State of Emergency

The news about Ephraim finding the long-lost corpse of the founder of the Miyazono corporation and another possible creation of an Astra energy hotspot smack in the middle of Old Tokyo sent massive waves across the command structure of both the S.S.S and the Sumeragi syndicate.

"Yurippe. The Main Operations Office is ready for you."

"Good… Yusa, execute our common deployment readiness strategy while trying your best not to raise suspicion. For now, let Agent Chronia and Fujikawa to be our eyes and ears inside the place while we're still not in full readiness."


"Hinata, inform the vice-minister about this and that we might perform an FEO (forced-entry operation) at Miyazono Old Tokyo academy at any given moment if those two on the ground discern it to be needed."

"Roger that. The Sumeragi group says that they'll leave the raid to us, but we have to pass on the corpse to them."

"Tell them that I'll discuss it with upper brass but given their larger number and capabilities to guard it, I'll lean on letting them have it."

"Copy that."

In the Main Operations Office of the S.S.S Headquarters, Director Nakamura Yuri gave each of her staff members work to do as she watched the progression of the operation through a live drone footage above the school.

"After thirty years… you finally showed up, you darned bastard…"

There was pure animosity in both her expression and tone as she looked at the photo taken by Ephraim in that basement where the steel coffin that contains his body was shown. Although it has been dried up to a mummified state, the composite recreation of their computers' AI gave a 97% guarantee that it is indeed the person they are going after.

"Yuri! Encrypted transmission from the Prime Minister!"

"Reroute that call to my console. Leave the talking to me."


As the higher-ups of the S.S.S prepared for what might be their only opportunity to retrieve the body of their sworn enemy, the situation on the ground for both Ephraim and Mana wasn't any better.

"S…22, was it? This one is on Table 31. No special requests."

"Order up on Table 7, serve it quickly."


Even though it wasn't as hectic as the day before, the students and Ephraim himself are still busy with servicing and cooking for their customers. Today, instead of families, there is a noticeable number of middle to high-class individuals who entered their place and ordered dishes through codes that wasn't in the menu, but Ephraim seems to know what they meant and delivered them properly without any delay.

This of course, raised the annoyance of some who still can't fathom the fact that they are working with him, and he seems to be the only one who is getting any praise. The fact that he got to escape their anger towards him after they saw the remarks in the last night's proctor evaluation letter didn't help either. In truth, if the atmosphere of their place wasn't more high-class as it suddenly is now because of the presence of some refined individuals, there was no doubt in Ephraim's mind that he would be overtly subjected to said anger by his classmates.



"There is someone who wants to meet you. They said they are patrons who came from your former workplace and want to see you again."

"Kindly tell them that I am busy, give them our appreciative gift basket and bring them to the door. I can't face former patrons now that the restaurant is formally closed, that is common policy for former employees of a business."


"Go on. If they kick up a fuss, threaten them that you will call school security."

"R-Rai-san… I-I don't think that's an option right now!"

Finally done with platting the beef wellington and placing it on the counter, he sighed and walked towards the shaking Sayaka and finally faced the fussy customer who wanted to meet him.


"Ey, ey… You really are a tough nut to crack, Head chef."

"Haah… How many times do I have to tell you that I will not take your offer, Lady Rossi?"

As I expected since I smelled that familiar expensive perfume of hers, it is indeed Lady Amalia Rossi. A renown businesswoman in the culinary world that has been scouting me out since she tasted my cooking while I am still an intern in The Forester Bistro.

"Don't be like that, lad. With your former workplace owned by Madame Dela Cruz now permanently closed, I believe you are in need of a stable work, yes?"


"Small gigs like this are nothing compared to the position that I am willing to give to you at my new luxury hotel's kitchen. I believe you have received the details in both your mailbox and email inbox, yes?"

"Yes. And I replied in both ways that I don't want to be your employee. So please, pay for the three-course meal you ordered and take your leave. I still have a long list of orders to make."

"You! How dare you turn your back on-"

"Hush, Vincenzo! Stop that!"

"B-But madame, this brat is-"

"You better not pick a fight with him… If I cannot convince him now, there is always opportunities for later. So don't try to throw punches towards his direction."

"Y-Yes, my apologies…"

As the elderly noblewoman left after paying for her meal, Sayaka approached me, still shaking a bit after everything that happened.

"R-Rai-san… who is that old woman and why does she insist on meeting you?"

"That's Lady Amalia Rossi. She's the owner of some high-end hotels and resorts in New York, Cannes and New Tokyo. Ever since she saw me, she's been trying to hire me into one of her local establishments as a head chef."

"That sounds wonderful! Why didn't you accept it and keep giving her the cold shoulder?"

"I guess I have to tell it to you then even if it might scare you…"

"Tell me what?"

"In addition to having hotels and resorts, she also leads her brother's mafia group outside of Italy. Their surname of Rossi has actually been attributed to the color of the streets and houses that their goons attack at night, which is scarlet red."

Sayaka gasped in fear after what I said. That's pretty common as a response after you learn that the person who was just in front of you moments ago was someone like that. With that though, I wonder how she would react if I told her that I came from a warzone in Fukushima and must've already had hundreds of dead people on my shoulders? Well… not like anyone's going to believe that.

"Anyways, how are things going?"

"Ah! There are no more people waiting on the line and the ones who ordered multi-course meals are being served by the others attentively… however…"


"There are some customers who are complaining about not being able to talk to you. The old lady from earlier was the only one who pushed her demand, but it seems like the same thing is coming from the other guests who seems to want to talk to you."

"Leave them be. They're either just here to taste my cooking for one last time or to scout me out without actually knowing the reason why I quit corporate work as a chef…"

"Would that be… really alright?"

"Of course, if someone really wants to push it though, I'll handle it myself. They might be customers and you guys are being graded right now, but that doesn't mean that they can just kick you to the curb and put up a fuss to see me. Even if I hate all of you without exception, you don't deserve to catch the burden of having someone like me in this place."

After telling her that, Sayaka seemed to be a bit downtrodden. I was aware that I have been very cold towards her these past few days ever since I got hired here. Mainly because of what happened when she visited me at my home and selfishly demanded for me to go back to school. While pretending that she knew nothing of the animosity the others has given me in this place.

"Say, Chronia-san…"


"Why… are you so different from all of us?"

"…What do you mean with that?"

"I… I noticed something about you long before you stopped attending classes and officially dropped out from the school. You seem to always be serious about everything, you rarely socialize with others and even though there are times when you can actually join in our fun, you either leave the scene quietly or act as if you aren't interested about it at all."


"It's just… sad to see you like that, you know?"

Hearing Sayaka's words made me stagger for a moment while I am applying the sauce on the steak I was making. Perhaps it was because I was caught in a surprise by that remark from her whom I already decided to hate after that event.

"The world that shaped me and the world that shaped the rest of you are very far apart, Sayaka-san."


"I'm not saying that you are all privileged and has not tasted true suffering even once in your life… I am not naïve to think that I am the only one in this world that faced hardship and misery. As my father used to say, everyone faces their Goliath, and no David deserves to boast about bringing down theirs'."

And yet, I have all the right to say these words to them, for just like I said, the lives that we led are very far apart from each other.

"I learned so much from so early in my life that I can hardly remember where I learned about something from somewhere or someone… May it be a mother who taught me to embrace my intrinsic academic talent, a circumstance where the young boy me had to learn how to stand on his own feet, a broken woman who taught me to have love in my heart so I can endure every hardship, a resolute man who taught me how to fight to protect those that I love, a man who made thousands of mistakes and taught me to live without having to regret any choice I make… or a young man who showed me that there are still things and bonds in this world that are worth dying for."

"Those are…"

"Our lives are full of lessons that some end up not noticing and learning about… While there are those who reflect on all of them and learn to be better than their past selves. That's why I believe that the answer to your question about why I am so different in comparison to all of you lies on the fact that I never saw it as necessary to distract myself on the things that hurt me yet teaches me a lesson. Instead of pursuing comfort and goals that are easy, I always try to find ways to know more and do better even if it means that I will be left hurt and tired again and again."

After I placed the plate on the counter to be picked up and served by one of them, I faced Sayaka and asked her a question that I knew would echo around in her head for a while.

"How about you guys? What kind of life have you led so far to justify all of the insults and blabbering that you gave me since we first met? Because if you don't have any good reason, my loss of hope towards all of you would be pretty warranted."


Evening came to the second day of Old Tokyo academy's cultural festival, drawing a close to the activities of the student stalls who will be receiving the evaluation reports of the proctors shortly.

In the combined examination restaurant area of class 2-A and 2-D, there was nothing but disappointment and fury on the faces of the students as they saw another report that is almost unchanged from the one sent yesterday.

"The customers have stated that the food and drinks has been superb and has exceeded their expectations, but the service crew are either lagging behind, uncoordinatedly moving around and bumping to each other, cannot clean up used tables in an orderly and quiet manner and seem to know nothing about actually working as a service crew pre-meal, during and post-meal."

"Dammit! Not this again!"

"We did better today, didn't we?! Why are their remarks like this again?!"

"Those biased proctors! I wish they stub their knee!"

The complaints of the students echoed around the room as Miyamoto read the letter that contained the remark of the test proctors who again, criticized the unorderly and substandard service that they gave to the customers they had today.

"And this guy! He ran away again before we can rat him out!"

"Argh! I'm done with him! Sayaka! Please fire him tomorrow!"

"Yeah! We're the ones taking the test, but he's hogging all of the limelight!"


"Sayaka-chan, we can't have that guy in here anymore. Since you're the one who signed the work contract, you have to fire him. If you are worried about the penalty for the breach of contract, we are prepared to pay for it so long as we can get rid of him!"



"I can't do that… No, I will not do that."

Hearing her reply, her classmates all looked at her as if they can't believe what she just spoke about.

"Chronia-san isn't the one at fault… why are we all looking at him as if he is responsible for all of our mistakes and shortcomings?"

"Haah?! Hey, Sayaka… Don't tell me you're suddenly taking his side now?"


"Do you remember how that guy shouted at us and ruined our fun when that bastard Miyazaki died after we rightfully avoided him since he's a dangerous guy?"

"And he has all the right to be furious towards all of you!"


"What kind of person ostracizes and hates a guy just because his parents were murdered?! Are you out of your minds?! How can you act like you are in the right when instead of grieving him further, you should've comforted Miyazaki just like how Chronia-san did?!"

As Sayaka shouted these words, there was a clear showing of a shamed expression on everyone's faces. Perhaps hidden all this time by the common thought that those two are the ones in the wrong because them who are numerous decided it was the right thing to do, Sayaka's resounding questioning of their actions back then that set off the domino effect that brought them to this situation made those repressed feeling of accountability to surface once again.

However, not everyone was swept by her words… for there are those who truly believed that they were not in the wrong at what they did.

"Why should we be ashamed, Sayaka-chan?"


"Those two went against us and what we all wanted… why should we be ashamed for bringing them down?"

And as for the one who spoke these words, it was no one else but Kotaro, the guy who has always been against Ephraim that even a slight mention of his name ruins his day.

"If you want to be part of the crowd, you shouldn't be so sensitive about everything. There are small things that you should be ready to overlook so you won't stick out like a sore thumb and ruin everyone's time. Those two did those things that they should pay dearly for making everyone uncomfortable when we should all be enjoying our time together."

"Ko-kun… what on earth are you talking about? Small things? Ruin everyone's time? Enjoying our time? Miyazaki-san's parents died in an arson, and you call it a small thing and his suffering as ruining everyone's time?!"

"That's his own problem! He shouldn't have showed his face here and acted as if he's the only one who is suffering! Everyone was scared about being the next victim of those arsons that we can hardly go out! He even caused the teachers to become paranoid enough that they have to set a curfew right after our dismissal time!"

"And what's wrong with that?! It was for your own safety! Between your selfish want to go to cafes, karaoke bars or the houses of your boyfriends and girlfriends, and him losing his parents and bearing the responsibility of caring for his equally orphaned siblings, what between those two are a small thing?!"


"Answer me!"

If she was simply complaining earlier and barely placing volume on her voice, hearing the hypocrisy and selfishness of her classmates broke the timid personality of Sayaka who finally poured out her bottled up frustration to all of them.

"I've always dreamed about spending my school days in pure happiness with all of you… I've always thought that so long as I can make all of you want to have the same happiness as everyone else, we can all have a peaceful and enjoyable time here. One where no one is left behind or feels down… but now… after I talked to him and learned how he lost hope on people because of all of you…"

"Sayaka-chan. That guy is not-"

"Don't you dare slander him again with your lies!"


"Chronia-san… Rai-san is not at fault for being what he is! Can't you see and understand something as simple as that?! Rai-san has been the scapegoat of everyone's misfortune even if he has no reason to receive it! And now that I am trying to make all of you realize that fact, you still pin all of it to him?!"

In any way that one would see this argument, Sayaka protecting Ephraim after all this time is clearly the right thing to do. And there is no way that this fact can be refuted as wrong…


"You know about this too, Miya-chan! Tell them off as well!"


However, as it has happened once to the then orphaned and now departed Miyazaki Hiro, and again to Ephraim when he defended his dead friend, what is right and what is wrong is often subjected to what the many agrees to be which is which.

And now, Sayaka will understand the reason why when she visited Ephraim back in his home, he refuted all of her claims that everyone is missing him and that no one truly wished to have him gone or do him harm.

"They are right. We need to have that guy out of our place."

"H-Huh…? M-Miya-chan… what are you-"

"Notwithstanding your apparent siding with him just now, I wish you'll be logical enough to know and choose to do the right decision for everyone's sakes."

"But why?! Why do we have to fire him?!"

"Listen to me, Sayaka!"


Seeing the fierce expression on her dear friend's face, Sayaka understood that what she is about to say is something that she resolutely chose to speak to her.

"Chronia-san is hated by everyone in here. I don't care if it is something meaningful or it is purely out of whatever shallow reason. The thing that matters is that no one else except you wishes to have him stay here."


"No buts! Can you not understand what I am trying to say to you? He doesn't belong here! Not back then, not now and never will be!"

In front of her dear friend who says that she is going against her wishes, Sayaka's previously resolute heart who wanted to save Ephraim has staggered as it became torn apart between continuing with her choice or dialing back and letting them do as they wished.

"Having him here will only drive everyone further into bitterness and resentment. Even if I can understand your reasoning for wanting to protect him after staying silent all this time, for the sake of everyone's enjoyment and peacefulness… We need him gone from here from tomorrow onwards."

"No… I can't do that… Not again-!"

Sayaka wanted to break into tears after all of the attempts and fuming that she did equated into nothing but the worst outcome that she wholly wanted to avoid. She clutched her chest, feeling the pain of failing that person yet again.

"…If you can't do it, then I will. I'm sure he will understand it anyways."

"Oh, I sure will understand that, Miyamoto."


"Since when were you there?!"

All of a sudden though, the person that they least expected to come here at this specific moment appeared, shocking most of them. He was standing by the doorway with an expression of distaste on his face.

"…This makes things easy. Chronia, we've discussed everything, and we came to the conclusion that we would be better off without you in here with us."

"Discussed everything? Came to the conclusion? Don't twist the facts, Miyamoto. I know that you and these lot just did what you are best at when dealing with those who doesn't wish to integrate into your hive-minded belief on how things should be done and what one should and shouldn't think or do."

"Say what you want to say… all of it just shows that you're bitter about being fired and-"

"You can't fire me if I quit before you declare our contract void."

At that exact moment, Ephraim took the work contract that he has been keeping in his bag and tore it apart into pieces.

"…What is the meaning of this?"

"I just want to show all of you that this time, I will be leaving under my own terms and under my own behest. Unlike back then when all of you can delude yourself into thinking that you were victorious on driving me away after I dropped out of the batch, I am making sure that you'll look back on my leaving this time with nothing but regret and disappointment on your selfish selves."

Walking past the crowd that was fuming mad to the point that an exchange through fists can happen in any given moment, Ephraim went to the kitchen and made enough of a noise for those who are intrigued to peek inside and see him disassembling all of the equipment and tools in that place.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Where are you taking our stove and those pans?!"

"This is all mine, you idiot! You think I will just hand my own belongings to prideful bastards like you?!"

"What did you just say?!"

Sensing an opportunity as he saw Ephraim disassembling the equipment that he will be taking with him, Kotaro formed a fist that he drew back, aiming to punch him on the flank.



However, before he can even send it forwards, the sharp senses of Ephraim detected his attack and within a fraction of a second, a real fist that has been used against countless others planted itself right in the middle of Kotaro's throat, making him gag and heave labored breaths in and out repeatedly.

"Kak-! Kah! GUAAAA!"


"…What? Already out on the first strike?"

"Kh! Why, you-!"



"For someone who always boasted on his history of winning in fistfights, you're shittier than I expected."

*Bak! Bak! Bak!*

"Ah! ARGH!!! Stop! STOP!!!"

"You always hated me for no real reason, right? Then I'll give you a good reason to hate me right now!"

"AHHHH!!! HELP!!!"

Subjected to the barrage of punches on vital and soft parts by Ephraim, the previously loudmouthed and overly aggressive Kotaro folded into a reeling child as the fear of someone who actually means to break him right at that moment appeared.

"What are you standing there for?! Help Ko-kun!"


"Surround him!"

Seeing their leader being beaten to a pulp, Kotaro's cronies jumped into the scene, aiming to overpower him with their numbers, however, that would turn out to be the biggest mistake on their side.

"Eat this- AHH!"

"Dude! Why, you-! GAK-!"

"Let's go! Let's do this together!"

"Y-Yeah! Take this from us W-WAH-!"

"H-Hey! Ack!"

In the narrow kitchen area, their numbers did nothing but block each other's movements and attacks, ending up with Ephraim using their haphazard punches and kicks against them, or using them as a human shield before countering the attacking person.

"Urgh… Why, you-!"

"Ko-kun! Don't do that!"

"R-Rai-san! Knife!"


While he was beating up Kotaro's cronies, Ephraim didn't notice that Kotaro has recovered from his injuries and took a knife from the rack.

*Fwip! FWAP-!*


"Hup-! Hih-"

"Ko-kun! Stop already!"

"Stop this before you seriously hurt someone!"


Sayaka and the others' pleading for him to stop wasn't heeded as Kotaro kept on swinging the razor-sharp knife toward Ephraim who skillfully and narrowly dodged them.

"Somebody! Call the teachers!"

"We have to stop this before someone gets seriously hurt!"

The students are in a frenzy about how they are going to stop this thing. The answer however, was something that was delivered quickly and without outside interference.



"Has no one taught you not to play with knives?"


Ephraim saw an opening in his haphazard knife swinging and hit Kotaro's hand, swatting away the knife from his grasp and catching it in time to hit Kotaro on the solar plexus with its solid wooden handle.

"Ick-! I still… have to teach you a lesson-!"

"That's my line."


"UGH-! Kah…"

With a side kick on the left side of his head, Ephraim finally incapacitated Kotaro who dropped like a bag of bricks to the floor.

"…Feel free to tell them that I did this. But don't you dare cover for them and not tell the teachers that this bastard didn't start it. Even if you hate me to the core, at least have some human decency to not give false witness against someone who just defended himself."


Ephraim tidied the rest of his stuff in a moment and properly left the area while everyone was still stupefied with what just happened.

"C-Check them out! Are they still alive?"

"Y-yeah… except for some bruises, none of them seem to be injured too much."

"K-Kotaro is the same. He's just out of consciousness right now."

"Damn… There almost no visible injuries, but they got hurt enough to lose consciousness?"

As they checked their beaten-up classmates, there was a worried expression on Miyamoto's face who saw everything that transpired after she made the declaration that Ephraim cannot come there to work for them anymore.

"…It shouldn't have ended like this."

"Then you should've cleared up everything to him instead of hitchhiking ."

"Y-You are-"


"You're here too-?!"

This time, it was the students from Class 2-D's turn to throw hateful glares towards someone who left their section. All of them looked at her with disdain, yet Mana simply walked past them with no care for each other and went towards Miyamoto who became uneasy upon seeing the girl who bested an entire baseball team in a fistfight.

"Ephraim might be overly serious and unsociable, but that ain't a valid reason for all of you to undermine him and treat him like trash. The proctors already told all of you the truth, he's the only saving grace of this group."

"Those qualities are exactly the reason why I decided to make him quit… Even if he is so valuable to us, he everyone doesn't like him, then in the end, we will fail."

"That's where you're wrong."

"…What are you talking about?"

To Miyamoto's surprise, Mana leaned in towards her ear and whispered something that would probably make her lose sleep tonight.

"Tomorrow is the last day of the culinary and hospitality practical test and the deciding factor for your final grades. You do know that none of these kids know jackshit about cooking, right?"


"Good luck appeasing the culinary proctors… I heard classes 2-B and 2-C hired chefs from Ars Classica just for tomorrow, former workmates of Ephraim who are just as good as he is in cooking. In comparison to this group, they're sure to pass the practical exam."

As Mana turned on her heels to leave the room, Miyamoto shouted out to her after she snapped out of her trance.

"Fujikawa! Did you know about all of this from the start?!"

"Miya-chan… what are you talking about…?"

"Answer me, Fujikawa! Is this the reason why told me to listen to them instead of Sayaka?!"

Being asked this question after Miyamoto finally revealed that they have conversed before all of this happened, Mana turned her face around while a smirk was plastered on it.

"Beats me… didn't you tell me yesterday that if things blow over, you'll take everyone's side even if it's the most illogical way to go just to keep everyone together?"

"This isn't how I meant it! If only I knew that tomorrow will be the day where all of this will be decided, I wouldn't have fired him-"

There was a short pause between their conversation after Miyamoto gasped and began to develop a regretful expression.

"Judging from that look on your face… looks you did make the worst choice."

"How… How did it end up like this…?"


In the hopelessness of the situation, Miyamoto fell on her knees and Sayaka caught her in time to make her sit down on the ground safely.


"W-What is it?"

"Get Ephraim back… We need him no matter what happens!"