Free for All Rumble in Old Tokyo

Inside the Main Operations office of the S.S.S's Shibuya Bunker HQ, Yuri and the others are facing a danger on both the presently active warzone of the school, and at several sites of their own base.

"Combat Company 9! On me!"

"""Yes, sir!"""

After Ephraim disappeared from their surveillance drone coverage, simultaneous events led to the present situation where the S.S.S is caught in between.

"Tunnel C and a portion of Tunnel F is cleared. Only Tunnels B, D, E and H remains filled with armed Miyazono combatants."

"Good. Lead our men to the accessway above them and tell our men who is already engaging them to press on. Once they attempt to retreat, cut them off with an ambush and finish them."

"Roger that, Vice-director!"

In their own base that are located in the repurposed subway stations of Old Tokyo, men from the Miyazono corporation entered and attempted to infiltrate their base. However, they didn't expect that the security sensors and cameras there has been upgraded, leading them into a shootout with the S.S.S Operatives deployed in the area.

"Chief Yusa! We have a resurgence in the situation at the southern gate!"

"Send in the rest of the force! Prioritize evacuating civilians before engaging the monsters!"


Meanwhile, the abnormally large pool of Astra energy that gathered in the school caused an imbalance in the psychological statuses of the people. This gathered Psych-malignances that made them uncomfortable and irritable at first until it reached a certain point where the monsters manifested themselves partially by making said affected people to begin attacking others or act wildly.

"Chief! We're reaching the time limit for the possessed ones!"

"Tch! Get the civilians out of there before giving the shoot-to-kill order!"

"Yes, Chief!"

"Hit the fire alarm if needed! We need everyone out of there ASAP!"

The concern of the S.S.S officers is how to make sure that every civilian is brought to safety before they deal with the unsavable ones by firing at them. With the heavy-handed pacification of the rebellion in both Old Osaka and Fukushima still fresh in everyone's memory, more headache for their governmental superiors is the last thing that Yuri and her subordinates want to give them.

"Reporting! First physical manifestation is happening by the east of the academic building! One of our snipers say that he has a clear shot!"

"Take it down!"

Upon being given the order, the drone video footage caught the moment when a Malignance that possessed a bystander outside of the school grounds was shot dead before it can materialize fully.

"Send in someone to confirm its death. Then proceed to cordon off the area."

"Yes, mam!"

Everyone was now busy handling the increasingly dangerous situation on the ground.

"Director! A call from Sumeragi group's Furuta Renjiro!"

"Lemme take it… This is Director Nakamura, speaking."

{"Director. We are coming to the scene in a moment. Can you give us some details?"}

"Right… The entire campus has been overrun by the Miyazono men. Although it seems like they aren't stopping people from evacuating, our men are currently locked in a stand-off with them."

{"Any strong Astra energy sources in there?"}

"There's a massive pool of it under the school grounds, but this dark tree that both Ephraim and Mana reported they saw but we cannot confirm to be there seems to be stopping any other sources to be detected by our drone's camera sensors."

{"Tree? Are you sure that those two saw a dark tree in the vicinity of the school?!}

"Y-Yes! They both reported it even though our men on the ground and the drone up in the air reported nothing of the sort."

{"…I apologize for asking this from you Director, but we have to evacuate everyone in the district."}


{"Please, Director! I don't have much time to explain things! We need you to communicate with the mayor that the area around the school has to be vacated immediately! Or else-"}

"Or else what?! How do you guys expect me to tell all of this to the mayor and not make it sound like an unreasonable request?!"

{"Remember Old Osaka nine years ago?! THAT! That is what will happen in there if we don't get those people out in time!"}

After hearing that detail, Yuri's thoughts about the matter made a complete 180.

"Alright… I'll do my best to convince the mayor. In exchange, I want to ask for a favor…"

{"And that is…?"}

"…Bring Ephraim and Mana back safe and sound… I am entrusting those two to you."

{"…Don't worry. I'll be looking out for them. They are my students after all."}


"After the line was cut, Yuri dialed the number of the mayor's office that handles the district where the school campus is located."

"Hello… this is Director Nakamura Yuri of the Special Security Service… Yes. I need to talk with the mayor at once… I don't care if he's flirting with his mistress! Get this phone to his damn ear right now!!!"



"Too slow!"


I am in a bad spot.

"Don't lower your guard! Or you'll geeeeettt this!"

"AHH-! KAK-!"


"HYAHAHAHAHA!!! Can't handle the cold, missy?!"

Not only are my fire-type Psychic attacks at a total disadvantage against his ice-type psychic attacks. He's also speedier and moving unpredictably in all kinds of directions.

"Kih… Ptoo! Why, you…"

"Whoa, whoa… No need to glare at poor little me like that, missy."

Worse still, I lost to him in forming a Subspace. Which means he can mess up things against me anytime he wants to.

"Shuddup, you dolt…"

Still, I am not spineless enough to just back down and run away… I wasn't raised like that… and I am not trained like that.


"Hoh-hoh… You do seem like an interesting opponent."

"I sure am… After all, how can I confidently stand in front of you like this if I am not one?"

As I made my flames coalesce into a concentrated form of a machete, my opponent looked at me with interested eyes, something that made me both excited and nervous of what is to come next.

"Well then! Let's see what will defeat the other?! Will my ice singe your flames?! Or are your flames strong enough to-"

"Only one way to find out!"


Screw your cheesy monologue! I'm here to take you down, not to clap for your speeches!

*Fyook-! Frip!*


"Try harder!"


"Eat this!!!"

"Tch! Hyup-!"

As soon as I cut his monologue off, I sensed a state of imbalance inside of him. An internal kind of interruption which swept him off his arrogant and confident self. Instead of crossing with my machete, he kept on backing away to throw blocks of ice towards me that I quickly sliced away and turned into steam. When I got near enough, I grabbed his outstretched arm and would've chopped his head off if not for him kicking my leg to make me lose my balance.

"How dare you cut off my speech?!"

"I hate speeches! Especially when they're spoken by an asswipe like you!"

"Urgh! Darn!"

He narrowly dodged all of my slashes and lunges, sometimes having parts of his hair or clothes be singed by a near miss with my machete of fire.




He formed a flower made of ice that blossomed out a thick mist of powdered snow. At first, I was doubtful if it was safe to just slash it away, but my flames seemed to be strong enough to not be singed by the ice mist.


"Alright! That's it-!"



I was about to send out a jet of white-hot flames to his direction when he stood his ground and I sensed something dangerous coming from him.

"You want me to lose my cool?! Well then, I'll show you what happens when I lose my cool! "

"W-where- Under me-?!"

*Fyik-! BARG-!*

From the ground under me, a large spike of solid ice sprang up. I got to step away from it in time though.

"How-?! Right, this is his subspace!"



Without any overt signs, the wall behind me turned into an iceberg that fell down to crush me, but I just emitted a jet of flames away from it to escape… or that was what I planned to do.

"Darn it… how can he easily turn the subspace into his own- Urf-! A wall-?!"

"Hyahaha!!! Caught you! "

"In your dreams that will work!"

The wall began to take shape into an ice statue of a woman that took me by the arms in order to bring me into a restraining embrace, however, he didn't factor in the fact that I can emit my flames even without my hands to shape them.


"What?! How did you-?!"

"I told you already! My flames will thaw out any of the flimsy ice you're sending my way!"

"You… YOU!!! You're dead as soon as I get to warm myself up!"

"That's my line! Is this really power enough to make someone a Gardener?! I've seen worse Malignances and cloned Psychics greater than you!"

"You bitch! Take that back!!!"

"Make me after defeating me!"

In the Subspace copy of the academic building of the school, Fujikawa Mana and Gardener Hirayama Taka fought against each other with their all… or at least, what is presently their all.

Because later on, this place would be a site of another great battle. One that would leave this place in ruins as two absolute beasts of Psychics would confront each other again.


Back in the northern gate of the school building, the worse has come for two of the combating Psychics who wanted to not let anyone see their fight.

"Your Memento something really is different from a normal Subspace or a Subjugation of it… I can still feel my fists hurting a bit after punching the crap out of both of you… and I'm still catching my breath after what that girl did to incapacitate me."

"How can you act so confidently like that?! I used Memento Mori to contain our fight! Now everyone can see-"

"Then let them see us."


"After all, aren't that girl trying to do the same thing? I can sense a massive pool of Astra energy below our feet… it's clear to me that you Miyazonos are trying to achieve something."

"…You're dead."


"You know far too much and you're becoming too much of a hindrance instead of an annoyance… you're going to die in here!"

Miyazono Aishi covered her surroundings with a tempestuous wall of sharp, condensed winds that split open even the solid concrete ground under her.

"Oh yeah? Let's begin then. You have to remember that I've made you a poor pin cushion earlier."

"Not anymore-!"

" Solidify!"

"Blast away!!!"


She sped towards me with a force that split the air in front of her. Enough to make an audible sonic boom before manipulating it into a form with a direction that broke apart into pieces the blood shield I made.


"I won't let you! "


"You're done! "


As soon as I dodged her first attack, it placed me into a compromising posture that let her form an isolating barrier of air around me and in several seconds, would drain it out of air.

That by itself is easily escapable, but the thing is, the pressure from sucking out all of that air would rapture the organs of my still mortal body.

"That won't do, Lady Aishi. "



"I can't have you harming him to that extent… That won't be good at all, you see."

To my and her surprise though, the Vessel of Death interceded and cancelled out the vacuum spell around me, saving my life and returning her animosity towards him.

"He's quite right… it makes no sense for me, a Vessel of Death, to hide how I pursue my goal of claiming the lives of those who should be dead already… and those who want to stand against said claiming of life."

"You cur! Even until now, you still stand against me?!"

"Of course… after all, I can't let you and your people to continue on that thing that you're trying to do."

"-! So that was it, huh? That was your goal all along?!"

"It is… We all promised to give that mortal who blasphemed the rules of life and death a painful and everlasting death after all… just as how we promised, we will do."

"I will not let you!"

"I am not asking for your permission! Hah!"

Again, the attention of the fight was removed from me. But that doesn't mean that I will let it stay like that. As they charged towards each other, I did the same before casting an ability to my hands.


"Tch! Get that weak crap out of my-"



"Heh! That hurt a bit, didn't-"

"Get off!"


Distracted with the incoming crystalized blood, she didn't notice another psychically enhanced punch going for her side. It connected and would've sunk in a bit more if not for the Maestro who kicked me away to engage against her in combat.




Unlike before when there was an orchestra around him, the Maestro's attacks became slower as a dark mass that comes from his palms shaped itself first into a musical instrument before the attacks comes out. This allowed Aishi to delay her own ability for long enough to counter it and get her poise back into an aggressive stance.



"You're done!"


Although her initial attack was cancelled out, she followed it up with another one that the Maestro didn't have time to counteract or block away.



"Taste how the winds drown out your horrendous music and your pathetic cries!"

"This is it!"

With the Maestro immobilized, I saw a chance and grabbed it, sending myself towards her with the intention of finally landing the last set of attacks I am keeping under my sleeve.


"You again-?!"

However, before I can even land my first hit, a gleam of light passed by my eyes, making me step back after I sensed that it might have ended me.

"I will not be allowing any harm to come upon Aishi-ojou-sama…"


"So, we met again… traitor."

It was exactly the person that I expected after seeing that kind of Psychic power pointed towards me. The man hated by everyone in the Sumeragi group after his treachery nine years ago costed the life of countless of their comrades, loved ones and the innocent people that the group has pledged to protect.

"Do I know you?"

"I suppose you don't… But I don't really expect you to do so… William Tetian…"

"I see… You're with them."

Clothed in his butler outfit and a step ahead of the young woman he says he is here to protect, he glared at me as if I am some annoying bug in front of him.

"I daresay… you're quite lucky that Kai isn't here. Or else, he would've immediately ripped you apart alongside that woman behind you."

"Hah! Do you really expect that buffoon to be able to beat me? If he is the original, I might have to take him seriously, but he's nothing but a Replicant… So, I expect nothing from him, really."

"Oh yeah? You'd be surprised how much that guy grew after he learned that you're out and about again already. He even promised that he'll be the one to take your life… except for Furuta-sensei who promised to take your head using the blade of Kirin-sensei's late husband, and Sir Lucas who made the oath to be the one to kill you, I'd go as far as say that things don't look as good as it should be for you."

"What did you say…?"

"There's a lot of people who are out for your life… and out of my sense of duty and my own personal judgement of you and your actions after I heard every atrocity you made nine years ago and even just recently in Fukushima, I think I would be joining in on that bandwagon."

"Heh… You really think that I am going to take you seriously? Your threats seem so empty, you know?"

"Don't worry. I am here to prove you that they're not-"

I was about to take out the portion of Law's power that I have been saving up until now, but then, I sensed someone walking towards us from their direction…

Someone… whose entire self is oozing with the most repulsive kind of Astra energy.

"Master… It is an honor to see you at last."

"F-Father? Father!"

"Oh… Aishi. I missed you, child."

"Me too… I missed you so much, Father!"

"You've… You've got to be kidding me…"

"You… You seem like someone familiar…"

"You're dead… You're supposed to be dead! How in the hell did you get back up like this?"

The worst-case scenario has just come up.

The person we least wanted to be here… no, even to just be up and alive again, is here.

Standing tall, with a face no longer aged as I first thought and with an expression on his face that showed that it hasn't been long since he came back to life… there are many unnatural things about him now, but I will never doubt what my sixth sense is telling me.

Without a doubt, the person in front of me is no other than Miyazono Ryuichi.

"Oh… I see."


"You're the one chosen by that Spirit, huh? Looks like I won't be spending too long finding you after all."

Crap! The pressure from his gaze alone is enough to make me back away! This isn't enough for only me anymore!

"I can't afford to let you do that, Tainted Mortal."



"Representing the Bard Meister's Pledge… I am Inuguchi Osamu, the Maestro of the Seven Seers."

"Oh… you guys. I've heard about you from her as well."

"I expected nothing less."

I was shocked at first when he stood back up while the dark, tar-like sludge that is leaking out of his open wounds slowly climbed back up into his body. I wasn't paying great mind at it first, but he held onto my shoulder as if it was something natural for him to do.

"Well, since both of us are technically dead, wouldn't it be an interesting idea if we try to strike down each other right now?"

"Don't liken me and my fellows to you, Tainted… You deserved everything that made you suffer back then. We… we are innocent victims of this rotten world's filth and cruelty. You deserved whatever divine punishment that came your way!"

"After I attain my goals, no one will see it in that way as everyone will understand what it was that I was trying to achieve all this time."

"Then there really is only one way to finish this, huh?"

"Yeah… Prepare to finally kick the bucket, servant of death."

"I say the same to you, Tainted!"


The two charged towards each other and suddenly disappeared from our view in a single blink. They must've entered a Subspace to fight between themselves… but it must be like the one before because there is no rift that we can connect our mental forms into to join them.

"Well… while those two are bashing their own heads in. Mind going on with what we were doing before we got interrupted?"

"If you're here to harm Aishi-ojou-sama, I will stop you."

"That works too…"

Two-to-one. It's never a good match up since I've been draining myself for a while too. But if I use that power… I know that I can do it.

"I'll let you set up the terms of the Subspace. That's how much handicap I am willing to-"


"…give you."

"No thanks. I'll take it anyway, but don't make the mistake that what I am about to do to both of you was only possible because you gave me this handicap."

"You arrogant pest… I am so done with you. William, I know any one of us is enough to get rid of this animal, but let is humor him… Let's make him taste how brutal fighting with the two of us can feel."

"As you wish, my lady…"

As the two conjured their Psychic powers, I did the same… but because of the fact that I will be facing the two of them together, I decided to finally go all out.

"Did you hear what that guy said earlier? About me being somewhat familiar to him?"

"What about it? And stop referring to my honored father so nonchalantly!"

"Whatever… Did it not cross your mind how he referred to me as "the one chosen by that Spirit"? Does it not rouse your interest?"

"I'll only be interested in you after you're six-feet under the ground."

"I see… that's a shame then."

"A shame? Why would that be so?"

"Because that I am about to do is something that would prove why he took notice and interest of me quickly."

"That aura-!"

"My lady! Get out of the-"

Let's end this farce right now.


After so long, I can finally end all of this and know what I am in this war… and why it is so important for Law and the other Celestial spirits to remove the Spirit of Freedom from attaining godhood.


"Spread out! Get into the area and control the spread of the Astra energy pool!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Kanbu Furuta! Psychic combat is confirmed to be happening inside right now."

"Both Agent Chronia and Fujikawa is confirmed to be locked in a fight. Another two unidentified individuals are being faintly detected by our men to be fighting inside a Subspace."

"I see… Combat-grade psychics! Follow me!"

"Yes, sir!"

As soon as we arrived in the school grounds by the eastern gate, the first thing we had to do was push back the waves of Astra energy that is attempting to crawl further out of the school campus.

"Renjiro! I'll be taking this side. You go on the southern gate."

"Kirin-san… wait, how did you-"

"A missive from Lucas… he said that someone told him about this, and he will be coming here soon as well."

"Lucas too? Why would he go to this much trouble of going down here from Sapporo?"

"Quit asking questions for now. He said he'll be late, but he would still be in time to tell us all about the crap that is happening…"

"Good. He better answer how he is the one that learned about this in advance and why he didn't warn us, so we could've joined in with the S.S.S."

I brought my men around the corner to the place where most of the students, school staff and the normal people who was inside of the campus earlier was brought into. Although much of them have already been taken away by what seemed to be buses from the city hall, they were still numerous enough for me to find it hard to identify anyone in the crowd.

"Come on, Saya-chan! Wake up!"

"Hold on, Sayaka! Don't let yourself be taken by the light!"

"Sayaka? You kids are-"

"Ah! Renjiro-sensei!"


While moving along with my men, I heard the familiar voice of some students of mine who was shouting at an unconscious Amakano Sayaka. When I turned towards them, I saw that it was indeed the students of Class 2-A.

"Aniki! We have-"

"Give me a moment! Proceed forward without me. I'll catch up later."

"O-Okay! Men, on me!"

"Yes, Aniki!"

I gave the command of our troop to my right-hand man as I knelt beside Sayaka who is knocked out. When I placed my hand on her forehead, I knew exactly what it was that made her unconscious.

"She must've lesser than average resistance against Astra energy… What was she doing before she got knocked out, Miyamoto?"

"She was cooking for the proctors, sensei. We were waiting for our scores when people began to be noisy outside and some of us began to become dizzy and nauseous."

"I see… Maeda-sensei, where is she?"

"She's tending to the others who are still unwell. She rode the bus that just left and left me in charge of bringing everyone else to the next one that will come."

Hearing that she is safe, I heaved a sigh and did a light treatment on Sayaka.

"This should be enough to shock her nervous system back to soberness…"

"What did you do, Sensei? Sayaka is beginning to look less pale."

"She really is!"

Instead of answering their curiosity, I decided to just give them a strict instruction about their own safety.

"Board a bus as soon as possible. If anyone else begins to become dizzy or nauseous, make them lie down and rest. Don't shake them or make them feel more uncomfortable than they already are."

"Y-yes, sensei!"

"Another thing. Don't get inside the school anymore! No matter what happens, don't step inside or even try to approach it, am I understood?"

"Yes, sensei!"

Once I saw that they understood and will be following my instructions, I ran away from their sight to follow my squad who has entered the area ahead of me.

"Renjiro platoon, answer me."

{"We're in the academic building, Aniki. We've located Agent Fujikawa's Subspace."}

"Alright. I'll be in there soon. Secure the area before I hop into it."

I ran towards the front of the Academic building and sure enough, there is a place in there that seemed to be rippling unnaturally.

"Aniki! We'll stow away your body somewhere safe. Get inside!"

"Alright! Take care of things in here while I am out!"

I reached my arm into the rippling space and in an instant, I was transported into the Subspace where Mana was fighting. The first sight that I saw was something that I didn't like.

"Hahahaha… HYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"



On the ground was Mana, wounded from head to toe with bruises, internal bleeds and frostbite burns on her skin.

"That's what you get. That's what you get for insulting me and underestimating me, you wench! Did you learn your lesson now? Do you get why I am a Gardener now?!"

"From your unstable personality to your horrid style of fighting… You're Hirayama Taka, aren't you?"

"Haaah…? And who on earth are you, old man?"

"Don't, Sensei! He's…Urgh! He doesn't fight fair… He'll beat you before you notice it-"

"Be silent, Mana… You're beaten to the bone. Rest in there and let me have a go with him."

"But Sensei! He's too tough! And he's never going to fight fairly! I've only gotten beaten up like this because he-"

"Because you're in a disadvantage against his element… Don't worry. I am aware."

Mana is my student, and I am her teacher and superior. What she cannot beat, I am responsible to grind to dust.

"Taihou! Heed my call!"


"You've got some nerve beating up my brat… Now, let's see how much spine you actually have."



"Oh… Sensei…"

The scene unfolding in front of me is something that I least expected to see in my life as a Psychic… no, even as just a woman who cares for those she treats as her own children.

"Stop them… Please."

"How did… How did it get this worse for you…?"

As soon as I entered the Subspace by the center of the school campus, I found my student mutilated, burned and bleeding to death. A little more beating and he would surely die.

"Those two… they were too strong for even me. Kak-!"

"H-Hold on! My element may not be of much help, but I can at least supply you some Astra energy to-"

"No… No need, Sensei. Argh… I can hold it until we get out of here."

"B-But your wounds are too-"

"My safety isn't a problem, sensei. My Psychic regeneration and Hemokinesis can fix me up in no time… What we should be concerned about are those two."

He pointed to the far end of the subspace and there, I saw two familiar individuals walking towards us. It was at this moment that I noticed the crater around him. If my observation of the situation is correct, he must've been pushed here by one of their attacks.

"Sensei… Don't worry about me. I can handle my own recovery."


"So instead, I'll be leaving those two to you."

With a smile on his bloodstained face, Ephraim told me that he'll be depending on me to beat those two and free us from this Subspace.

"Heh… Do you know how long I've waited to hear those words from you?"

"I guess my competence brought you not just proudness… but also a reason to feel insecure."

"Haha! You really know how to say the most amusing of things…Well then, wish for my victory."

"I will pray for it."

I placed my hand on his head, patting it softly to comfort him from the pain he is feeling before I stood up to meet our enemies half-way.

"Will… looks like your former superior and comrade is here for the two of us."

"Well, well… It's been a while, Imamura Kirin-sama."

"William… I guess I don't have to speak anything for you to understand why I am seething inside just from seeing your face."

"Yes… After all, I am responsible for-"

If there was one thing that William Tetian forgot about her, it was the most brutal part of her power and fighting philosophy. A mistake that he would regret doing later on.


Imamura Kirin, known far and wide as the Sumeragi Syndicate's greatest swordswoman, is also known by another moniker…

[The Lightning of Divine Wrath]