Shadow Creation

[ 50 Exp received. ]


[ Main Job Class: Prince of Shadows has leveled up.

Skill Tree has been unlocked. ]

"Main Job Class." Aiden muttered as he saw another dead body of an orc vanish before his eyes.

[ Prince of Shadows (upgradable job class0

Level 1: 0 / 200 Exp


Shadow Manipulation: Level 2 ( 0 / 5 )

Currently Available Skills: 6 ]

'Please show the available skills system.'

< As you wish host. >

[ Available Skills:

- Shadow Walk (2 skill points)

- Shadow Whip (1 skill point)

- Shadow Sword (1 skill point)

- Shadow Spear (1 skill point)

- Shadow Shield (1 skill point)

- Shadow Bow and Arrows (2 skill points)

- Current Skill Points: 50 ]

"I think you are becoming lazy system." Aiden muttered when he saw the skills since all of them except the first one were basically weapon creation skills.

< Unlock a skill host. Then you will see why it's like this. > The system said as Aiden sighed and bought the shadow sword skill.

[ Shadow Sword ( 1 / 5 )

(10 EE per sword created)


- Creates a sword made from shadows.

- The height, width, and weight of the sword can be adjusted by the person wielding the sword.

- The sword can be given to someone else. The sword however must stay within 20 meters of the creator's range or else it will vanish.

- The Shadow/s would turn into a solid object/s after the usage of the skill

- Skill cannot be upgraded.

Duration – 30 minutes. ]

'Hmm, that's an interesting skill.' Aiden thought while reading the details of the skill as it had many interesting properties.

But the thing that stood out the most for him was that he could give the sword to another person. Even though Aiden currently didn't have anyone to give a sword to, it was still a useful skill to have for the future.

< If you buy the other four skills too host, all of these skills will combine together to give you a unique skill. > The system suddenly said as Aiden looked confused.

"You are telling me that these are not unique skills?" Aiden asked since he had been thinking that only he knew the skills which he knew

< Some of your skills like Liquid Changer V2 are unique but the rest of them are skills that people of this world can learn. But one thing which you can do is that you can evolve your skills. For example, Shadow Manipulation can be evolved and so can your job class. > The system replied as Aiden slowly nodded.

"I want to buy the other four skills too system. Though why does the bow and arrow skill cost one extra skill point?" Aiden asked since the other four creation skills costed 1skill point each.

< It's because you will have infinite arrows host. That's the reason for the skill costing 1 more skill point. > The system replied as Aiden nodded.

He then unlocked all of the other four skills.


[ All five of the creation skills have been unlocked. ]


[ Special Skill: Shadow Creation Has Been Unlocked. ]

"Shadow creation huh." Aiden muttered while reading the system notification as he then checked the details of the skill.

[ Shadow Creation (0 - 100%)

(50 EE per object)

- Allows the host to transform shadows into anything the host wants.

- The shadow/s would turn into a solid object/s after the usage of the skill.

- The created object can be given off to another person but it must stay within a 50 meters radius of the host.

- Skill cannot be upgraded.

- Skill can only be leveled through continuous usage.

Duration - Permanent. ]

"Damn, that's one good skill." Aiden muttered while reading the skill's details. "But I will have to use it often to level it up."

But that's when an idea suddenly hit him.

"If the weapons created are still made up of shadows, then I might be able to..." Aiden's voice trailed off as he realized what this meant. This skill had more benefits than he had initially thought.

< You figured something out again, didn't you host? I know that look on your face when you figure something out> The system asked as Aiden slowly nodded and looked at one of the daggers in his hand.

He put the second dagger back inside his clothes as he raised the first dagger in the air using his right hand.

"Shadow creation." Aiden said out loud as a copy of the first dagger appeared in his hand.

The only difference between the two daggers was that the second one was made from dark purple shadows.

Aiden then looked around at a tree that was a few meters away from him. He took a deep breath and launched both the daggers towards the tree.

The shadow dagger started veering old track whole the normal dagger was going in a straight trajectory.

< Your aim with your left-hand sucks host. Why did you throw the dagger with your left hand? > The system asked curiously as Aiden smiled.

"You don't need to remind me about my aim system. As for why I threw it, it is quite simple. I wanted to check whether this would work or not." Aiden replied as he moved his right hand to the side.

"Shadow Manipulation." He said out loud as the shadow dagger suddenly started flying in the right direction.

But before it could go out of Aiden's range, he pulled his right hand back as the dagger suddenly stopped and started hovering in the air.

The other dagger impaled itself in the trunk of the tree as Aiden looked at the floating dagger with a small smile on his face.

"System, I think I just found the best cheat move you could have offered to me." Aiden said as he pushed his hand forward.

The shadow dagger moved forward at thrice its normal speed and hit the trunk right beside the first dagger.

But instead of getting stuck in the trunk, the dagger broke through the wood and passed the tree as cracking sounds echoed around the forest.

A second later, the entire tree fell down.