Chen-ge, I had fun today

There is nothing more satisfying to watch than a man in love. Yes sure, sometimes that love would be unrequited but they would behave strangely when things are going quite well between them and their love interest.

Everything about them is weird. The slight spring in their steps. The happy smile on their faces like it's spring in winter. The random chuckles that spring up from nowhere. Oh and let's not forget how they constantly rush to check their phones when they hear that dinging sound.

Well, Yi Chen was no exception. He was suffering from the same syndrome and his mother noticed as soon as he walked into the house.

Lin Ruoxi who was playing dolls with Ming Ming got up abruptly when she heard the sound of the main door. Ming Ming was a little dissatisfied with her mother leaving before they finished washing doctor Kitty's hair. But Lin Ruoxi wasn't in the mood to appease her right now.