First kiss hehe

"How the fuck am I supposed to know," answered Deming trying to avoid the topic.

"After this whoever lasts long in that cave gets to ask YaYa to the dance," said the shortest of the five.

Qie Xieling honestly hadn't thought about the dance but after they mentioned it he realised he wouldn't mind going with Lee Ya so he agreed to this absurd idea.

It didn't take long for them to reach the cave. Standing at the mouth of the cave they started nudging each other to enter first. As though to prove something, Deming made the first step leaving behind an insult.

"Pussies," he said before walking in with his torch lighting the dark space.

Qie Xieling didn't like being called that at all so he took a step forward only for Bo Ailun to grasp his arm and pull him to the side.