The Die has been Cast

The attack of the Sumeragi syndicate was a total shock to the Miyazonos who made the mistake of thinking that the Sumeragi group and its allies no longer have the manpower or resources to mount such an ambitious and high-risk attack.

"Damn it! We're being overrun!"

"Mind what's following you! With them letting lose Malignances here, no one can be sure that they are not being chased by one and-"



"Damn it! Not again!!!"


All around the bay area where the attack started, all of the hidden Miyazono Psychics came out from where they were hiding… whether they liked to or not.

"Everyone, listen up. If the Malignances break out of the battle area, bring them back or kill them. We can't risk causing any further incidents here that are out of the plan."

["""Roger that!"""]

"Well then, with that resolved…"

"Right… Shall we head out too, Furuta-sensei?"

"Yeah. Don't you hold back now, kid."

"Never ever did against these ones."


As the Malignances rampaged all around the protected area of Sagami Bay, it also acted as the signal for the Sumeragi syndicate's forces to proceed with the assault on New Tokyo that has been covertly planned and put into action for the past few weeks.

This could've happened over a year ago given that before the Aokigahara Incident, the Sumeragi group was wielding the greatest numbers and resources to pose a serious danger on the Miyazono corporation. However, no matter how much they pleaded approval from their master, Oyabun Sumeragi Nichirin, they were always declined and turned away.

Any brash and simple-minded member of the group would've immediately thought: "Why don't we just disregard being declined and just get through with it?" to which he will be met with a beating of a lifetime from his superiors who absolutely will not take such a thought with no repercussions.

"There are rules in this organization and as its members, we are all equally bound by it. Seniority, honor and brotherhood… if you will not obey the decisions of those from above, you will bring more harm than good for our group."

These ironclad rules meant everything for the Sumeragi group and its members. To question them was treason and to break them is an offense worthy of a severe punishment.

However, beyond the sense of duty and loyalty to the rules. There is one other chain of seniority and command in the organization which is the assembly of the clans and factions in the all-encompassing organization. Some of them, like the Imamura clan, are greatly influential and lead their own faction. All of these families, groups and factions are deeply loyal to the Oyabun… and thus, it was only on her express permission that this attack, although greatly late, lacking in numbers and strained with a lack of resources, can be done.

At the opposite side of New Tokyo, on Tateyama Bridge which connects it to Chiba, the Seed Psychics just received news that the opposite bridge was being assaulted by their enemies.

"H-Hey! The protected zone in Sagami Bay got attacked!"

"W-What?! Did HQ call for reinforcements for those in there?"

"N-Not yet. But an alert has been raised on all fronts to-"


Before he can finish his words, a jet of flames broke the window of the room they are hiding in and burned them alive before they can even know what is happening. However, instead of spreading out and burning more after it has burned the two Miyazono Seed Psychics, the fire weakened and eventually dissipated.

"Kaede-sama. We are ready to advance."

"…Good. All hands, proceed with the plan! Break open the gates and reach the designated point before time runs out!"

"""Yes, Imamura-sama!"""

As soon as her subordinates moved to assault the remaining hiding spots and strongholds, Kaede took out her folding hand fan, which is also her Augmenter Weapon, and fought against a massive wave of enemies.

"Momotaro (Vanquisher of Demons)! Heed my call! Dance for me! Flames of Inugami! (Dog god)"

In but a second, the fire that was fanned out of her weapon formed into a pack of blazing canines that turned the gates leading into the bridgeway into a molten mass of steel and concrete.

"W-what the hell-!"

"Follow the path that opened up!"

"H-Here they come! Defend the bridge!"

"I won't let you!"


"Conflagrate! Kinkei(Golden Pheasant)!"

The intense battle that aims to entrap the entirety of New Tokyo is not limited to the attacks being done in Sagami Bridge and Tateyama Bridge. At the place where Yokohama harbor once stood, a group of boats slowly crept, emitting as little sound as possible as they are wreathed in the foggy sea.

"H-hey… Did you hear anything about hobbyist boaters coming down the gulf today?"

"Huh? Why would I keep my ear out for something like that?"

"…Who the heck are these-





The two Seed Psychics, although disguised as nothing more than bystanders at the sea wall, was quickly shot through their necks by arrows that glowed with a neon-blue sheen.

And the one who shot it from beyond visual range and are now arriving by the shore along with a few hundred other people was no other than Imamura Akari who has shed her non-combatant persona to be of use to her faction as a fighter.

"The coast is clear, Lady Akari."

"Good. Make haste as soon as we land. We're here to wreak havoc behind enemy lines. Again, leave the troublesome open-air fights to the Sagami force and the Tateyama force. Our main objective has already been told to you… Don't bring shame on me, you louts!"

"""Yes, Imamura-sama!"""

Unbeknownst to Ephraim, the S.S.S and even the people of Sunogahara-cho and New Tokyo alike, the Sumeragi group has proceeded with an all-out invasion of New Tokyo.

"Hello, this is Sunogahara-cho town office. Please- Oh…"

After all, it was only told to Yuri and the other higher-ups of the S.S.S after Ephraim has let loose the Malignances in Sagami bay and began the attack.

"THEY DID WHAT-!?!?!?"

"…They initiated an attack… No, an all-out invasion of New Tokyo through the Sagami and Tateyama bridgeways. It was also mentioned that Lady Imamura Akari and a hundred saboteurs were sent by boats into the less defended shores of the city in order to disable target areas."

"Saboteurs? Did they really go that far?"

"Unfortunately, they did, Hinata. Those saboteurs are requesting help from Takeyama and his crew to launch cyberattacks on the powerplants and other electronic infrastructure of the city."

"…What about for us in the Psychic Services Department?"

"All available Psychics that we can lend are being requested to come there as soon as possible. The Sumeragis were at least curt enough to not tell us to "send everyone", but the implication that it wouldn't be an easy battle without the S.S.S sending everyone is in there."

The emergency meeting held in the bunker of the town hall all came to a single decision that was immediately yet reluctantly signed into order by Yuri.

["72 of the 128 S.S.S Psychics will be sent to the Sagami battle area. Effective immediately. This force will be led by Department Chief Fujikawa Mana and as soon as contact is made, she will be supported by Vice-Chief Ephraim Chronia. Leadership of the Community Psychic Security force will be given to Kageyama Goro during the absence of the two higher-ranking officers."]

All across the settlement, the smartphones and pagers of the S.S.S Psychics rang and in a matter of minutes, they have made their way to the eastern edge of the town where vans and trucks are waiting for them.

"All hands! Attention!"


Contrary to the short length of time that this department and most of its members have spent since their establishment and induction, the Psychics of the department all looked professional and highly trained. This being due to the harsh training they received, or the strictness of its department chief is irrelevant. What's important is that it is now about to perform its first major operation against its sworn enemies.

"Just tonight, we received news from our allies in the Sumeragi organization that they will be performing the first and hopefully, last all-out assault on New Tokyo, specifically the accursed Miyazono corporation."

The news made the Psychics visibly bothered. Even if they faced ostracization and unfair treatment from the people of New Tokyo who repeatedly voted to keep out anyone who isn't already a citizen of New Tokyo away from the capital, those people are still their countrymen.

"The Sumeragi group has requested for our help and Yurippe and the other upper brass are sending Platoons 2 through 7 in order to help out in the attack and end this war before it becomes a greater problem. Officer Kageyama!"

"Yes, Chief?"

"You will stay here in Sunogahara-cho to defend the settlement alongside Platoon 1, 8, 9, 10 and the still incomplete and in-training Platoon 11. You have all power and authority over them during my absence. Am I clear, Kageyama!?"

"Yes, Chief!"

"Well then! Announcements are over! Board your vehicles and let's get this thing started!"

As the six platoons boarded their vehicles and checked their equipment, one of them noticed that a girl wearing a hood over her head rode the same car as their department chief.

"Wait… isn't that…?"

She wouldn't have caught his eye if not for the fact that the glimpse he had of her face looked exactly like one of the leaders of their sworn enemies.

"No way. My nerves must be getting to me if I am imagining these kinds of things."

If he followed his thoughts, it would've caused greater trouble, but thankfully, such a thing didn't happen.


The battle at the quay of the bridge area was fierce. Not just because Malignances was let loose and made to go after the Miyazono Psychics but also because what remained of the Sumeragi Psychics after the collapse of its numerous public faces were the ones who had nothing but absolute hatred towards the Miyazonos.


"Don't let them live! Don't pass them by when they can still survive!"

"R-Retreat! RETREAT! AAAARGH-!!!"

No mercy nor trace of honor. To the Sumeragi psychics who was inflicted with personal pains and losses throughout this entire war with the Miyazonos, everyone that they declared to be their enemy has now become nothing more but a faceless and soulless enemy undeserving of any tinge of kindness or pity.


"W-W-What the-!?"

"Go get 'em, kid!"

"Gotcha. "


"S-Stop! STOOOO-!!!"

After Renjiro pierced them with the scattered metal bars littered around the battlefield, Ephraim drew out their blood forcefully, causing their bodies to blow up and leave nothing but a congealed mass of blood.

"I see that you're keeping all of that blood together… Planning something very bad, are we?"

"Been a while since I last fought openly and with no constraints. While it's true that I was being called in to train our recruits, I really can't find anyone at the same level as myself."

"Woah… Even Mana-chan can't put up a fight against you?"

"She's strong, but we have an elemental mismatch. Unlike Kirin-sensei who has an elemental alignment and the know-how to either disintegrate or disable my control over blood, Mana's fire does nothing but boil it off and even when she does, she still tires out faster than I do. But if it's a forced close combat, we're more or less evenly matched."

"I see. Being the teacher of you both, it makes me proud that you reached this level."

"Hold your shock for now, Sensei. I said that I can overpower Mana if I follow my desired tactics but I never said that I ever went to my limit and beyond, have I?"

"What? Wait a minute… are you saying that-"

Before he can finish his thoughts and his words, Ephraim took the last wounded Miyazono psychic near them and squished out of him every drop of blood before combining it to the now ginormous ball of blood hovering between the high-rise apartment buildings.

"All hands, find cover and assume the best defensive position you can muster."

"Ephraim! YOU-"

"It's time to end this farce… From here on out, we will advance unabated by these underlings."

Slowly, the burgeoning blob of blood rapidly deflated and vaporized into the sky. But instead of disappearing, it caused a phenomenon that entirely changed the appearance of the immediate surroundings.


The clouds were stained with a hue of crimson red and an ominous feeling of dread filled the hearts of everyone who saw it growing out of the bridgehead.


The instant that it was cast, a fine mist of blood sprayed at wherever the blood-stained clouds found themselves at. The unnaturally grotesque phenomenon spread a feeling of unerasable fear towards anyone who are still left amongst the Miyazonos.

"W-What on earth is-"

"No way… what the hell is happening?!"

Facing a lessened number and yet still unfairly strong mass of Malignances that roams across the area, hounding out anyone that are still alive, the Miyazono Psychics, either naturally born or a Seed clone, all felt the hopelessness of the situation they are in.

"This isn't… this isn't how they said things will go!"

"Why are… why are we in this mess!?"

"This isn't the laid-back place that they said I will be sent!"

With their promise of a "pleasant, easy and effortless" life under them, the Miyazono conglomerate harbored fighters who had all of the means to strengthen themselves physically, psychically and even genetically or cybernetically… but what they failed to notice is the fact that no matter how strong these enhancements are, it means nothing when the wielder doesn't have enough will to wield it.

"Screw this! I'm out!"

"I'll see you on the other side, you crooks!"

"I'll await you by hell's gates to give you a thrashing myself, you jackasses!"

Another aspect that weakened their forces further is the prevalence of nihilistic beliefs amongst the populace of New Tokyo that was assured with all possible convenience in every facet of life. With no experience of facing against seemingly indomitable odds, their fighters bailed out of their very lives as soon as it became clear to them that there is no easy way out… except for one.


"I learned something about fear ever since the world went to its lowest low, Sensei."

"And that is…?"

"Fear, when used to its greatest utilization, becomes a weapon that no one other than the strongest of the strong-willed, can resist or endure."

As he looked at the expression on Ephraim's eyes, Renjiro sensed that whatever it could've been that Ephraim meant with those words was something that he truly and wholly believed in.

"For weaklings like them who has never faced or felt what it feels like to face opposition that they cannot easily topple, the vast emptiness of death that they believe in is a better choice than exceeding their limits to continue to survive."


["There are no more Astra energy emissions from the enemies… it seems like they have all-"]

["No need to say it, kid. We get it."]

As soon as the last of the survivors amongst the Miyazonos ceased to exist by their own terms, Renjiro stopped whoever it was that was about to make a report of what happened in order to spare everyone from the disturbing event. With that done, Ephraim spoke through their radio that everyone must move into the bridge and cross the bay.

"The blood squall will remain up on the air for a while, but we still have to move."

"Right… Everyone, gather by the bridgehead and let's cross together!"

["""Yes, sir!"""]

Right as all resistance on the Sagami Bay side of the bridge was completely dissolved, the same went for the side of Tateyama bridge where Kaede and her troops blazed through one defensive position after the other.

"Don't let up! Cover each other and break their positions!"

"""Yes, Lady Imamura!"""

Pillars of fire, bolts of lightning and boulders filled the air as even to the panicked and disengaged observer, it was apparent that whoever is pushing deeper into the bridge is clearly on the offensive. Meanwhile, the defenders are on the backfoot, keeping up with the delaying measures but ultimately unable to find a gap to counterattack.

"Damn it! Where are the reinforcements?!"

"Someone grab a radiophone and tell headquarters that we are-"



"Drat! This is a lost cause! We're not even slowing them down enough!"


The communicators kept on spewing nothing but static. Even though these are made with circuitry that is immune to Astra energy interference through an integrated Diminisher resistor, there is still nothing coming from the other side other than static.

The cause of this jamming? The answer can be found at the depths of the S.S.S bunker in Sunogahara-cho.

"Miss Hannah, they're trying to break off and remove the malware."

"Let them try and let's have a laugh as soon as they discover that there's more than one to take out. You know what, let's send more so they can have no other option than douse the entire thing with acid."


Though it's true that she has a day job as a freelance instructor at the school in Sunogahara-cho, Hannah, like her brother, has also been recruited as an S.S.S agent after Yuri found out her technical capability in computers.

"Their systems would be fried with this… aaaand sent!"

"…The data packet has been received, Miss Hannah. The mainframe is already getting jumbled around."

"Hoo… all in a day's work, I guess."

While the digital side of sabotaging the communication systems of the Miyazono forces are under way, the same goes to the analog side that comprises the simple radiophones scattered around the area.

"Alright, it's good to go."

"Mm… Let's make some noise!"

Atop one of the main communications antennae for the radiophones, saboteurs of the Sumeragi group under Akari installed radio jammers and ripped out the vital components of the antennae to further cripple their enemy's ability to cohesively lead and move around their units.

"What the heck is happening?"

"What's with that weird red cloud?"

"Oh my goodness! Are we being attacked by a new type of Malignance now of all times?!"

The residents of New Tokyo all sensed dread coming from both sides of the bridges that link them to the rest of the country. From the west side, there was the blood cloud let loose by Ephraim and on the east side, there were bright flashes of light and loud booming sounds that sounded like echoing thunder.

"Can you switch the television to the news channel?"

"I'll check out things in the SNS too."

The residents, wholly trusting of the Miyazono corporation's words and guarantees of safety, turned to the company's mass media channels and sites to get an explanation about what is happening but found nothing at all.

"M-Maybe it's nothing special."


"Whatever is happening there… it may not be much special if the news isn't mentioning anything."

"Y-Yeah! Maybe whatever that weird cloud and the noises we're hearing is just… what was that again, mass psychosis or something that I heard before."

"Yeah, yeah. That can explain all of this."

When aiming to impose more control to those who are following you, the final and ultimate goal is to have them deny the evidence given to them by their own senses… and have them accept the "truth" that you supply them unquestionably.

"What the hell are you waiting for?! Move! Move out there and drive them off!"

"B-But sir, they are already-"

"We didn't waste our resources and time on making you so that you would think! Go there and stop them! NOW!!!"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

The entirety of the Miyazono Psychic force's command structure went into disarray as soon as news about the attack reached them. From the measly Seed Psychic on the ground to the highest file-and-rank Psychic officer, everyone had their own handful to deal with regarding the attack that they never anticipated.

"Tateyama bridge is about to be taken over!"

"What the hell are you waiting for then?! Dispatch our forces there so they can-"

"Sagami bay defenders are on the same boat! The red cloud that the enemies brought is obstructing local communications and blocking the Astra energy concentration in the area!"

"What on earth is-"

"Sir! Sightings of enemy saboteurs confirmed in Akatsuki district! The police said that there has also been sightings of suspicious individuals moving into Hiraga district!"

"Wait! That's it!"


"They're rushing into the company headquarters! Forget reinforcing the bridges! Get our men into Hiraga and let's hold out there with all that we got! Get the orders to all our men!"

"Y-yes, sir!"

As the defending side, the odds were stacked towards the Miyazono Psychics, and they were clearly more numerous and well-equipped. However, something happened that tipped the scales against them.

"S-Sir… there's something off with our signals."

"What are you talking about?"

"The graphs are showing that there are radio signal exchanges in the towers, but the signals contain nothing."

"Isn't that normal? The signals are probably-"

"No, sir. We're in a battle. All available signals are supposed to be filled with chattering and reports. And yet, none of our encrypted channels are being used to transmit any data."

"What is happening then…? Wait, no… Don't tell me that-!"

Just like the man from whom his genetic material was taken from, the Replicant leading the communications team of the Miyazono Psychic forces was extremely cautious and immediately went to his computer to see what is happening in their communications array.


"Sir?! What just happened!?"

"Dammit all! We got hit with a cyberattack! The entire communications system is dead!"

The cyberattack, performed by the S.S.S and greatly aided by Hannah's incredibly complex and efficient library of malware, significantly disabled or even destroyed much of the equipment of the Miyazonos. However, their auxiliary equipment aren't the only ones facing off and being thoroughly beaten by the virus programs, some are closer to the actual fighting.



"Dude! Stop that!"

"F-friendly fire!"


The players of the Augmented Reality game that has now become nothing more than slaves to its program, became the terminals wherein the malicious programs were disseminated.

As soon as it has taken over, all of the costly cybernetic enhancements and overpowered skills that these so-called "champions" of the Miyazono psychics turned on them and spread out to more of their comrades having the same kind of enhancements.

"Alright! New Tokyo's gates are just a dash away from us! Let the raging Malignances lead the way, let's bust in there and show them who they've picked a fight with!"


"Let's do this, everyone!!!"

As they neared the place where they have decided that all of this would end, it was only the run-of-the-mill fighters amongst the allied front of the Sumeragi and the S.S.S who didn't notice that something unusual is going on.

"What is this feeling…?"


The then briskly walking Furuta Renjiro stopped on his tracks and held his head softly as if something uncomfortable is bugging him. Behind him, Ephraim also stopped and eyed his mentor with a distraught expression.

"Kaede-sama! What are you waiting for?"

"W-Wait… there's something wrong in here…"

At the Tateyama bridge side of New Tokyo, the same kind of discomfort made Kaede to stop following the pace of her assault force.

"Akari-sama, we're almost finished with the mission."


"Akari-sama? Akari-sama!"

At the basement of a building that they captured and turned into the sabotaging group's temporary HQ, Imamura Akari fell from her chair. The others thought that she lost consciousness, but as soon as they turned her face up, they saw that her pupils were clouded, and she had a blank expression.

"M-Ma'am! Something weird is showing up in our cameras!"

"What is it!?"

"Four… no, five spots with an enormous Astra wave energy output suddenly appeared out of nowhere all across New Tokyo!"

At that very moment, the long-awaited last face-off between the Sumeragi and Miyazono forces were cut short by a third faction who are neither on friendly terms with both sides.

"Well, well… Look what the beautiful winds brought to the so-called "last bastion" of the civilized human world."

"You are-!"

"Forgive me, sensei… I will be taking on this one."

"E-Ephraim… what are you-"

A face familiar to both Ephraim and Renjiro appeared from behind a human-sized gate made of dark, oozing tar. One look was all that it took for Renjiro to recognize the person and bare his enraged expression towards them.

"I expected Koshiro-san or Ikehara-san… I didn't expect it to be you, Sawamura, who would be facing me."

"Well… all at the right time, boy."

"The right time, you say? The world is getting all torn apart and you still believe that we have enough time for your so-called "right time". Cut the crap, Sawamura… what is this all about?"

Being confronted not only with the enraged expression of a man visibly holding his head in pain from his mere presence and being subjected to the question of a young man who has more than enough strength to not only match but overpower him, Shisui's lips raised a little into an amused smirk and he raised his hands that each held a playing card.

"Hehehe… you really can't take a joke, can't you, o dear Challenger?"


"Lemme answer your question then…"


"…We're here to finish all of it once and for all."

In an instant, a flash of darkness and emptiness covered the area and anyone who didn't hear Ephraim's shout to close their eyes had their very souls drained from their bodies from seeing that which no living being is allowed to see.

At four other points in New Tokyo, the same events happened and the only ones who was saved from that terrible fate were those who sensed the arrival of the Seers way before they appeared in a material form.

"It's been a long time, dear Gardeners."

"You are-!!!"

"This time, I will not miss."

At the meeting room of the Gardeners where the three remaining members and two of the Miyazono heirs are having a dialogue about the attack, their conversation was cut short by the arrival of an ethereal-looking woman draped with a simple black robe.

"W-What on earth is-!?"

"Hyahaha! This is getting interesting! My, my! What a discovery this would be for sure!"

"I will not let you!

Before any of them can react and attack her, she sucked them into one of the five portals that appeared above them and the room was left devoid of anyone… alive, that is.

"Judy Ann Ikehara…"

"…It's been a while, Ryuuichi."

"True… about several decades or so already, I presume."

At the meeting room, two beings who should no longer be alive spoke to each other briefly whilst also avoiding each other's stares.

"You're going to die, Ryuuichi."

"Does fate demand it?"


"You know already about me and my disbelief about anything that is fated or such…"

"Yes… and it has always been your downfall."

Judy Ann walked around the room, still keeping her eyes glued on the reflection that Ryuuichi casted upon one of the mirrors and shiny surfaces that line the walls of the meeting room. Ryuuichi did the same, staring at his adversary through reflections and never crossing gazes with her.

"As one of the fundamental stepping-stones whose life I took back then to push my ambitions further, I believe you understand where I'm coming from better than anyone else."


"For the sake of mankind's progression towards a race that can assume the power and authority currently beyond their reach… I will not stop at anything just to get to that point. Not to those yakuza thugs, not those disavowed government agents… not even you and your band of second-chancers trapped in porcelain doll bodies."

Ryuuichi's eyes burned with passion as he spoke those words… and yet, the receiver of his speech wasn't only indifferent, she was clearly not even intimidated by him exuding his Astra energy to the point that it materialized around him as an oppressive aura.

"You should really know who you're dealing against, you fool."


In that very moment, the shell-like aura of Astra energy that he materialized around him was dissolved, and in his shock, he barely escaped the flash of dreadful darkness wherein the irresistible and irreversible death of having one's soul sucked out of their body could've instantly killed him by instinctively closing his eyes at just the right moment and amount of time.

"While the other four are gathering the riff-raff for their long awaited all-or-nothing fights, I've come here to settle the score and hopefully, ending this before the one destined to do this gets here."

"Destined to do… Haha! Don't make me laugh, Judy! As a Seer of Death, you cannot go against fate by apprehending me. That would be against fate, as you said. So don't show off that fake bravado and just say that you've finally snapped out of your delusions and-"




Before he can finish his prattle, Judy drew out an antique-looking musket from the tar-like portal behind her and shot a searing ray of plasma towards Ryuuichi, launching him out of the building.

"Who told you that I am apprehending you?"

"What the…? Why did I bleed from such a simple-"

"I'm carrying with me all of the dying wishes of the people who died because of you and the ones that your underlings and children called as "sacrifices for mankind's ultimate goal". So, if you're wondering why you're bleeding… you've deserved as much for all that you have done."


As the others were taken away to settle their fights somewhere else, two monsters were left and faced off in the middle of New Tokyo's Hiraga district.

"Let's end this here, Ryuuichi!"