The Maiden Of Darkness

As the shadow beams moved forward, the dark wolves suddenly became aware. Their ears suddenly rose in the air as they turned in Aiden's.

'Too late.' Aiden sighed in relief since he knew that his shadow beam would home in on the wolves and laser kill them.

But unfortunately, that didn't happen and Aiden didn't get to see laser-killed wolves.

One of the wolves in the pack howled forward as a dark wave of energy shot out from his mouth.

The wave of energy moved forward while destroying everything in its path before turning into a web of dark magic.

The web of dark magic gathered together and collected all of the shadow beams at once before closing up.

And with that, all of them vanished.

"No way!" Aiden shouted as the wolves growled in his direction.

"You didn't know? Dark element magic users and beasts can corrupt anything." A feminine voice suddenly echoed inside Aiden's ears.

He turned back to see Zoe standing there with a disdainful expression.

She was wearing full black gear that stuck closely to her body for easy moment. But more than that, it made Aiden's heart beat a little faster.

< I didn't know you were a lolicon host. You disappoint me. > The system suddenly commented as Aiden felt like shouting at it.

But he somehow managed to suppress the feeling.

"Then how do you defeat dark magic users? Through light or life magic?" He then looked at Zoe's face to see a smug smile on her face.

"You don't need certain elements to win. You just need to use your brain to win." Zoe replied as she stepped forward and raised her right hand.

Five black needles appeared in her hand as she threw them towards the dark wolves.


All of them hit the five wolves at once.

"I think you need bigger needles."

"I haven't even used the move idiot. You should have some patience."

"Usually, I have high levels of patience but you always test me. I wonder if my BP is rising now?"

"The only thing that is rising is your level of stupidity."

As the two children berated each other, the wolves started checking their claws. After all, what was the fun in killing kids who weren't even terrified of them.

"Now shut up and let me kill them." Zoe said in a final voice as she turned towards the wolves.

"Say hello to your mother bitches." She said with a smile before forming a fist with her right hand.

And all of the wolves fell down one by one.

"How did you do that..." Aiden's mouth was left wide open when he saw all the wolves falling one by one.

"Dark element isn't restricted to corrosion. It is famous for curses too." She said with a wink before moving away.

"Oh by the way, if you keel being this stupid, you might die before the test ends." She suddenly stopped and turned back with a smug smile before walking away again.

'Inspect.' Since Aiden was at a loss for words, he decided to check what the inspect skill would show him.

[ Zoe Von Nightingale

Title - The Maiden of Darkness ]

"The maiden of darkness..." Aiden muttered in awe as he turned to see the dead bodies of the wolves vanishing away.

< If you want a cool title like that host, work your ass off. > The system commented as Aiden rolled his eyes.

'I was gonna do taht anyways.'

He then started searching for the beasts again.


'Why did I show him my powers...'

Zoe was currently perched up in a tree while staring below with a fierce gaze.

If anyone didn't know better, they would have thought that she had been hungry for days and was searching for prey.

'Mother and Father had told me to use my powers to a minimum and not use it in front of any student. But I just did it so casually.'

She then jumped down from the tree as she had a pair of trolls a few meters away.

'But it felt so satisfying to see his reaction. Maybe I like being superior to others.'

While thinking about her actions, Zoe broke into a sprint. Before the trolls could notice her, she kicked both of them in a not-so-private part.

"Always hit where it hurts the most." Zoe muttered the words her mother had taught her as both the trolls fell to the ground.

Zoe then lifted her feet and cursed their throats one by one.

"I wonder whether I should show my powers to that other boy... What was his name again?" She started to talking to herself while wandering the forest as the name hit.

"Oh right, his name is William."


"Why did it feel like someone called by name..." In another corner of the forest, Will felt chills running against his back for some weird reason.

'Just to be safe, I should probably hide.' He then used his light powers to conceal himself.

The interesting thing however was whether Will would become a pervert or not.

After all, being invisible was one of the greatest weapons of a pervert.


[ Current Exp: 672 / 20984 ]

'I finally leveled up.' Aiden thought with a sigh while sitting across a tree.

< You still haven't seen the new skills from earlier host. > The system suddenly reminded him.

'Oh, I forgot about that. Show them now system.'

Between thinking whether he was a lolicon and fighting monsters, Aiden had forgotten about the new skills he was able to unlock with the level up of his job class.

[ Shadow Tentacles (2 skill points)

(5 EE)


- Allows the user to create tentacles from shadows.

- The tentacles can be created from any shadow and can be used in any possible way. ]

'Why does that skill give me a perverted aura system?' Aiden asked the second he had read the contents of the skill.

After all, tentacles were used in a rather kinky way to say the least.

'That can actually be a useful skill.'

Aiden thought to himself before he stood up and started searching for more beasts to kill.

'I don't think I can find the spider here.' He thought with a sigh since he had been searching for the spider for a long time.

But unfortunately, he couldn't find one. It was almost similar to finding a diamond in the middle of coals.

< HOST, BOW DOWN! > The system suddenly screamed inside his head as Aiden ducked down reflexively.

A small needle, dipped in a purple liquid, suddenly embedded itself in the tree behind him.

"You have good reflexes kid. But sadly, they won't help you escape." A person suddenly appeared in front of Aiden and kicked him in the stomach.

Aiden groaned a little as the kick hit him hard. The impact of the kick sent him flying back.

His body stuck a trunk of a tree and slumped down on the ground.

Four grown men suddenly walked in front of him with varying degrees of smiles. All of them were buff and had cruel eyes.

"I wonder why they sent four people just to kidnap a kid like him. Look at him, he seems so weak. A single person could have probably kidnapped him." One of them said while pointing at Aiden as he gritted his teeth.

"Go search him from weapons and them tie him up. We will leave this place in a few minutes. We still have to travel all the way back." The person who seemed like the leader of the group said as another person moved forward.

'Should I fight them system?'

< No host, you will be brutally beaten if you do that. > Aiden chuckled lightly as he heard the system's reply.

"Why are you laughing kid? Got a screw loose?" The man approaching him asked as Aiden smiled.

'This reminds me about my past life. Shortly before I died, something similar had taken place. But this time, I have people who won't leave me alone.'

Aiden thought before he looked at the bracelet on his wrist.

"Don't let him touch that bracelet!" The leader shouted at the person but it was too late.

Aiden had already touched the bracelet connecting him to his mother.