White-robed monastic order

Qie Xieling's gaze darted from one fascinating creature to another as he made his way through the bustling streets. There were elves with pointed ears, their graceful movements captivating him. There were dwarves with their sturdy frames and long beards, going about their daily business with purpose. And then there were creatures he had never seen before. They were ethereal beings with wings, their presence adding an air of enchantment to the already magical city.

But as Qie Xieling ventured further into the heart of the city, his ravenous stomach reminded him of his immediate need for food. His eyes landed on a breakfast stall, and his mouth began to water at the sight of sizzling sausages and golden pancakes. He couldn't resist the temptation any longer.

Lost in a daze, Qie Xieling approached the stall, completely oblivious to the curious onlookers around him. His tar-covered body drew stares and whispers from the passersby, but he paid no attention.