Backed Away In A Corner

A demon with four inches long horns was running around a wide black-colored hallway. His expression was extremely nervous and his eyes seemed frightened as he reached the end of the hallway.

The hallway had engravings on both sides as the engravings provided light. Other than that, the entire hallway and the ceiling above it were both made from a shiny black metal.

In front of the demon's face was a 25 foot (7.62 meters) tall gate. The gate was also black in color but had silver-colored engravings on it. The engravings formed an intricate pattern as the demon took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

'I hope he doesn't kill me.' The demon prayed silently as the door slowly opened up and the demon stepped inside the new room.

The room wasn't was as big as a small hall and at the end of the room, was a big throne. The throne was a mixture of fiery red and black color and had silver spikes decorating the edges.

And sitting on the throne was the demon king.

"A lowly demon? What are you doing in my throne room?" Drake asked the demon with a bored expression as the demon fell to his knees while taking short terrified breaths.

"I belong to the house of Urahara family, O great demon king. I have been sent here with an important message." The demon said as he didn't lift his head.

Drake's bored expression suddenly turned to a curious expression as he raised his hand and allowed the demon to stand up.

"Tell me why the Urahara house sent you here?" Drake asked the demon as he slowly lifted his head off the ground but didn't stand up.

"Kisuke Urahara, the teacher of the imperial class, sent an emergency message to the family head a few hours ago. The message said that the Moon wolf had woken up from its sleep and that the young crown prince has been marked by the Hunter's trail." The demon quickly said as Drake's expression suddenly changed.

He stood up and started walking towards the demon who was so terrified that his body was trembling.

"If the Urahara house received this message, why did they send you here instead of taking defeating the moon wolf themselves?" Drake slowly asked the demon as he now stood in front of him.

"Because you are the only one who can defeat the moon wolf lord?" The demon gulped and replied as Drake suddenly started laughing. But his laughter didn't have any humor.

"Even the Urahara family is now pretending that I am the only strong person left in the demon realm. Even the upper demon lords could defeat the moon wolf and Kyosuke is a member of the order. What a pathetic excuse." Drake muttered to himself as he turned towards the demon on the ground.

"You did well by bringing this news to me. Since the order and the upper demon lords are apparently too busy playing politics, I will have to go and defeat that petty creature myself." Drake said to to the demon as he released a silent sigh of relief.

'At least I won't die.' The demon thought but little did he know that he thought about it too soon.

"But since the Urahara family thinks that they are more important things to do than rescuing my son and one of their main family members, you need to send another message to them." Drake said with a smile as he raised his right hand and grabbed the demon's throat.

The demon started struggling as he couldn't breathe and Drake slowly lifted him in the air. A silver seal appeared on the demon's forehead as Drake threw him across the throne room.

The demon went flying out of the throne room as Drake looked at the ceiling of the throne room and suddenly vanished.


"This is the end, little demon. You have finally run out of tricks and there is nothing that you can do." The moon wolf snorted as it towered straight in the air with a hungry expression.

"Damn it!" Kisuke cursed as he and Aiden were backed away against a closed cave. They had been running around the forest for hours since leaving the forest would pretty much be suicide.

If the moon wolf managed to leave the forest before someone came to defeat it, then the entire demon realm would be destroyed.

Or at least that's what Kisuke thought would happen.

"Aiden, run away as fast as you can and don't look back. There's nothing left to do except fight it!" Kisuke whispered the first part before he shouted the second sentence and turned towards the moon wolf.

Aiden nodded slowly as Kisuke jumped forward into the air and a bow made from a golden light appeared in his hand. He shot multiple golden arrows out of the bow before it vanished and was replaced by a sword.

"Aooooo!" The moon wolf howled loudly as the arrows disintegrated in the air. Kisuke gritted his teeth and jumped forward to attack the moon wolf with his sword.

Aiden turned his gaze away from the two figures and ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could. His mind was wide awake and his thoughts were running around wild as he didn't look back once.

"He is a brave person, I will give him that. Sadly, bravery can't defeat me." The moon wolf's voice echoed in Aiden's ears as a split second later, the moon wolf landed in front of him.

Aiden suddenly stopped short as he turned back with wide-open eyes.

Kisuke was lying down on the ground and his clothes were torn at many places. His entire body was full of bruises and wounds as black demon blood had gathered around his body

He wasn't moving.

"It's time to say goodbye to your life little demon. I will first kill you and then destroy your entire realm." The moon wolf said as Aiden turned forward with wide terrified.

'I will not go down so easily!' Aiden thought as he took out the dagger he had retrieved from Tonpa and pointed it towards the moon wolf.

The latter snorted before it pounced forward on Aiden who had his eyes open wide. He too moved forward with the intent of slashing the wolf once but before they could collide, a small tornado appeared in the moon wolf's path and sent it hurtling backward.

"Looks like I appeared at the last moment. Hello son." Drake said while glancing at Aiden.

It was that day that Aiden realized what true power really was.