Sunogahara-cho Settlement

All the common sense that used to have governed the world is now no more…

"This makes it how many now?"

"Seven. This is the seventh Delta and Epsilon-class that we disposed of today."

"I see… they're multiplying too much."

"You can say that again- Hwah-!!!"

"Crap! It's a Beta-class!"

Following the opening of the seals that for the past several millennia, have held back uncountable numbers of Malignances from re-entering the world, the already dilapidated and post-apocalyptic appearance of the world took on a greater shade of darkness.

If back then, all of those death and destruction was caused by mankind's own actions, what they are facing now are monstrosities who spare them no thought whatsoever as they slaughter every living being that crosses their sight.

"Mankind mocks the divine order, and when it strikes back, what wrong could they have done, they begin to wonder."

"…What a poetic way to describe what indeed happened."

"Right? I've been trying to find the words to describe it properly and weirdly enough, the flow of that one was good."

In any case, to make things as concise as possible, the world has entered one more circle towards assured damnation. All places, except the ones protected by the Miyazono corporation are in abject hardship and constant threat of death.

"Chief Fujikawa."

"Oh, you two. Do you have something to report?"

"Yes. To be more precise, we have something we wish to propose about our current defense plans."

In a silent neighborhood at the far west of Old Tokyo, a place called Sunogahara-cho, what remained of the Special Security Service and the Sumeragi syndicate of Old Tokyo called this place their home.

Spanning a measly one hundred-fifty square meters (15 hectares) of land in a slightly misshapen square shape, this residential area that many have held to be "the houses of the truly deprived" has now become a paradise where one's safety can be somehow assured. Except for the families of the members of the S.S.S and the Sumeragi group's footmen, there are about 400 families living here and manning the jobs that are required for the continued functioning of the place.

There are those who had the know-how for vertical farming and have set up farms to diversify the food available for the settlement. There are electricians and plumbers who have set-up an electric grid and water supply for all of the homes, making things at least a bit more convenient for everyone. There are also former factory workers who have set up workshops necessary for the creation and maintenance of the items needed by the settlement.

However, the most important job in the settlement, now that Japan's national government can barely function in the isolated New Cities and have surely been infiltrated and now being run by the Miyazonos, is no other than the job of leading the settlement and protecting its residents.

This job fell to the shoulders of one Nakamura Yuri, the Agency Director of the S.S.S and now, Sunogahara-cho's acting mayor. To at least alleviate the influx of duties that are about to be placed only on her shoulders though, a group of people, belonging to either the S.S.S, Sumeragi group or the normal residents, was either given the duty of a specialized field or has volunteered for it.

So far, nothing much has happened out of the usual chaos expected from the current situation of the world. Day by day, life continued on in the settlement and figments of order in this sea of chaos seems to be reclaimed as time passes by.

And all of it is thanks to no other than the young men and women who dared to stand where others have taken the knee.




"Yurippe, I have something to show you."

"How urgent is it? I still have to read through this proposal by the farmers to use another public park as a greenhouse area for spices."

"I can't be sure of its urgency, but I believe this would be of great interest to you."

"…Show me."

The formerly headstrong and lively Nakamura Yuri has now become quite a haggard woman who seems to deteriorate as the days went by. Having her ambition of stopping the Miyazono group fail, as well as countless of her agents, whom she has surely shared memories with, die as she can do nothing, it weighed greatly on her heart and mind.


"Kamiya-kun is proposing that we hit the Malignance nest to the north before it bloats out and they become numerous enough to be a danger to us. She has wrote that along with Amamiya-chan who said that she can spare some medical Psychics to join the task force that will eradicate the nest."

"…and what do you think about the odds of it being a success?"

"We only have ample information about the place, but the success rate is within 70%. If I talk to Kaede-sensei and ask for some Sumeragi psychics to join in, we can push it to over 90%."

"I'm surprised."

"Huh? About what, Yurippe?"

"That you chose to ask the Sumeragi group for help instead of him."


Indeed, when it comes to the need to make sure that something would be a success, there was only one person in Sunogahara-cho that can assure that to the triple digits and maybe even beyond.

"If you're uncomfortable with it, go ahead and talk to the Sumeragis, but if you ask me, it's better if you make a request to that guy instead."


"After all, you are still his superior and close friend. He'd probably have no reason to decline a request from you."

And this man, is no other than Ephraim Chronia. Inarguably the strongest Psychic currently present in Sunogahara-cho.


Ever since the day when all of this began, I've been ordered to stay back and be nothing more but both a last resort for an offensive operation by our faction and the last line of defense in the event of an enemy attack.

Upon their investigations, I thought it would be better to come clean and tell them that I unwittingly caused all of this to happen. I said that I thought that the old man just wanted to be buried by his fellows… I could've never thought that what was about to transpire was something that would possibly end the world.

Although it was clear to me that Yurippe did believe that none of this was something that happened because I wanted it to be so, she was still my superior in the S.S.S and with both of us being bound by the rules, I needed to face punishment for my actions.

I was suspended from the agency and although officially speaking, I am still the Vice Chief of the Psychic Services Department, I no longer hold any authority nor clearance to meddle or even participate in any of its missions. With that, and the fact that we are now confined in this sliver of land named Sunogahara-cho, I was effectively under house arrest and so far, has been making a living being both a doctor in the local clinic and a chef in the community pantry.

If anything, this might just be the most peaceful days of my life ever since I can remember. I don't have to be wary of anyone and I don't get to busy myself with planning attacks and making reports about our missions. Because of that, I often reminisce about my days back then together with Ate Risa, Arthur and the others… I remember that even though we are living in a place rife in chaos and we carry painful and heavy burdens in our hearts, we have this small paradise all to ourselves.

"There we go."

"Hehe! Do I look good, Rai-san?"

"Yes… it's very cute, Mio."

"Muu… aren't I too old to be complimented with "cute"?"

"Haha! You'll always be my precious and cute Mio no matter what happens. Come on, now. You'll be late to the opening ceremony. I'll bring you there with the car."

"E-Ehh!? No! Let's just walk!"

After a long while of constantly not being by their side, I finally had the time to once again be there for my children. Although Japan has become like this, figments of civilization and societal norms still remain… one of which is attending school, which Mio will now be attending as a middle school student. Although she insisted on the two of us just walking there, I thought about teasing her and insisted that we use the car so she can get some good impression out there.

"Argh! The others might be intimidated by me!"

"Ahaha! They should be! They're going to be at the same class as someone as bright and talented as you."

"T-this isn't something as simple as that, y'know!?"

Once we arrived at the fairly large apartment that was repurposed to be a school building for elementary, middle school and high school students in Sunogahara-cho's populace that numbers about a measly hundred children, the sight of someone having the luxury of coming there in a car caught the eyes of the children and their parents alike.

"Enjoy your day there, darling."

"Argh… I knew I'd be the center of attention because of this!"

"Haha! Don't worry, it will only be today. Just humor me this once."

As she took her bag and was about to exit the vehicle, I called out to her one last time before she leaves.

"Take care, Mio… Do your best."

"Muu… Alright… See you later, Rai-san!"

After she entered the gates of the campus, I looked at her for a while and thought back on how things used to be when I have just adopted them. Back then, she could barely step out of her room and whenever she sleeps, I need to be attentive as she tends to have terrible nightmares and end up hurting herself in her sleep. For a while, my back and arms stung with the scratches she gives me whenever I embrace her tightly to make sure that she wouldn't injure herself whenever her nightmares prop out their ugly heads.

And now… there she is. Already grown up and fussing over how others see her or what impression she leaves with someone else. I would've preferred if she kept that nagging side of her where she would always demand my attention… but as it is now, I don't think how she grew up and made something out of her own self is something I should be sad about.

"Hiro-kun would've surely been proud of you, Mio. I have no doubt about it."

As it is Monday today, my work is at the local pantry where the entirety of Sunogahara-cho's food supply is kept. Even though we are pretty much at odds with the government as they took the side of the Miyazono corporation, it was fortunate that there are still some of our allies in power or some decent enough officials in the government that kept staple food products such as rice, flour and sugar coming to our settlement. With our independent farms still unable to support our already large and continuously growing population, we were thankful that we don't have to fear about starving to death.

"How many rice bags do we have in inventory?"

"Enough to last three months and still have some to spare for any incoming refuges. If we diversify it with the flour and soybeans, our staple food inventory can last until next year."

"And we're not even rationing at all… this is good."

"From what I heard in Vice Director Hideki's office, the government considers us as a vital point between New Tokyo and the route to both Kyoto and Osaka. They must be looking at us as important enough to warrant that we be supplied with basic needs as much as possible."

"You're right about that… The Miyazonos can shove it, but I'm thankful that the government has decent enough folks to not screw us over just because we're not heeding their orders to return under their folds and be subordinate to the Miyazonos."

After I checked the last box in my clipboard, I looked at the list and mentally calculated how much leeway we have in our supplies which will be the deciding factor of whether we can continue the incoming festivities. After a while, I came to my conclusion and told the young man working in the pantry's supply chain department about it.

"I guess we can make do with a conservative feast of dishes with predetermined portions."

"It won't be a buffet, huh?"

"Yeah. Staple foods are one thing, but for meat, poultry and dairy, it's a different story. Because of health and sanitary concerns, all of our animal farms are outside Sunogahara-cho's protected borders, and not many people are willing to work there even when we post Psychics there to protect them around the clock."

"There's also the thing about Psych-Malignances eating some of the livestock, right?"

"Yeah. No one can ever forget the utter disappointment we got after the long-awaited one hundred hogs meant to be slaughtered and eaten in last month's feast got ambushed and eaten by Malignances."

"Now that you mention it… I wonder if we can really not consume the flesh of Psych-Malignances."

"That's a dangerous thought, rookie. Trust me, you wouldn't want to even try that out. There's only two ways that something like that could go."

"And what are those, sir?"

"First of all, the best-case scenario. If the Malignance possessed an animal and mutated it, if you have a tough enough stomach, you can probably live through the ordeal with just a very sick bowel and a weakened body for weeks on end."

"A-And what about the worst-case?"

"If the Malignance possessed a human body and mutated it, forget about having an intact sanity before you feel satiated. By the time you had your third bite or so, you'll never stop until you've devoured the entire corpse of the mutated person."

"A-Are you saying that I'd basically be a zombie?"

"Worse, you'd become a zombie that would be the new host of the Malignance. After an hour, you'd be the same waddling bloated monster as the one you ate and we'll have to send someone to take you out of your misery before anyone else gets hurt or killed."

After I told him that, he shuddered from the thought and looked at me with a hint of fear.

"Now that you know, don't dare to think up stupid things like that again. We have staple food fit for human consumption here and even if it takes too much money, time and there are losses along the way, everyone gets their own fair share of beef for sukiyaki and eggs for omurice every three days."

"I see… how stupid of me to revert to caveman mentality of just eating anything available without fearing for the consequences."

After I confirmed what and how many ingredients in the storage facility will be used for the incoming feast, I called over the other workers in the pantry to take some ingredients that we would be using for today's "worker's power meals".

"Our menu for today is breaded pork curry, fragrant garlic rice and sweet barley iced tea. Fumino-san, lead the prep work on the main dish and properly ration our use of the meat."

"Yes, head chef!"

"Azuki-kun, take care of preparing the left-over rice we had last night for frying and make sure that there are just enough garlic in it to make it fragrant and not ruin the balance of the rice with the curry."

"Affirmative, sir!"

"Kuribayashi-san, I'll leave the preparation of the barley tea to you. Make sure that it is just cool enough to not make the drink be stale and don't put ice in it yet to not ruin the taste of the drink."

"Gotcha, head chef!"

"Alright, everyone! Let's do this!"

The "Worker's power meals" was a project I proposed as the settlement stabilized after we got running water, reliable electricity and our own internal farming operations. I noticed that many of the workers maintaining our essential utilities had to leave their work areas by noontime to get home or go to one of the few restaurants they know to have a decent lunch.

I had nothing against going back home to have home-cooked meals made by your family, but it did make going home and going back to work by the afternoon a bit of a waste of time and a drag for those who had to go through the entire ordeal. Because of that, I presented a proposal to the Hinata-san and the Supplies and Sustenance committee to have the essential workers have the option of food cooked in the community kitchen and delivered to their workplaces before lunch time.

Because of this, our settlement got a bit more efficient and the problems in the water and electric supply that used to plague us is no more after the relevant workers are ready to answer to any calls made by the residents.

"I'll proceed with delivering the goods now, sir!"

"Mm! Take care while driving and make sure to give the right packages to the right people. We don't want to have another complaint like old man Furuya who's allergic to tofu."

"Ahaha… I still have to endure his ramblings whenever I pass by the water tank because of that. Please don't remind me anymore, sir. I already get an earful every day."

"And rightfully so! Whatever… just go now before the food gets cold and the drinks warm down."

With the lunch meals now done, I thought I would be free to go home now, but my phone suddenly buzzed, and I had to rush towards our hospital.


"How's the patients?"

"Alive and physically uninjured, but their psychic injuries are life-threatening."

It's not in my schedule today, but I ended up being called to the fairly large office building turned community hospital of Sunogahara-cho because of an accident involving Psychic trainees on patrol outside the walls.

"Clear the bed of electronics and set up the barrier line."

"Yes, chief!"

Once I got into the emergency room, I saw three seemingly uninjured young men writhing in pain on their beds. In one glance alone, using my Psychic powers, I already knew what is causing them so much pain and how they got it.

"Are these the ones who joined the Sumeragi patrol team to north-east Tokyo?"

"Yes, chief. They did nothing much but backline support as per the instructions of their superiors in the team, but a Malignance slipped past the others and went after them."

"I see… A Delta or Epsilon-class…"

"A Beta-class, chief. One that needed three mid-High rank Psychics to bring down."

"That makes more sense then… Alright, I'll handle this. Wear your Diminisher bracelets and stay back!"

After I shouted that, I conjured my powers and slowly but surely, untangled the mess of Astra energy that the Malignance injected into their bodies earlier.

"Darned Malignance… evolving more and more to have this much intelligence."

I voiced out my frustration after realizing that the monsters we are facing might just indeed be evolving. Unlike on previous similar cases as these three guys where the Astra energy is as easy to untangle as undoing a shoelace knot, the entanglement has become more and more complex as time went on.

"I'm about to be done here. Prepare some syringes with sedatives for them as soon as possible."

"Gotcha, chief!"

Finally, I removed the mass of Astra energy left on them and using a measure of my power as a Vessel, sealed it inside my Divine Weapon without the need of conjuring it physically.

Moments later after I left the emergency room, I saw the three lads being taken out and brought to the ward room where they will be recovering. They are deep in sleep after being sedated. As for why this was done, it was to avoid them from being subjected to the shock of losing that excruciating pain in their body all of a sudden.

"Coffee, sir?"

While I was beginning to doze off after using my powers after a long while, I was beckoned by the familiar voice of a familiar person.

"Original or ersatz?"

"Don't worry, it's original. One of the privileges of the medical team that needs to be awake all throughout their 12 hour shifts is the right to be among the first ones to get their ration of coffee."

"I'll be taking that then, Misaki."

Amamiya Misaki, a Psychic in the S.S.S and my subordinate in the Psychic Services Department. However, after my indefinite suspension, that superior-subordinate relationship was no more than a structural formality. However, she and the others still somehow treat me as if that never happened at all.

"How's things going on the other side of the building?"

"Well, it's still how it used to be, sir. Everyday, we deal with injuries incurred by the Psychics in the line of duty and sometimes, we become the last faces that the possessed see before they are put out of their misery."


"It's really cruel, isn't it? What happened to the world, that is."

"Yeah… incredibly and awfully cruel."

Those three lads being brought to the civilian side of the hospital means only one thing… the side of the hospital that exclusively services our Psychics have already swollen out of its capacity.

"At first, I thought that Kageyama's ranking system for the monsters was nothing but bull… but I soon realized that it was invaluable after the first wave of injured Psychics got through our doors."

"Goro may not look like the part, but I can vouch for his ability to collect accurate information even in the middle of a fierce battle. Him making that 7-level ranking system for the Malignances and the Possessed is something that should be accepted if we are to properly quantify the strength of the enemy and what enough power can bring them down."

"So much for the Leet-speaking gamer, huh?"

"Stop bullying him for that. We got to uncover the enemy plot because he insisted on doing it."

"Right… I guess I owe him an apology."

I consider myself as someone who isn't easily startled by surprising things, but out of the blue, Misaki did something that I made me raise my eyebrows a little.

"Fuuu… That hits the spot."

"…If I remember right, you're still 17."

"My birthday is just a month away, just consider it."

"My concern here isn't your age, but what that thing can do to you."

"Oh please, Rai-san… As Psychics, we have almost complete control of our body. I've been spitting out all the nicotine and nasty stuff off my body since I began to smoke."

As much as I want to caution her against it, I guess she does have every possible loophole and solution to anything I'll try to use to convince her otherwise. With that, I used my final trump card instead.

"I heard that Koji-kun hates the smell of smokes."


"I've never seen him without a face mask when riding along the Sumeragi Psychics that smoke in their cars."

As I stood up from my chair and left Misaki, I looked over my shoulder and saw her singeing out her cigarette stick at a nearby trashcan and spritzing some cologne on her clothes.

"I knew it… One mention of what Koji-kun prefers and she'd change it in a heartbeat."

By the time I left the hospital, it was already afternoon and only a few minutes until my daughters were dismissed from their school. With that in mind, I drove to the school campus and waited for them by the gate.



"Wahaha! I got you!"

As soon as I stepped inside the waiting shed, I heard the familiar voice of my little gremlin who immediately slammed her head straight to my abdomen.

"Muu! That hurts, Yukari! You shouldn't do that!"

"Bleh-! I don't listen to losers!"

True to her bratty self, Yukari immediately stuck out her tongue and mischievously replied to me. With that, I decided to teach her a lesson by tickling her to high heavens.

"Why, you little! Come over here! Kukukuku!"

"Wah! AHAHAHAHA! Stop! Stop already, Rai-nii!"

"Not enough! You need to be disciplined! Kukuku!"

I didn't stop torturing her with tickles until she had to lay down on the bench, catching after her breath and unable to say naughty things anymore.

"Why do you two always have to make a scene whenever you cross paths?"

"It's because of the stuff that you keep on pumping through this brat's head. Teasing others is one thing, but I only know one other brat who'd headbutt someone as a sign of greeting."

Out of nowhere, another familiar voice beckoned my attention and I let her have an earful from me after what just happened.

"Argh! I told you already before! I swear that I didn't teach her to do that!"

"And you expect me to believe that mom taught her that instead?"


"That won't fly on me. Don't try twisting things here."

This person is no other than my little sister, Hannah Seliah Chronia. Her features are mostly taken after our mother with her soft, silky black hair with a hazelnut hue under bright light, jet black irises that has a glossy sheen and a slender yet tough build that she acquired after years of taking martial arts classes.

"Anyways, how was your first day as an instructor?"

"It's quite the chore since I am still not fluent to a native degree in Japanese, but thankfully, the students can somehow get what I am trying to say. That, and the fact that programming isn't usually dependent on concrete local language."

"That sounds good enough."

"You're right with that."

"So… has anyone of the brats tried to swoon you over yet? I just want to know who needs to be placed on the new psychiatric program in the hospital."

"Haah?! What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you picking a fight with me, choom?!"

Except for being a total in-denial about her bratty past self, she's also quite the sensitive type about now having a love life yet since she was born.

"As a responsible member of the Sunogahara-cho settlement, it's my responsibility to report on any individual who might be a danger to the community due to their mental-"

Before I can finish my words, the same spot on my abdomen that Yukari headbutted received another strike courtesy of my sister's fist that was refined by her martial arts training.

After a while, Mio arrived and waved a goodbye to her friends, both old and new, and we left to head towards a quaint little house at the southern part of Sunogahara-cho.

"How was your stay with grandma Cathy and auntie Han-"


"I mean, Hannah-nee-san, Yukari?"

"It's the best! Hannah-nee cooked lots of my favorite food and grandma Cathy sang on the karaoke with me!"

"Ahaha! I'm glad you enjoyed your stay there, sweetie. Speaking of which, aren't my cooking better than his?"

As I expected, she's doting on and trying to win over Yukari since she's the second kid. You really never changed, Hannah… However! I know that my darling little girl won't betray me!"

"Nuh-uh! Rai-nii's cooking is still the best!"


As I expected, victory is indeed mine! I can't thank her out loud, but I'll be sure to give Yukari extra slices of peach mango pie later after dinner.

"Muu… Is little Rea really my only comrade here?"


"Trust me, Hannah. Even Rea loves me more than you."

"That ain't true! You love Hannah-nee more, don't you, Rea?"


"Come on! I always cook your favorite food and let you watch your favorite shows, don't I?"

"Mm! Rea loves Auntie Hannah!"

"Urgh-! Being called auntie is heavy… but being loved cancels it out…"

"But Rea loves papa more!"

That was the final blow on her as she sank in her seat, depressed about losing the favor of both children. Although I would've liked to tease her more, I thought that she deserves some leeway and I held back myself from doing anything.

Before long, we arrived at the small house where Hannah and mother are staying by their selves. Following the apocalyptic events that happened recently, I insisted that they should stay with us as my house is big enough for us six, but for some reason, mom said that she wanted her own house and even opened her own purse to not only buy her own house, but also pay the extra fees to get around the "1 family, 1 house" rule of the settlement.

Until now, she hasn't answered any of my questions… she did tell me something that father supposedly left for me to hear after he is gone, but that was basically it. Anything that I ask about why she and Hannah came here, why she insists on living away from me and why she's no longer taking any medical treatment goes unanswered.

"My, my! Welcome back, my dear darlings!"

"We're back, grandma Cathy… if I may…"

"Mm. Bless you, my dear."

I was amused to see that a local custom from our country made it here in our abode and all three of my children does it perfectly. After greeting her, Mio, Yukari and Rea takes the back of her hand and places their forehead over it as a sign of respect.

"We're home, mother."

"Mm, mm… I see that you've had a long day at work, the two of you. I'll spare you the trouble of explaining it here. Let's go to the kitchen and talk our heart out."

Ever since she and Hannah settled here, her home has become a vivid little oasis of our life back then. From the choice of wooden and un-cushioned bamboo furniture to the picture frames and display statuettes at the console table and cabinet, even the unspoken purposes of every room like the kitchen and dining room which also becomes a place to talk informally, all of it evoked my fond memories from my youth.

"So, how was your first day at being a teacher, Hannah?"

"For the last time, mom. I'm a freelance instructor, not a teacher. For one, my salary is higher and I get more worker benefits than teachers-"

"In exchange for having no job security, though."

"T-Things are more complicated than that, mom!"

"Ahaha! Do you really think that you can outreason someone like me who's been a teacher and professor for over ten years? You and your "freelance instructor" gig still has a lot more rice to eat before you can boast anything, Hannah!"

After she was done bringing Hannah down a peg or two, mom turned her attention to me and asked away just like she always used to do.

"How about you, Ephraim? Has life been kind to you for the past few days?"

"I'm doing well, mom. Except for some reshuffling of staff in the community storehouse and pantry, and the regular calls to the hospital for a qualified surgeon, things have been slow and steady for me."

"I see… Slow and steady, huh?"

"Yeah… since that day, I've never received a call from them. You could even go as far as say that I've become insignificant in that front for a while."

It shocked me to know that even before I said anything about my powers or Yurippe disclosed any of it to her, she was already aware of my powers and what I have been into since then. I insisted to know how she could've known about it and the nearest sensible reply that I received was "You are my son and I am your mother".

I have always been skeptical about how my mother seems to be in the know about what is happening in the world even though she is, and still are, a usually bedridden woman who can barely step out of her house. I noticed it when I was brought to her hospice room after Ate Risa and the others met an untimely demise and left me as the sole survivor of my family of friends. She was never told anything and yet, as soon as the police brought me there, she embraced me tightly and cried with me.

The same goes at the night when Wendel massacred almost everyone of my batchmates after they all stole a life-saving invention he made to save his brother from a terrible disease, for their personal profit. She somehow knew that I would be suspected since I didn't attend the party and she called me to stay with her for the night so that there would be records of where I was that night.

Lastly was the day when I was about to leave the country for Japan, but was harassed and extorted by an immigration officer out of his jealousy. Before I can file a complaint on my own, she called a former classmate who has become a powerful figure in the Committee of Immigration and asked him to tend to me and severely punish the scummy immigration officer. I never really received any explanations for it, but I didn't question any of it either until now.

However, I was once again barred from asking any of it after for the first time since I was suspended, my phone rang and buzzed in a tone different from a usual notification or call.


"Is it… what I think it is, brother?"

"…Yeah. Mother, I'll leave-"

"The three can stay with me and Hannah for the night. Leave finishing dinner to me too."

"I… I'm sorry."

"Don't be, darling. This isn't something worthy of apologizing for. This is your work and your work ensures the safety and continued existence of this place."


"Just promise me that you'll take care and come back here whole, alright?"

Once again, she somehow knows that what I was called for is something very dangerous that it warrants such a desire for a promise from me.

"I will… I promise, mother."

"Mm. Now go. You have no time to waste."