How adventurous

The medical bay seemed deserted at first glance but as he walked in more he found that there was a door deep in the furthest part of the room.

When he got to the door he could see other medical equipment inside through the glass. His face almost plastered on the glass looking inside the room, Zi Han asked, "Can you open this?"

Lynn Feng who was trying to get rid of her boyfriend who was touching things he shouldn't cleared her throat and replied,

"It's going to take me a while. Hold on."

Zi Han who wasn't sure if anyone would spontaneously show up could only find a place to hide while waiting.

"If I get into trouble you should tell my dad to come to rescue me. I don't what mum to come because she might get arrested as well," said Zi Han, and Lynn Feng almost rolled her eyes.

If Zi Xingxi showed up she might end up blowing half the warship off just to rescue him.