I Will Fight Against Gods And Demons Alike

"So Sera, what is going to happen now?" Aiden asked awkwardly. It was his first time calling the system by that name yet for some reason, it seemed better than just saying system.

< Things are going to be heated soon. Many gods saw Hestia's small awakening and her merging with your soul. I am sure that Infini is planning something right now. >

"Then I am in big trouble then.

< No host, I am in trouble too. Since I resisted Infini, I am only tied to your soul now. So if you die, I die alongside you. But we still have some time host. >

"How much time, Sera?"

< We have time until you turn 16 host. That's when the gods can do many more things against you. This is where the fun part of the reincarnation begins for the gods. >

"I don't think that's going to be fun for us."