AN: I took a leave day yesterday. I am back today with another exciting chapter. ENJOY!!!!

Luo Muchen let the knowledge that Qie Xieling had given him access to his cell phone sinkin throughout the rest of the night. He didn't think he could love Qie Xieling more until that moment. For the first time in a long time, he slept with ease cuddling his lover tightly like he would run away while he was fast asleep. 

As the sun rose on the horizon its rays dancing on the surface of the ocean Luo Muchen felt around looking for Qie Xieling. When he found him he wrapped his arm around his lover's waist before pulling him into his arms. Qie Xieling groaned softly while obediently lying in his arms. 

Luo Muchen sniffed his lover's neck his lower body rubbing against Qie Xieling's butt. It was a normal morning reaction that would probably go away on its own but he couldn't resist rubbing up against Qie Xieling making his erection stiffen further.