Unending Hatred


[Tertio motus: Domum Inferni]


As the slow music of the orchestra played, a somber feeling exuded around the world as countless atrocities and deplorable actions filled it to the brim.


The instruments cited the ceaseless deluge of hopelessness and evil that are inevitably eating up what little remains of mankind's courage and goodness, and the choir sung as if the unstoppable end is finally here to end it all.


"That's it… this feeling of endless despair and the abyss of hopelessness. Just like how it felt for every single soul who believed in the kindness of mankind and the fairness of this world… Just like how I felt back then when I believed that I there is still some kind of hope for mankind."


The maestro savored every moment of his masterpiece, tasting all the congealed despair that he and the countless sinners that he has subjected to hellfire felt.


"Soon… soon enough, all of them will belong here. All of them, even I, will finally be given the rightful punishment for all of our transgressions."


With a sick smile on his face, he spoke the following words.


"Unite the world under your self-proclaimed divinity? Don't make me laugh, mortals. You will never be worthy of it."



In the inner sanctum of the Sumeragi syndicate, Kai finally came face to face with Oyabun Nichirin.


"I beg you, Oyabun-sama! We need your power if we want both the Sumeragi synidicate and the S.S.S to survive!"




"Please! You're our only hope!"


After hearing all of that, Nichirin looked behind her and from behind the stone that contained the name of everyone who died amongst the Sumeragi group, came out someone that Kai immediately recognized.


"Y-You are…"


"I believe this is our first time to properly meet, Imamura Kai-dono… or should I say, his Replicant who is supposed to be deactivated now."


Kai already knew that the Imamura clan and the Onkenha faction has been keeping Sayaka in their care as she gave them guaranteed information against the enemy. However, he didn't know that she has now turned into the informant of the entire group.


"O-Oyabun-sama, what is this about?"


"I've already known everything from Amakano-kun here… and as for your request, I have already lent my help, although I believe it wouldn't be to your liking."




"We're withdrawing our aid from the S.S.S and their territory in Kabuki-cho. There is no more need to support an ally that's barely hanging on. Besides, they've already served their purpose for us."


"W-What… what are you talking about now!?"


"I'm saying that we're running out of time, and I cannot waste my strength on things that will not serve my ultimate purpose."


At that moment, an invisible force assailed Kai's body as it pushed him down to the ground with no chance of getting up. It was as if he was experiencing gravity thousands of times stronger than usual.


"Amakano-kun has already told me of the Miyazonos' plans and how the S.S.S will only become a hindrance to us given their ignorance about what is truly happening behind the scenes… besides, the Vessel of Law has hidden everything from them as if he doesn't trust them either."


"That's exactly what it is, Oyabun-sama. The Vessel of Law and perhaps, Spirit Law himself has decided to take everything into their hands, given the lack of trust they have with the S.S.S."


"That's… not true… at all…!"


Even with the crushing pain that he is experiencing, Kai still managed to shout those words that made Nichirin to turn around and ask him to explain, lowering the force that is keeping him on the ground to a mere triple of the force of gravity.


"The S.S.S is Rai-kun's last line of defense against the enemy! He's setting up everything so that we can join them to crush the Miyazonos once and for all!"


"Then why hide the truth from his allies? Are you perhaps saying that he'll be using them as a tool instead?"


"No! It's exactly how it sounds like! Before we parted, he's picking off the remaining Gardeners one by one and are making sure that we're going to have a chance on the final fight to come!"


Having said all of that, Nichirin's expression changed a bit as she remained silent and pondered what should be her final decision regarding the matter.


"I will say this once and only once, Oyabun-sama… We cannot afford to make a single mistake from here on out."




"Both the Sumeragi group and the Miyazono group are running out of fighting forces, but the enemy is larger and more capable of replacing their losses than we do. Lending your help to the S.S.S who has also lost a substantial number of their rank-and-file and high-ranked Psychics would do nothing but drain us further."


Sayaka's words, while true, was framed in a way where it would take on the connotation only achievable through a lie. While what she has said about the situation of both sides are true, how she framed it as exuded a meaning that goes like: "Cut them off because they're useless".


However, before she can give her decision, the surroundings of the inner sanctum visibly wavered, something that has never happened before.


"W-What was that?"


"I see… they finally broke into here."




Amidst the confused reactions of Sayaka and Kai, Nichirin walked towards the entrance of the shrine area and there, waited as the fissure forming at the last torii gate became larger until it broke like glass.






All of a sudden, two people were thrown into the area and rolled on the ground, wounded and exhausted from what appears to be a very intense fight. It was Enka and Mira, the gatekeepers of the inner sanctum of the estate.


"Haaah… I do love the feeling of getting into a new body."


"Y-You are-!"


"You bastard! How dare you do that to him of all people!!!"


The one who entered the inner sanctum had the exact appearance of Kai, however, for the three of them who can sense Astra energy, they saw who he really is inside that body.


"Miyazono Keiji…"


"Oh! You must be the boss of the Sumeragi group! Who could've guessed that I would come face to face with you of all people, Spirit Faith?!"


Keiji possessed the real Kai's body and addressed Nichirin as who she really is. This caused both Sayaka and Kai to be shocked.


"…Tell me, did you really possess that child knowing who he is to us?"


"Hehe! Of course, I did. We've known already that the Imamura family possesses a member that was born from their strongest Psychic clan leader and someone who possesses an incredibly rare psychic power. If we wanted to defeat you we would have to--- AHH!!!""


As Keiji was having his monologue, Nichirin raised her hand and in that instant, seized Keiji through a Psychic hold before thrashing him around, throwing him on the ground, wall and other surrounding objects before throwing him down to the ground and pushing it until it formed a crater.


"I don't remember giving you permission to run your mouth beyond answering my question…"




Keiji's eyes were stuck in shock as his body can barely keep up with the injuries he received during the thrashing. Seeing that it didn't drive him to cut his possession of the real Kai's body, Nichirin understood that there is only one day for this to be done.


"Now then, since you've already gave away my true identity, I guess there's no reason for me to continue hiding it anyway."


As Nichirin walked past Eimi and Aimi, the two sat up and beckoned her attention.




"W-What should we do?"


As she undid the ribbon that secured her veiled hat on her head, she spoke to the two as well as Kai and Sayaka.


"…You two, I can sense that this lowlife didn't come here alone, and chaos has already gripped the two courtyards. With that, I'm giving you your one last task… consider it as my final wish."


Hearing that, both Enka and Mira's lips quivered as if wanting to ask her to reconsider, but as if sensing the gravity of the situation, they bowed down and asked in unison.


""What is your wish, Oyabun-sama?""


Her final order was no simple task. As she said these words to the twins, she waved her hand towards them which emitted several glittering lights that enveloped the faces of the two and made them faintly glow.


"Eliminate every enemy on sight. If my greatest handiwork would truly be destroyed this time, then let it fulfill its purpose as much as it can."


""Your will be done, Oyabun-sama!""


As the two stood up, they faced Kai and Sayaka who was unsure of what is going to happen.


"As for you two, this decision of mine is final and shall not be altered… Given our current situation and how I cannot see anything going well for either of our sides from here and the near future, speak these words to the S.S.S…"


Before she removed her veil and exposed her face that was already exuding a blinding light, Nichirin spoke the following words:


"I will await them in the battle for the World Seed."



Inside the battle of New Tokyo, the entirety of a city district was engulfed in a dome that is alike the void from all over. Normally, a subspace within as subspace like this would be hard to detect but easy to destroy from the outside.


However, when it comes to those who are Vessels of Spirits, it becomes something that absolutely cannot be done.


"Kih-! Argh!"


And because of that, such was the difficulty that Ephraim faced after being brought into one by Yoshino.




"Why, you--- GAH-!!!"


Inside the Subspace of Tainted Spirit Acedia, the unnatural space was twisted beyond recognition as the floor and walls wriggled like folds of a cold mass of flesh and the air was similar to the putrid smell of stale sweat and rotting flesh.


With those traits, the battle was already difficult as Ephraim constantly lost footing and cannot focus enough due to the absolutely unendurable odor. However, the greatest effect that it had on him was a curse put on the Subspace that made it more difficult as Acedia's countless wriggling appendages assailed him without end.


"YAHAHAHA-!!! How does it feel to be robbed of your near absolute power, Law?!"


"Argh-! Ahhh-!!!"


"Taste the frustration of all the Tainted that was robbed of everything because of you!!!"


Ephraim, knowing that he doesn't stand a chance yet, prioritized keeping himself safe as he waited for Acedia to either slip up or run out of Astra energy to keep the Subspace Subjugation up and running.


That came with its own dangers though, as the unending barrage of attacks Acedia doled out either landed on him or caused him to be cornered more and more into a devastating strike.




"You shut your groaning, foolish mortal wench! You are ruining my fun!!!"




With the Tainted Spirit literally ripping her entire torso in order to use it as its eyes and mouth, Yoshino can do nothing but groan and shriek in pain as Acedia disregarded her pain to fight off Ephraim.






"Haah… Finally…!"


Suddenly, an echoing noise from outside reverberated inside the dome, something that should be impossible as the Subjugation literally separated the space they are in right now from the outside. However, there are exceptions to such.


"W-What the… What the hell is---!?"


"Can you remember it now Acedia…? The one who drove you out of your City of Sin and embedded so much fear on your that you literally ripped yourself from the fabric of reality just to escape her reach?"


Just like the authority to rip past entire expanses of space to serve Just judgement.


"N-No… NO!!!"


"If you're wondering why neither I nor Law have fought back against you, it's not because we can't… but because there is someone else more fitting for it!"


At that instant, the Subspace dome's top shattered and in came a bolt of searing lightning that lit up the surroundings and rid it of the suffocating putrid smell inside.


"Took you a while to take over her and get here… Kirin-sensei."


"…You shut your mouth and focus on healing yourself, you brat… I will scold you later."


"Heh… Aye-aye to that…"


As soon as the shock washed off, Acedia formed out a countless number of limbs as well as blaring out a deafening shriek that ripped Yoshino's body further than before.




"Who do you think you are to run your mouth like that, you lowly, disgusting mongrel…?!"




As Kirin turned around and gave Acedia a death stare, the visceral fear that it has long buried deep in its memory resurfaced and reminded it of the utter terror that once haunted it for ages past.


"Kid, sit down there and regain your strength… I'm taking this one down myself."


"Sure thing… I've left the yappy one for you, but its Vessel is mine, leave her be."


"Sure. No need to tell me twice."


As Kirin lunged forward like a bolt of lightning, even Acedia's supposedly infallible barrage of attacks became full of gaps.




Each of her move was as instantaneously fast as a lightning flash and each step resounded like a thunderclap as she came nearer to Acedia with Sin Searing Righteousness still unsheathed and by her waist.




"Silence yourself, Tainted."




"Your slothfulness fills this space with putrid stagnation and your pitiful wallowing just makes you more disgusting as it continues."


With one swift motion, Kirin drew her blade, sliced all of Acedia's limbs and put it back in not even a microsecond.




A moment later, the countless limbs were dismembered and along with it came a rain of blood that once landed on something, quickly dissipated into mist.


"Haah… too slothful to even splatter into blossoms, you really are Acedia the Tainted of Sloth."






Acedia moved its lumbering Vessel body to strike at Kirin, but she simply moved a hairbreadth away and with another Iaido strike, carved an enormous slab of flesh and bones from the two's shared body.




"I failed to destroy you back then… I will not make the same mistake."


As Kirin said that, she sheathed her sword as it began to glow with a blinding purplish-white glow and the surrounding Subjugated Subspace warped into a form that horrified Acedia to its very core.


"T-THIS IS-?!!!"


The entirety of the Subspace began to crumble. The walls that had countless eyes and appendages, the floor made with flesh that impeded movement and the putrid smell that came within it… All of it began to become destroyed and as it all fell one by one, Acedia shook as it knew what is to come.


"N-No… No…! NOOO---"




In a split second, Kirin subjected herself and Acedia into the Subspace, a frame of time that could never achieve anything… that is unless, you strike with true authority.




As she drew her sword and swung it, the edge just a hairbreadth away from Acedia, a resounding noise echoed as a deafening screech followed suit.




Acedia, being struck with the instantaneous casting of the Subjugated Subspace, had itself ripped out of Yoshino's body, taking the form of an extremely bloated and misshapen blob of flesh and blood that splattered on the ground.


"That was an impressive show of force, Kirin-sensei."


"…Don't bother flattering me. Get going with your own end of this."




Ephraim, finally healed to a considerable degree, stood up and walked towards the dying Yoshino who not only had her body absolutely mutilated by Acedia but had her astral form rendered nearly dead by the strike that she had to endure alongside her Tainted Spirit.


"Haaah… Haaah… ACK-!"


"Looking down on you doesn't feel right after everything that happened."




"Still, you are an enemy with no sense of conscience or remorse. I cannot let you live… and besides, I never saw you in the vision, which just means that you either had no role in it or you were defeated before it even started."


"You fool…"


Hearing her retort made Ephraim stop on reaching towards her head with the goal of crushing it and ending her suffering as well as the danger that she exhibits.


"Why do you say so?"


"Because… you're not in control of everything yet."


Despite her mortal wounds, Yoshino raised a defiant smile that she flashed towards Ephraim.


"You… cannot change what is fated. You can try and fight against the future… but it has long been sealed and rendered absolute."




"No matter what you do, you will always---"




Before she can even end her deranged last words, Ephraim planted his foot onto her head, crushing and splattering the bloody mess on the ground like a crushed rotten fruit, ensuring her death.


"I know that I'm fighting against everything, and it may seem impossible to you… why else do you think that I've turned my back against any semblance of sanity since I learned about it?"


At that moment, the ground rumbled, and the air quivered slightly as the massive amount of Astra energy that Yoshino carried in her body struggled to dissipate alongside her soul.


"Although we are enemies, I do feel bad about doing that. At least rest in peace now that all of this is over."


As Ephraim stepped away from the now lifeless corpse of Yoshino that was the same as her state in the real world, he looked at Kirin and the moaning blob of gross-looking putrid flesh that is Acedia, the Tainted Spirit of Sloth.


"You… mortal…!"


"You silence your growling, Tainted… or should I remind you again what "fear" feels like for a being like you?"




She was actively intimidating a being that is supposed to be stronger than what the epitome of human Psychics could become, and all of this is due to the fact that she's now in control of Justice's powers and authority.


"Now, tell me before I send you back to nothingness… Where is Miyazono Ryuuichi and the World Seed?"


"H-How did you--- GAH-!"


Acedia was visibly shocked after hearing her question, making it exclaim a question that was quickly met with an electric shock that came with charged Astra energy, hurting it both physically and psychically.


"Answer my question, you dolt!"


"I-I am not speaking to you!"




"Y-Y-Y-You think I-I-I-I am scared of you?! Go on and pry it out of my mouth the---ABAUF---!"


As if complying to its dare, Kirin drew her blade and stuck it inside the mouth of Acedia before forcefully leveraging it with both hands so that it would cut its mouth open through the cheeks.




"…Careful now, sensei. A little slip on that move and you could've cut its voice box and made it mute."


"You're a doctor by trade, right? Then just heal the monster and let me wring out all the information I want from it."


"Can you not take me for granted for just once?"


Unable to heal its wounds due to the aftereffect of being ripped from its Vessel, coupled with the fact that said Vessel is now dead, Acedia knew that every damage it sustains in its true form is drawing it closer and closer to death.


It has no power, no chance to fight back nor a way to call its fellow Tainted Spirits, wherever they may be, to help itself.


All that it has as a leverage was the information it has about the Miyazonos and the end goal of the Chaos Spirit and its vessel, Spirit Freedom and Miyazono Ryuuichi.


"Make no mistake, Acedia. I will still kill you in the end, that is unnegotiable. I will, however, grant you a more merciless and thus, painless death, if you would cooperate with my demands."




"So, these are my questions… who else is left amongst the Tainted, what are they planning to do, and where is Freedom and the World Seed?"


Faced with assured death in all choices, Acedia, true to its nature, chose the easy and quick way out that is still under its terms.


"…The ones remaining in the Tainted is Invidia and Luxuria, possessed by Miyazono Aishi and William Tetian respectively."


"William? If I remember right, isn't his Tainted Spirit supposed to be Vainglory?"


"It changed after all the modifications that Yoshino did to him. Vainglory was devoured by Luxuria, who was revived from Law's strike from eons ago by none other than Freedom herself."


"Freedom? She managed to undo Law's strike that literally undid Luxuria's connection with the world? And here I thought, my Spirit would be unbeatable."


"…It was a herculean effort that took ages to be done, but not one that can be deemed impossible for Freedom… and more so when it's her strongest ally who needs reviving."


"Well then, what are they planning to do?"


"The Harvest Festival."




Hearing those words made both Kirin and Ephraim shudder. The meaning it carried amongst Psychics on the know and Vessels like her and Ephraim, made them shudder in fear..


"Then the world seed is---"


"At the possession of Freedom. Specifically, Miyazono Ryuuichi, who is now going to use it to ascend towards being a self-proclaimed god."




Following that revelation, Ephraim turned away and materialized his spear to his left hand.


"W-wait! Where are you going Ephraim!?"


"Out of this place and towards wherever these monsters are going to do all of this!"


Kirin grabbed Ephraim by the arm, pulling him back forcefully to stop him from leaving yet.


"Hold on! You're going to a fight again ill-prepared and half-done!"


"It doesn't matter! We're going to run out of time!"


"We'll either run out of time or lose our lives! What of those two are you more willing to lose?!"




"Think of your friends and family more than victory, you brat! What's the meaning of attaining victory for you if you're going to be what we'll lose for it!"


Hearing that, Ephraim groaned in defeat as he turned to face Kirin and let her finish questioning their captive.


"Alright, last question… Answer this truthfully and I'll give you a painless end,"


"Go on…"


"How are we going to defeat William Tetian?"



In the Subspace lent by Knowledge to Kaede who wanted to talk with William in the hopes of possibly conveying her feelings for her, things have gone to an unfavorable end.


"I HAVE…!"








"…THAN HER!!!"




Imamura Kaede received endless attacks from the crazed William, barely able to block or dodge his attacks, Kaede has subjected herself to being on death's doorstep all this time.






With his monstrous strength and psychic capabilities that stands in the epitome of human limits and beyond, Kaede's continued survival is only made possible by Knowledge's total control over the place who protected her from death.




William was on a total rampage, shooting countless light beams that vaporized everything on sight faster than Knowledge can recreate them, at some point, the void space behind the Subspace was exposed and seeing this as an escape, William moved towards it with blinding speed.






"H-H-Hold on, William! Don't go yet!"


Before he can escape though, Kaede threw herself towards him, stopping him from leaving temporarily.




"NO! T-This is my last chance! I cannot waste this one last chance I have to be with you again!"


Clinging tightly to him, Kaede activated her Psychic power and covered both of them with flames, however, instead of being consumed by it, it connected their Astral forms and Kaede managed to enter William's mind that was calmer than his outward self.


"T-This is…"


"His true self."




Kaede was surprised when she saw that Knowledge was beside her as they swam through William's mind that was calm albeit full of sharp blades and constricting narrows.


"I've already suspected that being the Vessel of two different kinds of Spirits has destroyed him… I already know that as true because of his sudden jump in power at such a short period of time, however, this is just further reinforcing my theory."


"A-Are you saying that… all of this is---"


"Worry not, the William that you know of is still here, deep inside. Have courage, you may be able to coax his true self out somehow if you pull it off right."


Hearing that reassured Kaede that she still has a chance of bringing William back from his corruption. As they swam further and further into his mind, they eventually found where the real William is located.


"Y-You are---"




The true self of William from within his own head was disheveled and old, a total opposite of his outward appearance that is strong beyond compare and willing to prove it to anyone who'd say otherwise.






"You idiot! STOP!!!"


Shuddering, he is trapped in a cage of sharp, glass like blades. Seeing his true self made Kaede almost jump in to be near him, but Knowledge blocked her path just in time to save her from being skewered by the blades that spurted out of the ground.




"We're inside him mind… even if it's just his subconscious, he's bound to protect what needs protecting… I'll try to cut off his control, for now, be content with just talking to him."


As Knowledge began to unravel the complex control of William over the blades, Kaede went as near as she can to talk to him.


"William, do you remember me? Do you still know who I am?"


"Y-You are… I can't remember… but I… do know you."


"Right, right!"


"We… used to be in a team… with a grumpy-looking guy… and a… a… very kind teacher."


Hearing his answers made Kaede's eyes light up with a sense of hope. In her mind, she wanted to believe that if the real persona of William would be freed and allowed to take control over his body, there is still hope to bring him back to their side.


"P-Please… I beg you. P-Please let me out of this prison. I-I can't take it anymore!"


"Kih-! Knowledge---"


"You keep your silence! I'm giving it all that I have!"


Kaede rushing Knowledge earned his frustration. After a few moments though, he told her to prepare an attack that would break the blades.


"On my three! One… two… three!"




After his countdown, Knowledge cut off William's control around the cage and just in time, Kaede let out her attack that shattered the blades like glass.


"Come on out, William!"




Carefully, as he lacked any strength to rush his escape, William stumbled out of his cage and landed at the arms of Kaede who quickly took him into an embrace.


"Thank goodness… Thank goodness that you're finally back!"


"Right… thank you…"


As Kaede let out tears of joy, William gave back the embrace and kept her tightly close.


However, what he uttered next marked the greatest mistake that Kaede has ever done.


"Thank you very much… Himari-sama…"




At that moment, Knowledge sensed something bad is about to happen as once again, the future that he has predicted waned to another dreadful event in front of her.


"W-What's wrong, Himari-sama…? Why do you seem so confused?"


"B-But… I'm not Miyazono Himari…"




Knowledge's shout didn't make it in time as Kaede uttered the one thing that connected the real consciousness of William and his enraged outer self.


"She was killed by that moron Lucas."


After that was spoken, there was no way back anymore.


The deed was done… and what's left are only the consequences.


"N-N-No… No way… no way, no way, no way---!!!"






William let out a bloodcurdling screech as around them, the darkness grew and solidified into the blades strewn around the entire place.




Knowledge, for the first time, openly showed his aggression as countless blades emerged from the ground and even he can barely dodge all of them.


"I-I can still fix this!"


"You can't! You blew your last chance and now, we may not get out of here!"


As Knowledge desperately tried to open a portal back to the Subspace outside, it was Kaede who is still holding out on her hope that she can still calm down and force William to their side.


"We won't know until we try! Come one, cut off his control over his body again!"


"I can't do that anymore! His body has adapted to it and can't be stopped now!"




With no other choices, Kaede decided to fully entrust her safety to her faith and loved towards William. She ran towards and clung to him tightly as he continued to howl after learning the truth about Himari.


This is when once again, the fate of the three stuck in this relationship changed and became irreparable.




From Knowledge's newly opened portal, Lucas emerged and saw with his own eyes the very same thing that he did just earlier towards William.




Countless blades emerged from the ground and pierced Kaede at every part of her body.




"You… are not her! YOU ARE NOT HIMARI-SAMA!!!"




With his shout, one last blade that spurted from the ground and pierced her heart, Kaede's painful demise was done, and it was seen by Lucas with his own two eyes.


"Ka… Kaede…"




Feeling powerless from head to toe, Lucas approached Kaede's corpse that was pierced to death and saw her still wide open yet already soulless eyes that seemed like translucent glass.






"Can you feel it now too, Lucas…?"


Now combined with his psyche from the outside, William asked Lucas how it felt to see their only object of affection be robbed of her life in front of them.


"The feeling of hopelessness… the feeling of seeing them die in front of you!"




At that exchange alone, the entire place was shattered as Kaede's power ran out and they returned to the desolated city district where this all started.


"I will kill you, Lucas… For Himari-sama's sake… for the continuance of the Miyazono conglomerate's wishes!"


"No… I'm going to be the one who kills you!!!"