Guard thy chrysanthemum hehehe

Qie Xieling slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of disorientation as he took in his surroundings. The room he found himself in was unlike any he had ever seen before. It lacked windows, but its luxuriousness was undeniable. He was sleeping in a grandiose bed with rich fabric.

There was a soft and inviting carpet underfoot, and the furniture in the room exuded elegance and opulence. The exquisite ornaments adorning every corner seemed to hold a glimpse of history, evoking an air of mystery and allure.

As Qie Xieling stretched his limbs like a cat and let out a satisfying yawn as he got up. His confusion over his sudden relocation momentarily vanished when his feet touched the carpet.

The plush carpet beneath his feet provided a comforting sensation, soothing his senses. It was as if he had stumbled upon the most forbidden, yet alluring, part of the palace in his slumber.