In The Embrace Of The Light (2)


That was what entered Ash's mind when Aiden opened his eyes. They were pure golden in color and shining as bright as the sun.

All around him, Ash could hear his underlings screaming in pain while they looked at Aiden's eyes. Normal people, no matter how strong they were, could not look at a god's true form.

Even if the form only included eyes.

Aiden then raised his right hand and the entire realm shook with. A sword suddenly appeared in his hand as the trembling of the earth stopped.

The sword was pure red in color and seemed to shine in Aiden's hands. The hilt w

as pure black in color but that too seemed to shine.

'What is that?' Ash could feel an omniscient aura coming from the sword and the moment he felt that something was about to happen, he created a dozen ice walls in front of him.