The new Marshal

In a dimly lit office with, the only source of light coming from the blue luminous screen sat a tall stalwart man staring at the floating screen in front of him.

"Oh my poor baby, I miss you so much. Have you been eating well?" asked Lin Ruoxi with worry in her eyes. Despite him being very close Lin Ruoxi hadn't seen her son ever since he forced his father to retire early.

"Why are you so concerned for him?" said the Marshal trying to squeeze into the camera frame before continuing, "You forced me to retire early now I am stuck being a stay at home dad. Do you know how hard that is?"

The Marshal wanted to complain some more but Lin Ruoxi pushed his face out of the frame and continued to speak, "Don't worry about him. He will get over it."

Yi Chen nodded his head and was about to speak some reassuring words when Ming Ming showed up out of nowhere and squeezed in between her parents.