Infinite Arrows Versus Lightning Wolf

The wolf glared in Aiden's direction as purple sparks suddenly appeared around its body. The hair on Aiden's body suddenly started to rise as the sparks started to become more and more powerful.


[ The pack leader of the wolves has the lightning element. ]

"Oh, I didn't notice. Thanks, system." Aiden muttered sarcastically as his instincts were on high alert.

The leader howled once again as a bolt of lightning appeared in front of its body and suddenly launched forward.

The purple lightning bolt zipped through the air in Aiden's direction as he jumped to the right and easily dodged the lightning bolt.

Or at least that's what he thought.

< The lightning bolt is still alive host! > The system's voice rang inside Aiden's head as he turned around to see the lightning bolt being a few feet away from him.

He instinctively raised the bow and shot an arrow forward. The arrow crashed against the lightning bolt and the latter easily burned the arrow down.

But it gave Aiden enough time to use his Shadow walk.

Aiden directly appeared on the other side of the bushes as he raised his bow and started summoning multiple arrows at once.

He used his shadow manipulation skill to aim the arrows towards the wolf as he released them at once.

Numerous arrows shot towards the wolf as it howled once again and charged forward. Aiden thought that the wolf was acting foolish but he was wrong.

Purple lightning appeared around the wolf's entire body as it howled once again and started shredding the arrows with his body.

"This is bad." Aiden muttered as he turned around to see that the remaining wolves were also regrouping and were about to move forward to attack him.

'At least they can't dodge my arrows.' Aiden thought as he quickly notched multiple arrows in his bow and shot them towards the wolves.



Many howls rose in the air at once as the remaining wolves fell down one by one. Only the leader remained alive as it glanced at Aiden and raised one of his paws forward.

[ A Tempest wolf has used the skill: Hunter's Mark on the host. The specific Tempest wolf can now track the host anywhere unless the host enters a protected space. ]

The system notification made Aiden's expression turn grim since there was no point in hiding anymore.

He instead walked out of the bushes with an arrow notched in his bow as he looked at the leader with a neutral expression.


< He is laughing at you and your weakness host. > The system voice rang out in Aiden's ears as he looked surprised.

'You can translate his words system?' Aiden asked while keeping his gaze on the wolf as they started circling each other.

< I can translate the words of a few species host. That's all. > The system replied as the wolf growled low in its throat and jumped forward.

Lightning appeared around its claws as it jumped over Aiden with the thought of ripping him to shreds.

But Aiden had a plan in mind as he took a deep breath and stood still. The wolf thought that Aiden had given up but it was far from the truth.

"Shadow Walk!" Aiden used the skill at the last moment and teleported away as he released an arrow towards the wolf leader.

He increased the arrow's sharpness to the maximum as his hand went inside his jacket's pocket.

He grabbed the knife and took it out as he laid it on the ground and eyed the wolf. It had easily destroyed Aiden's arrow by directing the lightning to one place and was now staring at Aiden.

< Why did you drop your knife host? > The system asked Aiden but he didn't reply as he directly jumped to the other side of the wolf and started unleashing arrow after arrow on the wolf.

The wolf gritted its teeth as it was forced to move back to destroy all the arrows. The further back the wolf moved, the more Aiden's heart sped up.

'Got you!' Aiden thought as he suddenly moved forward and got in range of using his shadow manipulation skill.

He thrust the dagger upwards while increasing its weight as the dagger tore through the wolf's flesh at once.

Blood started dripping from the would as the wolf fell down on the ground.

< So that was your whole plan from the beginning host. > The system sounded impressed as Aiden smiled and walked up to the dead body of the wolf.

"I actually made the dagger blend in with the shadows the moment I put it down so the wolf would lose track of it. I used the arrows to divert its attention and after pushing it back, I used the dagger to kill it. It wasn't that hard of a thing to do." Aiden explained as he walked towards the wolf.

'It isn't dead?' Aiden thought with a frown since the exp message didn't appear in front of him.

"Aoooo!" The wolf howled one last time as its head then fell down.

[ 100 Exp received. ]

[ A Tempest wolf has used the ultimate skill: Alpha's Call. The Alpha of the wolves and the ruler of the forest has been notified about the host. ]

Aiden's frown deepened when he read that part of the message. He didn't understand what it meant as he quickly moved forward and separated the meat out of the body before it vanished.

But before he could do anything with the meat, the entire forest started to shake. The land shook fiercely as the trees trembled along with it.




Howls emerged from every area of the forest as Aiden was even more confused. It looked as though all the wolves in the forest were howling at once.

Unknown to him, something major was happening.

Deep within the core of the forest, the land was shaking even more terribly. It looked as though the world was ending as cracks ran against the land.

And in the middle of the forest, two glowing eyes slowly opened in the dark.