Epilogue: Depths of Delusions

"That brute… after I did my best to save him from death too. What an utter disappointment."

"Perhaps he has not liked the fact that you have experimented on his body? You know that guy, he doesn't like to be touched by anyone save Himari-onee-sama."

"That's pitiful of him then, Aishi-sama… I was doing my best to be kind to him too, y'know?"

"Well… I believe that the amnesty you received from onee-sama will save you from his wrath. Even if he is a brute and a savage, he's still a loyal and obedient dog that listens to her words to the dot. I don't believe that he'd pursue your life once he receives the order from her."

"Again, I thank you greatly for this, Aishi-sama."

At the lofty headquarters of the Miyazono corporation, the two high-ranking executives of the conglomerate conversed with each other regarding the man who has escaped the laboratory where he is recovering and are undergoing enhancement treatment.

"Still, to think that Ryuichi-sama would be able to retake her from the enemies… he truly is a person deserving of praise. Conversely, both the S.S.S and the Sumeragi syndicate still insists that they hold her. How utterly risible, those people are…"

"It's the wiles of the weak, Yoshino. I have none but contempt to give them after they have almost killed us and hindered father's revival for a while. They even had the gall to consider it their win when it is clear that it is only because of unforeseen events that made us retreat back then."

"Oh. Speaking of unforeseen events, Aishi-sama. Have you extended my request to Ryuichi-sama already?"

"The one about handing you the responsibility of subjugating the Jester Seer? I am yet to meet father but trust me, I will have it approved as soon as possible."

"I thank you greatly for that, Aishi-sama."

"Although… I am a bit curious you see."

"Why so?"

"Why are you keen on hunting down this Seer of Death aliased as Jester?"

Being asked that question, Yoshino showed a twisted smile as she stood up and walked towards the window overlooking the city that is now under attack by an endless stream of Malignances.

"That's because his power is of great deal of curiosity to me, Aishi-sama… Luck… Misfortune… are such things truly existent?"


"I simply wish to know what such a strange creature hides beneath its carapace, Aishi-sama."

Slightly disturbed by her jittering and choice of words, Aishi personally didn't want to ask the next question she has in her mind. But knowing well that she must know what is going on in this woman's mind to make sure that she won't cause any unnecessary mess later on, she decided to ask away.

"Then what about that fellow… that one that has been simply called in the records as "Chronia"?"



"My, my, my… hearing his name alone is making my heart flutter around."

Aishi has known Yoshino even before she was created by the former Gardener Aokigahara, but this is the first time that she saw her jitter at the mere mention of a man's name.

"The Jester is a specimen to feed my curiosity, but chasing after my dear Rai-Rai is a project that has all of my passion and love, Aishi-sama. I'd be a satisfied woman once I have held him in my arms and have known all that I must know about him."

"I-Is that so…?"

"Ah… How I wish to have his company with me at every fleeting moment! I cannot wait… but as they say, a restrained yearning will cause a flood of passion once the right time comes!"

Not wanting to hear anymore of her ecstatic bellowing and impassioned jittering, Aishi silently left the room and headed towards her private room in the building.

"Haah… what a handful…"

"Don't be like that, Aishi. Even though she is flawed, Yoshino is still a valuable comrade to have in our cause."


"Come, my dear little sister. Speak of me what troubles you at present."

Waiting in her room is her sister, Miyazono Himari. She looked exactly like what she is supposed to look like… but to someone who is familiar but is unaffected by the biased view someone in their family, she seems a bit… peculiar.

"A lot of people that we are supposed to save has been facing the heartless attacks of the Seers of Death. Personally, I would've wanted to finish them and save our people… but I believe it isn't for the best for something like this to happen."

"That's right, my dear. Such rash actions may end up doing nothing but destroy the plans of father. I believe its for the best that we wait for his direction and act accordingly afterwards."

"Right… I really can depend on you for these things, Onee-sama."

"Mm, mm… You can definitely do so, my dear."

As Aishi laid on the bed beside her sister and leaned her head near her chest, she felt no heartbeat nor the warmth from her flesh. If anything, her body was cold and she speaks in a way that was unnaturally caring than what she used to be.



"…Nothing, forget that I said anything."


However, even with her curiosity being caught by her present strangeness, Aishi decided that it is wrong to doubt her sister. After all, this is the person who has cared and looked after her safety during the absence of their father. If she begins to doubt her, what would that do to their mutual trust?

And so, the world has moved closer to its destruction… and in commemoration of such, thousands of people across the world became the first casualties in what would decide the fate of the world in the end.

"Stand, my Vessel. You have earned my approval."


"With all unnecessary emotions, convictions and desires erased, you have been born anew and shall act according to my Principle. Now then… state your name and your directive."

"I, Imamura Kirin, Vessel of Spirit Justice and a participant in this war that will decide this world's fate… accepts the acknowledgement of my Spirit. I shall wield my blade for justice and righteousness… and my greatest target shall be…"

And in its start, the greatest of each participating faction will be in the forefront of their battles.

"The one who desires to change the future so keenly."