stop reminding me about it…"

I dropped off the boxes of paper flowers and other furnishings to Kaori's stall and reminded her to keep her chin up and enjoy her day. She gave me a bright smile and said that she'll be alright before going inside their stall, giving me some peace of mind.

"Now then… time for me to put up appearances for my old man… I already feel tired about all of this."

"If Vice-minister Fujikawa heard that, he'd be crying, you know?"

"Get off my case, dumdum! How about we switch places just so you can see how hard it is to lead a campaign kiosk?"

"Meh. I'll pass."

"See? So shut it and just go ahead with your own business. You have to deal with your own idiots anyway."

"Yeah… I can kind of understand what you've been saying just now. It is already a pain in the neck just by thinking about it."

I and Mana split ways, with her going to her father's campaign kiosk to lead their politics team and me heading to the interview with my former classmates.

"Yo! You guys are early today-"

"Thank goodness you got here early today! We should-"

In my class's restaurant building/practical exam area, I was welcomed with the cut-off words of two classmates who was shocked to see me right here out of the blue.

"I heard you need a chef. I'm here for the interview."

I know that there is hell ahead of me in this place… But for the sake of my mission and the safety of those dear to me, I'll stroll into it with my all.