"Do you perhaps like like him?"

Qie Xieling was so eager to get this conversation away from Luo Muchen but his father was so hung up on it like you would think Luo Muchen owed him money in his last life and didn't pay him back.

"That kid isn't anything good. You can make more friends just not him. That Bo kid is way better plus you already have him as a friend so why do you need more friends," said Qie Ranzhe with a bowl of popcorn on his lap.

After dinner, they improvised movie night since tomorrow was a holiday. The only issue was that Qie Ranzhe was forced to watch animation movies which these two liked and he didn't. This meant that by default he was meant to serve these two the entire night.

"I am fine with Chubs being my only friend. The more friends you have the more trouble you get into," he said and Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but support that.

Wen Qinxi, "..."

"With that kind of mindset who will you be going with then to the dance?" asked Wen Qinxi while stroking his son's hair.