Justice Shines Eternal

All Celestial Spirits are given their own room in Caelestia once they have ascended.

Just like how Spirit Knowledge has the Domain of the Hall of Words, and every Celestial Spirit has access to the Domain of the Divine Principles, Spirit Justice is no exception… in truth, it would be a laughable lie to say that such an important Spirit of Caelestia wouldn't have her own room to bring her opponents into.

"Kh! You… how did you manage to-"

"It's one of the conditions for a duel to be set. I must know what immorality you have committed to warrant the need for me to personally dispose of you."

"Hahaha!!! Dispose of me?! Can you really do such a thing, you hag?!"

"Oh trust me, I will. And I will make sure that you will regret even being born once we are done here!"

As soon as he awakened from my forced mind-reading, William immediately returned to his cocky attitude that I have always criticized about him even before he turned against us.

"Extend! Spread your dark, malicious lashings, my Spirit Weapon!"

"That weapon is disgusting…"

"You'll learn to love it later once it hits you!"

As I covered my body with tremendous amounts of electricity to act both as my defense and propulsive cover, he twirled his whip that extended longer and longer as it spread this dark aura around him, I instinctively felt disgusted of it.

Knowing well his abilities before and after he sided with the Miyazonos, I proceeded to form a strategy to cut down his whip that is acting as a barrier between us and eventually take his life.

"Sin-searing Righteousness… This weapon is yet to accept me fully as its new master. But I know that cutting you down in here would show it that I am keen on expunging all of you immoral beasts in human skins from the face of this world."

"It's yet to accept you?! Then how can you declare that you even have a chance against me to-"

Before he can finish his words, I stepped forward and from his eyes, disappeared into thin air.

"W-what the-?!"

*Bzzt-! Brt-!*

"How can you-?"

*Tsss-! Grar-!*

To him, I was flashes of lightning and blurs that come and go. But to me, he is a person standing still in the middle of the room and cowering behind the wall made by his whip that is twirling around him.

"You told me when you first joined the Sumeragi group that you want to be the very best… someone that can reach the degree of power that no one has attained before."

"I did! And what of it?!"

"You jeopardized your dream the moment you went against us!"


Finally seeing a gap on his whip wall, I increased the amount of electricity covering my body and through the gap, entered it in time to swing my blade towards his neck.




A deafening thunderclap echoed around the room and focused back into my sword, making it vibrate violently that it acted like an ultrasonic vibration blade, cutting through the dark aura surrounding him.

"Tch! "


However, he exuded a blast of light around his body that sent me flying away from him.

"You sensed it, didn't you?"


"Renjiro wasn't able to use his entire power against you in Fukushima. Lucas was too far from Old Tokyo to have a proper showdown with you. Kai is too devoured by hatred to have the level-head to bring you down."

"I won't accept it! All of you were supposed to have been left in the dust already! How did you manage to gather this much power?!"

"Because of you."


"All of us made a promise to Touya…"

What I said earlier was no lie… You lost your chance to reach for your goals the moment you turned against us.

"We all promised that the lives you took that day! The city that your actions turned into a desolated state! The fight that you tilted to the favor of our enemies!"

"Argh! Gh!"

"We will make you pay for all of them!"

After he regained his footing and parried away my sword using the handle of his lash, I jumped back and coagulated a searing jolt of lightning into my blade before immediately charging towards him in lightning speed.


"I will end you! I will give justice to everyone and everything that you destroyed!"


You puny and powerless hag!

How dare you speak like that as if you can defeat me!




The electro-magnetic wave that I wanted to send her way to disrupt her control of electricity was countered by a massive lightning fall. It was as if I was in the middle of a downpour that had lightning bolts instead of rainwater.

"Don't blink!"




When I closed my eyes because of how bright the lightning strike around me was, she used that split second to ride the lightning and grab my head to push it down into the floor.

"We're not finished yet!!!"


She then proceeded to drag me on the ground all across the room before throwing me upwards.


"Enough already!"

"Imamura Kenjutsu. Fourth Form."

"Not this again!"

"Sasayuri no Hirameki!"

With a violent force that sent her upwards, she drew her sword in one swift motion, and I felt my torso being diagonally cleaved and split apart.



My blood spurted out like a gushing fountain, spreading all around as I shouted in pain after I and the stump of my lower half hit the ground… or at least, that is what I wanted her to think about the situation.

"You… YOU!!!"

I feigned that this is something major. I pretended that because of this, her victory would be assured in order to turn the situation around against her and finally rid myself of her and come to the aid of Lady Aishi again.

"You think anyone would fall for that again, William?"


"Touya told me everything about how you managed to defeat him… Don't go thinking that we would fall for that kind of feigning weakness again."

Since it was apparent that my cover was blown, I reached for my body's other half and connected them to make them heal as soon as they touched each other.

"Our fight has just begun… Don't ever think that you will be able to take the easy way out of this."


It has been a decade since I last wielded this power according to the memories that I recovered after Ephraim unsealed it. I have only sparse memories of it such as the fact that a great deal of the destruction in our battle area was due to my attacks and how I was able to hold off three Gardeners easily.

However, this power of mine was sealed, making me inept with how to properly wield it or how much power I can conjure without either undermining my attacks or shooting out so much that I may end up losing steam far too early in a fight.

In comparison, my enemy has gained both a great deal of experience and efficiency in their powers. Add to that the fact that this particular enemy that I am facing against right now is someone whom neither my husband nor my sister was able to bring down even before he turned traitor against us.

"Clear your mind… Don't let emotions to be the thing that pushes your blade forward."

And frankly speaking, the limitations set by my Spirit is not something really good to be used against this particular enemy. That is, if it detects that I am fighting with even the tiniest tinge of grudge, wrath or bloodthirst in my heart, it will cut off the battle form it lent me. And who else am I fighting against other than the person whom my blood boils and wrath burns for after everything that he did against us.

"You damn vixen… why won't you just die?!!!"

Instead of continuing the exchange of words I had with him initially, I decided to cut my outburst against him now and focus wholly on bringing him down and joining Ephraim in his fight against the Miyazono heir.


"So, you still won't give up, huh?! I'll show you what happens to those who push me to the edge! "

Storm clouds gathered above us as I continuously sent static electricity to the clouds to inhibit them to become energized and finally give back all of that electricity to me later on.


A blast of light came to my way that after landing at where I used to be standing, began to shoot out fragments that detonated again and shot out more fragments until everywhere that I turn my eyes at, I can see nothing but light.

"Kh! Where is that guy?!"

"Payback for earlier! Don't blink!"


While I was trying to find him inside that spreading area of blinding light, he appeared from behind me and told me what I said to him earlier before swerving his whip around to make it hit me.

"Tch! I should've shortened it!"


However, he made a mistake by not shortening his Spirit Weapon beforehand. With it being a long whip, it took him time and a great deal of muscle power to pull it into a position where it can be used to hit me.


I tried to counter-attack by sending a superheated slash of lightning towards him, but he countered it easily by hitting it with a ball of light that carried an equal amount of energy to render it null.


"Kh! Why, you!"

Finally on equal footing on the ground, we began to exchange blows against each other. He began to spin and weave his whip around, maintaining his distance as I proceeded to parry away the steel-tipped lash and inching closer and closer to him in order to secure the clean slash that I am planning to use to finally end him.

*Clank! Clag! Byank!*

"Die! Die! DIE!!!"

"Yip! HAH!"

Finally sensing a gap on his attack pattern, I flung his whip's end away and covered my body with electricity to advance towards him in an almost instantaneous speed.


"Kuh! "


I was about to slash his body laterally with my sword that is heated to such a great degree that it will surely cauterize his body and curb his recovery speed when I sensed something strange about him.



Once I saw him sneer in a malicious way, I cancelled out my attack and jumped back just in time to see him flick his wrist to pull his whip back.

"Where is- Ack!"

"HYAHAHA!!! Finally got you!"

To my utter shock, this guy's whip became taut in a strange angle and its steel tip came whirring along my back, slashing it with a painful flesh wound.

"Kh! This is…"

"This is my Spirit Weapon, Lash of Carnality."

"Kih!!! What is happening to me?!"

"You're being forced to give into your carnal desires! Can you feel it?! The indisputable desire of your body to eat, slumber and be pleasured erotically?!"

Just as he said those words, all of those burning desires attacked my mind. My mouth and belly wanted to devour and made me salivate. My body and mind felt sluggish and heavy which made me wane to and fro into consciousness.

And the last one… It was something that was painfully intimate to me.

As a wife of one husband who was parted from him all of a sudden and has been unable to find someone else to fill that gap in my life, it has been a long time since such a thing occurred to me even unconsciously.

"Don't fight back against it! Let it flow into your mind! Let it possess your decisions!"

But if he thinks that I am such a lowly and shameless woman who will fall victim to this thing, he has made a fatal mistake.

"Aaah! Urk!"

"Wait… what the-"


"What on earth are you doing?!!"

I turned my grip on my sword in a reversed way and sunk the tip of my lightning-charged sword into my belly.

"You have shamed me far too much, you knave! I will end you now!!!"



After I pulled out my sword from my belly and shouted out in rage against him, the lightning storm that I was keeping up on the sky finally poured out as they began to crackle and fizzle in the clouds in preparation for the attacks I will be using.

"How did you-? What did you do?! Why aren't you being affected by my Spirit Weapon anymore?!"

"What Spirit Weapon are you talking about?"

"Huh? What the-?!"

He looked at his whip after I asked him that question and to his shock, the whip was slitted lengthwise from the base of the lash and towards its steel tip.

"You may have broken either the resilience or the mind of someone else! But you made a great mistake of alluring such things to a person like me!"

"Bind! Bind back!"

"Touya always told me that you never understood the true meaning of what it means to be a warrior who stands for something greater than himself… In his stead, I will teach you what makes an Imamura clan warrior the terror that we are known for by you Miyazonos."

As soon as I spoke out those words, the storm clouds that finally hit their point of critical energy mass poured out the scathing lightning bolts to the ground which I absorbed in order to form the armor that my Spirit showed that I should wear along with my Divine Raiment.


"What is this…?! How are you able to add more power to yourself?!"

After the lightning covered my body, I felt plates of armor being attached to the pure white robe that I was wearing. It was after I broke the shell of light that I saw for myself the perfect form of myself as the Vessel of Spirit Justice.


I was covered with an aura that emanated with pure energy and indomitable power. I felt as if there was nothing that can stop me, nor can anything shake me after I assumed this form.

"YOU DAMN HAG! You should've just accepted your defeat!"

Still thinking that he has a chance, William assumed the meager level of Spiritual connection that he can take on in his body and charged towards me with hundreds of bolts of light and his Spirit Weapon that is now back to its undamaged form.




Through a memory, I conjured an attack that matched the amount and intensity of the light bolts he sent my way with my own lightning, rendering them null and him, defenseless in his attempt to charge towards me.



"Be torn into pieces, sinner!"

After he stopped on his tracks when his defensive cover was nullified, I prepared for my own charge that was secured in place by a mass of lightning fall around us that closed any kind of gap that he can use in order to escape or dodge my upcoming attack.

"Upon my name, Spirit Justice, this sinner shall be damned and no longer will spread malice out into the world. May this slash of divine ablution bring forth the cleansing of the world that has long been mired in evil!"


He tried to release an explosion of light from his body in order to find a gap in the cage of lightning surrounding us but to no avail. It was after I finished casting my attack and loosening my sword from my hip that I proceeded to rain the set of attacks meant for him.



The slash I released out of my blade through a slash contained densely packed bolts of electricity bordering between the energy value of laser and superheated plasma. It hit him squarely and began to cauterize away into his Astra-energy enhanced flash.



The storm clouds above us poured more electricity into the wound made by the first attack, sending both electric shock and immense pain into his burned and serrated body wounds.




I thought that the attacks I sent his way was enough to drain him of his energy and resolve to fight me, but it seems like I underestimated how much he has bought into the beliefs of the enemy and his dedication to win against and get rid of me.

"I'm done… I'm so done with you and your hardheadedness!"


"You, that stupid old man, that loud pipsqueak, that naïve wench, that stupid Replicant! Even my own damn little brother who still believes that there is some caring god in this wretched world!"

He stood up and bared his wounded torso towards me that is slowly regenerating, showing that even after I poured all the lightning that I prepared to incapacitate and finally kill him, it was nothing so serious to him that it would actively threaten him.

"I am strong! And I will grow stronger and stronger as I follow my ambition!"

It was at this moment that I saw something glow on his forehead. A symbol that I believe I've heard from Lucas before when he has just joined in the Sumeragi group.

"A sun… no, that isn't just a sun…?"

I thought back on Lucas' words back then and remembered what it was that he said about him and his brother being "the different sides of the same coin" as their parents once called them as.

{"It's something like a tradition carried out in my family as far back as the time when Italy was an empire… Something about dedicating a child to the temples of the two roman deities of the sun and moon."}

{"Wait… I thought you were Catholic Christians. Why is something like this being done in your family?"}

{"I don't know… and I was far too young to ask my parents why they did something heretical like this. All that I know is that I was the one dedicated to the moon and was given this pseudonym of "Lunar Tear". As for my brother…"}

"I am the greatest light that can touch this earth! I am the light that gives and takes life! I am the ultimate symbol of power and authority!"

"Ghh! What is he doing now?"

As he took ridiculous amounts of Astra energy into his body, he also exuded massive amounts of light and heat that it tore away the dark clouds and pushed me back with a heatwave that almost singed my Divine Raiment and Armor.

"Justice?! Pay for my wrongdoings?! Regret my treachery?! I'd rather tear all of you apart than bow down to your levels!"

"Tch! "



I attempted to form a spiraling storm again to act as a defense against him, but as I attempted to chain static electricity amongst the water vapor around us, he shot out beams of light randomly that both cut off the electric chain and lowered the amount of water vapor in the air.

"This is it for you! I don't care anymore about leaving a trace of you for those other pathetic weaklings to take back and mourn with! You'll see what will happen to those who fail to bow down against those with superior power and authority!"

"Then I will be saying the same to you."


"So, what if you are some kind of dedicated being? Will that really ensure that you will win against me? Will your so-called superior power and authority change the fact that I have already set you to be judged under my mandate?!"



With a charge towards me that looked like a blur as he continued to exude light from his body, I prepared my heart and mind for what is to come and for a moment in my mind, everything stopped moving and I felt nothing but the flood of memories flashing in front of my eyes.

I remember I and Akari's youth when our cruel grandfather is still the leader of the Imamura clan and personally executed our uncles and elder male cousins who went against the neutral stance of the family in the civil unrest in Northern Honshu. I remember how Akari was hushed by mother after she saw Uncle Takehisa being decapitated right in front of everyone's eyes.

I remember my days in Father's dojo after I took on the mantle of being his prime disciple after most of our followers was lost in the world war and the many civil uprisings and rebellions that weakened Japan's government. Though he tried to hide it, I knew that he felt hopeless at times and pondered if our long history as traditional warriors would be lost at some point.

I remember the time when both father and mother has passed on and I assumed leadership over the clan… and when I met Touya who for the first time in my life, saw something about me beyond my warrior self and cared for the me that didn't belong to any responsibility or authority.

From the day we were married, the day Akari confirmed that I was pregnant, the day I gave birth but was fated to be parted with my child and instead, care for a clone of his and onto the last moments I had with Touya who in spite of suffering horrendous amounts of pain, gave me nothing but smiles and comforting words… I remembered all of them in a single moment as the one who has become mainly responsible for all of the losses that I sustained charged towards me in a speed almost rivaling that of light.



That's right… That was what is on my heart and mind all along.

{"I will avenge you, my love. I will not let your death through that traitor's hands to not be repaid in full. I promise that upon my honor as a warrior and the leader of the Imamura clan."}

Vengeance and closure… that was the reason why I always sook an opportunity to finally hunt him down and give myself and everyone else who carried either hatred or a responsibility towards him an end to the weight on our hearts and minds.

"Imamura Kenjutsu… Unnumbered Form!"

That's why…


"It seems like you can remember something about your time with the person whose life you took when he has opened his arms wide to embrace you…"

With both of my hands holding my Divine Weapon firmly, I waited until he has come near enough towards me even if he did all that he can to stop his charge.


One step that made one slash using one sword that carried all of my remaining power and strength.



That one attack that Touya made and personally named was what my heart and mind shouted that I use at that very moment when all of the circumstances aligned perfectly.

"Isn't it amusing to speak about this fight later on with this kind of outcome…?"


"The fact that the annoying and trite joke of my husband was what would end this fight… Was he actually a genius… or is he really watching out for me from the other side…?"

I can't help but speak to myself as I felt lightheaded after releasing that sword style that wasn't numbered by the one who made it in the first place… instead, he named it after the person that he wished would one day find it useful… and lo and behold, it did.

"Kirin… To use my name as something that I thought was just a joke… Even after parting with me, you're still protecting me… Ah."

While William is still writhing around on the ground in pain after every single cell and liquid of his body received a high voltage shock, my knees finally gave in, and I found myself sitting on the floor with my shoulders slumping down and my arms feeling so heavy that they just limped down.

At least I have put William in a position where his death will be assured in a few moments… even if he is some ridiculously overpowered beast of a human, he is still a human.

There is no way for him to survive having every single cell of his body shocked and his blood and other vital fluids damaged by both the electric charge and heat produced by the attack I gave him.

"My, my~! What a particularly pitiful situation these two menaces to each other are now placed…"


"I guess this is our first meeting, Clan Leader Imamura. After all, I have just reawakened from my cytostatic chamber after having a feud with one of my creators."

I wanted to regret the thoughts I had only a moment ago when I believed that I attained victory. Because after realizing that only my Subjugated Subspace was dissipated and we are still inside of the primary Subspace, I knew that I have been driven to a helpless situation with a new enemy that has just entered the fray.

"Haah… And you are?"

"Oh my, oh my…! Apologies for speaking out without identifying myself first! My name is Aokigahara Yoshino. One of the Prized Gardeners of the Miyazono Psychic Society."

"Aokigahara… Wait! Are you-"

After I heard that surname and felt the same kind of aura from her mannerisms and way of speaking that someone I met and fought before had, a chill ran down my spine.

"Why, yes. I am indeed that person that you think I am. After all, there is only a few remaining people in this country who still proudly carries the surname that became infamous after a few unsavory rumors and reports in the past few decades."


"Woah there! I wouldn't be moving anymore after everything you went through and violating the rule set to you by your Spirit."

"Don't underestimate me! I can still fight! I will show you how feared warriors from the Imamura clan are and- Ich! H-huh?"

"…I told you already, didn't I? You violated something that was set to you by your Spirit. There is no way that you can move your body now that your Spirit has sealed your spirit as punishment for your teeny-weeny mistake."


At that moment, I realized something… I have indeed done something that I shouldn't have done.

"With that Divine Weapon and Raiment on you… It is Spirit Justice, huh?"

"H-how did you-"

"I know it all… Hehehe! HEE! HEE! HEE!"

I knew it! She was that young girl from before!

"You Sumeragi people took a quite helpful slave from us before… To think that he would turn out to be such a fine Psychic and even be able to mow down the hundreds of leftover Replicants of that sick pervert Taka… It would be interesting to capture him and see what kind of evolutions his body developed while he's under your tutelage!"

She was that crazy daughter of that sick mad scientist! The one who made Renjiro and attempted to take over Old Osaka ten years ago!

"Of course! I won't be forgetting to take the corpse of that dying man near you… and you as well, Lady Imamura~!"

"Khh! Move! Let me move already, damn it!"

I wish that she was just lying when she said that Justice sealed my spirit which disconnected my soul's control over my body… But with my body not following any of my instructions, I panicked as she stretched out her hand to take hold of me.

"Now, now~! Let's not be a hindrance to my pursuit of knowledge, Lady Imamura."


"And I've got you-"


"What on…?"



Suddenly, someone entered the Subspace and in a single moment, stood behind me to stop this woman from taking me with her.

"…What do you think you're doing with my mother?"



It was my son… or should I say, his Replicant that I have been caring for who appeared and commenced a stare-off with the woman who jumped back to gain some distance from him.

"Oho-ho… I didn't expect for you to come to her aid. I thought maybe one of our men or Seed Psychics could've delayed you for long enough to let me escape with these precious test subjects."

"Kai! What are you doing here?! Weren't you supposed to still be in Master Naganohara's dojo in Okinawa? You know what will happen if he learns that you ran away-"

"I've just passed his final exam. I didn't run away, don't worry."

When he said that, I tried to turn my head around and I saw the confirmation that he has indeed passed the old man's final exam and came here immediately.

"Heh! Are you sure that you can fight toe-to-toe with me when you are covered with bruises and scratches?! You even look exhausted!"



Instead of rebutting her words, Kai simply took a karate stance and glared towards her, sending a clear message that he won't be backing out against her.

"Well then! I will show you exactly what you want to get! I'll break you, you bastard!"




Not even a split-second passed after she charged towards him and his kick to her neck decapitated her head cleanly, making it fall and bounce on the ground and her body, fall into a kneel on the ground.

"For someone who is a Gardener, you are pretty weak and unexperienced in a fight."


I can't believe it myself. With one cocky decision from his opponent and a counterattack style that is unnatural to be seen amongst Psychics, Kai killed her.

"Let's get out of here, mother… Along with that guy's corpse as a trophy of your victory."

"Y-yes… Can you help me up? For some reason, I can't move my body."

"Sure. Let's be careful and-"

"My, my~! What a thoughtful son with filial love."

"What the-?!"

Kai hoisted me up and I wrapped my arm across his shoulders to support myself. I was about to reach for William's corpse too when someone's voice sent me and Kai both pointing our attention and aggression towards it.

"Haah…! You caught me by a great surprise, young man. It's been a long while since I was hit by something that could kill me in one hit."

"How are you still…?"

I can only mumble those words as I saw her head that was decapitated being lifted by her dismembered body like one of those western Dullahan monsters.

"Still alive? You wanna know? You wanna know, don't you?! Hyahaha! You're getting very curious, aren't you?!!"

With a tone that showed an insanity towards her craft, this Gardener laughed heartily before stretching out her hand in what we anticipated to be an attack.

"However, this is not the right time and place for me to divulge on such topics. After all, I have not finished my study myself and I have been given a task much more important than my fascination in such topics."

"Kai! She's taking William's body!"

"Tch! I-it's too late…"

Through her telekinetic ability, she took the dying body of William and hoisted it under her arm before turning her backs against us.

"Come back here! I will not let you decline my mother's victory over that fiend!"

"Ufufu! No can do, young man~! Even if he is quite the handful, this man is still one of my dear comrades and a direct subordinate of Lady Himari. I can't let you to just make him stay like this and die later. He still has uses for us."

"I said come back-!"



Kai was about to reach for her when I used myself as a deadweight to stop him before he steps into the line of wriggling hands that emerged from the ground all of a sudden.

"That's right, young man. Listen to your mother… That's what good young men should be doing."


"In any case, my job here is done~! Well then, see you later folks when we see each other again!"

Just like that, she forcefully broke the Subspace that William created, and we came back to the relatively undamaged but clearly deserted campus area of the academy. Finally… We are back in the real world.

"Kai… I'm sorry for being a burden, but can you bring me outside of the school?"

"Just what happened to you, mother? Have you overused your powers again?"

"I-I think so… William is a difficult opponent to defeat. I am glad that I overcame him somehow."

"Yeah… but that woman would surely try to bring him back, doubtless."

"I know… But it will surely take time. In such case, you and the others can still fulfill your promise to bring him down. After all, I have fulfilled mine."

"…Thank you, mother… No."


"I will do just that, Mom."

After hearing him address me as such, I felt a sense of great change in Kai and felt a bit proud. But then, he asked me something that caught me completely off-guard.

"By the way, where is Rai-kun? Boss Renjiro said he was with you in that Subspace."


That's right… Rai-kun and that Miyazono girl is still fighting. But then, with the Subspace broken…

Where are they…?