He had indeed weaponized his stinky breath.

When the senior guard noticed the tag on the hovercraft his brows creased. This was from the party sent to capture the humongous beast from skull desert but there wasn't any sign of their man but the captives they had sent with them as bait.

He immediately raised his rifle and said, "Get out of the vehicle... Now!"

Nayeli who was slightly anxious couldn't move her feet her muscle tense for a moment. She slowly glanced at her brother and then at Zi Han behind her. Zi Han could sense her nervousness from a mile away thus he winked at her and Nayeli felt a pang in her heart. She parted her lips and was about to speak when the man shouted again,


The two of them hastily got up but Zi Han remained seated his expression all nonchalant. He was unconcerned at all with what was happening outside the hovercraft.