He will abandon you

Luo Shih turned to Wen Qinxi and asked, "Your son... has he dated before?"

Wen Qinxi lightly scratched his chin while staring at the display. "To my knowledge no. He didn't," he said and Luo Shih's brow creased.

"Oh," she replied but closed the game screen and rolled her swivel chair moving closer. 

"So you are sure he wasn't dating anyone?" she asked again. 

Wen Qinxi, "..."

"Does it really matter?" he asked again and Luo Shih leaned in close before saying,

"I am just curious. My son has had a crush on your son since he was a tiny thing. I only found out later but even I could tell that he liked Lin Lin. I just can't figure out why they couldn't get together sooner, you know. One thing is for sure, my son is a coward just like me so... yep. It's good to be self-aware, isn't it?"

Wen Qinxi looked at her for a moment before saying, "And my son is incredibly dense just like me so it didn't help the situation."