The System Awakens

"Poor kid. Being an orphan was tough but being their child is just…" Infini looked at Aiden who was calmly sleeping in his mother's embrace.

Completely unaware of the things he would have to go through.

'Perhaps they are not like the other demon kings and demon queens that I have seen. Perhaps there will be a difference just this once. But whatever happens, I will stay by his side.' Infini silently took a resolve to make sure that the child who had suffered his entire life, would finally get a piece of love.

After all, Aiden was a really kind being.

But perhaps the demons will change him. Perhaps he will become a cold-blooded killer or perhaps he would die while remaining true to himself. But in the end, she would witness it all through her eyes.


'AH! It's too bright!' Aiden thought as he opened his eyes and closed them again when he saw a blinding light above him.

But he slowly felt the light go dim as he opened his eyes again to see the face of his father peering down at him.

"Good morning Aiden." His father had a small smile on his face as Aiden tilted his head.

"Beh?" He asked his father and blinked in confusion as he had said something else in place of what he had wanted to say.

[ You are barely a week old Aiden. What did you expect would happen? ] Infini couldn't help but chuckle at Aiden's behavior. His cheeks slowly went red from embarrassment when he realized what he meant.

"Beh? (Can you understand me, father?)" Aiden said as he tried experimenting whether his father would understand him but unfortunately, it was a wasted attempt.

"I wonder what babies talk about. Grow up little one and then we will talk." His father said as he walked away and left Aiden alone.

Aiden then turned his eyes to see where he was. He was currently resting on a cot in a small room. The entire place, including his cot, was red and black in color.

While seeing this, Aiden heard his stomach making noises which indicated that he was hungry. After all, according to Infini, he had been sleeping for almost an entire week.

He was extremely hungry right now and right on time, his mother's face slowly popped up in front of his eyes.

[ Infini, how am I able to hear and see everything clearly while barely being a week old? ] Aiden was extremely curious about this fact as his mother slowly smiled at him.

[ Demons mature much faster than humans. But even demons take at least two weeks to fully develop their senses. You on the other hand can also make sounds with your mouth while hearing and seeing everything. ] Infini explained while Aysel suddenly started looking for something inside her clothes.

'If I am a kid, could it mean that she would feed me in that way...' Aiden couldn't help but wonder as his heart started beating wildly.

But unfortunately, he was wrong.

What his mother took out was a glass bottle that was used to feed babies with milk. But instead of milk, the bottle contained a pure black liquid-like substance.

Aiden felt an ominous aura coming from the bottle as his mother extended her hand forward. The bottle was barely inches away from Aiden's face when he saw something in her mother's eyes change.

The warm and loving look was gone, instead replaced with a cold and furious one. Her entire demeanor was different.

It was almost as though she was a different person.

[ It's because she is a different person...] Infini suddenly said but before he could ask anything else about it, message screens suddenly appeared in front of his face.


< The Infinity System is booting up. >


< The Infinity System is now live. >

< Greetings host. >

< Would you like to open your welcome package? >

< Yes > < No >

Crimson red words appeared in front of Aiden on a golden screen as he blinked in surprise.

[ Just choose yes Aiden. ] Infini gently instructed as he chose yes.

His mother's hand was now a few feet away from his mouth before more screens appeared in front of him.

< Response received. >

< An appropriate skill will be assigned to the host now. The host can choose two more skills after a year. >

Aiden read on the screen as his mother succeeded in opening his mouth and putting the bottle there.

He slowly started to suck the contents of the bottle as the liquid entered his mouth but instead of tasting like a completely unknown substance, it tasted like milk.

< The skill, Liquid Changer has been assigned. Would you like to see the details of the skill? > The system asked as Aiden thought yes.

[ Liquid Changer.

(5 Elemental Energy)


- Changes the liquid being drunk to seething else as per the user's wish.

Currently Identified Liquid – The demon queen's blood

Liquid Changed To – Milk ]

Aiden blinked in confusion when he read the contents of the skill. His eyes widened in disbelief when he found out that the contents in the bottle was actually his mother's blood.

'There goes my hopes of getting a normal mother.' Aiden thought sadly as he focused on the milk part.

[ She is not your mother Aiden, ] he was even more confused when he heard Infini's words.

[ What do you mean she is not my mother? ]

[ Don't get me wrong, the person in front of you is your mother but just her body. Her soul is currently not the one functioning the body. So for now, let me just tell you that she is not your mother. ]

Aiden wanted to ask more questions but he had a feeling that he would just confuse himself with his questions.

'Why did you change the liquid to milk system?' He instead decided to ask the system about a few things.

< It's because the host wasn't thinking of any particular liquid while the system demonstrated the skill. So the system chose the last liquid the host had thought of. >

If Aiden didn't know better, he would say that the system was another human since he could now hear its voice. it system sounded like a female with a slightly mechanical voice.

[ Are you trying to trick me with using a different voice Infini? ]

Infini could only sigh when she heard Aiden's question.

[ I wish that I was but no. The system is a completely different individual and can think like a person. Though it will not present its opinion or thoughts on anything you do. It's like a system in an anime. But it will speak with you if you treat it like a person and converse with it. ]

Just as Infini finished her explanation, Aiden drank the last drop of milk in the bottle.

His mother, or rather the soul inside her, smiled at him before walking away and leaving him alone.

[ Sorry Aiden, I can't talk to you now. As you know that I am the goddess of entertainment, I have some other people who I have to entertain. You can talk to the system while I am gone. See you after a few years Aiden. Live your life. ] Infini suddenly said before he could ask her anything else.

And with that, he was left alone in the dark with only a system to talk to with.

'Great, that's what every protagonist wants.'