"Hie schmoopy. Do you miss me already?"

"Presume that he is missing when you do your search. I need to know when he was last seen," said Zi Xingxi and Lynn Feng nodded her head while responding,

"I will definitely find the runaway groom," as she entered the elevator.

"Thanks," replied Zi Xingxi before ending the call. She picked up the cup and walked back to the bedroom. Secretary K had already dressed Zi Han and was tucking him in a light and breathable blanket. He was like the most perfect manny.

"How is he?" asked Zi Xingxi in a whisper.

Secretary K stood up while saying, "He is much better now. His temperature seems to have dropped a little."

Zi Xingxi climbed onto the bed and said, "You can go rest now. I will watch over him."

Secretary K nodded his head before turning to leave. "I will order something for you to eat. Any preferences?"