Chapter 132

There came a knock at early morning. And by early morning, Kaya was sure that it was just after two in the morning, the dawn hasn't even broken yet. It was a strange timing yet not so strange for her. She immediately recognised the knocks, two raps followed by a brief pause, then a final rap. She knew who it was. And of course at this time, who it would be.

She grunted and pushed herself off the bed. But first, she stopped halfway through the room and turned, a mirror standing across the room reflected her self in the light of the candle. She tilted her head and examined herself, running a palm down the side of her hip. She knew she was pretty but she didn't know what he thought. Did he think that she was exquisite too? As the maids say? Is she truly like the lies that Eric murmurs in her ear when they do it?