An Unexpected Experience

Pre-dawn light almost crept over the perimeter as the black skycar floated down to the lower levels. It was too timely for much activity in Aquila, but the hovels had already come alive as vendors threw open their doors and listless workers headed toward jobs in the coal mines or to the few factories that still make use of manual labour..

The seat squeaked underneath her as she tried not to notice the weakness of the leather. These slight tastes of extravagance just underlined the life of bare subsistence that she lived, an indication that not everyone had to survive in the dirt as she did. Her head kneeled against the window, glass poise against her cheek.

Leda felt too tired to move, but her mind jogged. She had encountered nothing like what had transpired in that apartment. Even though almost an hour had enacted, the recollection already felt fictitious, as if she had imagined the whole thing. She had wanted to be humiliated and compelled to overcome things that she never had before. She had not required to like it.

The skycar docked in an empty patch of dirt near her building in the hovels. She came out quickly, dismissing the stares of passerby as the obviously high class vehicle lifted away with a big gust of air.

Leda stood and watched it go with a bizarre mix of relief and shame. Chances were too small that she would ever meet that Alpha again, and she wasn't certain how to feel about that. Her wrapped dollar notes were still clasped in her fist. She had not let go of it since being excorted from Ceres House. The paper felt like it scorched into her skin. It was the reason for all of this.

She should just be happy that she had evaded with both the fee and her secrets still intact, because If anyone at Ceres House had uncovered her true nature.

Leda stood to miss much more than her liberation. So why did an unimaginable feeling of wistfulness twist inside her heart?

Jerking off these strange feelings, Leda stole into their small house. Argus's peaceful snores were the first thing that welcomed her as she arrived, coming from where he lay on his small pallet in the front room.

"So, it worked?" Cythia asked.

Leda stunned at the sound of her sister's tine breaking the calmness. She should not have been shocked that Cythia had remained awake waiting for her.

She would have done the same thing if was in her positions.

"I presume it did." Leda replied.

"Thank God." Cynthia shouted as she stood from the little chair in the corner with arms extended over her chest.

"That was too risky. And the dollars I used for the additional doses of suppressants were approximately as much as what they paid you." She added.

A weariness that she felt to her bones rested over Leda.

"You're exaggerating." Leda said.

"Perhaps. But I've been awake all night thinking if I would see your face displayed across the News after they had arrested you for dynamic fraud." replied Cythia.

While hiding her nature was a punishable crime in the courts, Leda was sure that a worse destiny would have awaited her if someone had uncovered her in Ceres House.

"We're good, it's over."

And why did that thought fill her with an unaccountable sense of longing?

"How did it go?" asked Cythia.

The silence was genuine. What words could she conceivably use to explain what had occurred? She could not say anything that Cythia would comprehend when she didn't understand it herself.

"Fine." Leda answered.

"Did he harm you?" Cythia asked again.

"Not in the manner you are thinking." She replied.

Leda was very aware of the fact that she had not freshen up since her meeting with the Alpha. The smell of altered slick still hung heavy on her body.

"It was nice, really." Leda added.

Cythia raised an eyebrow.

"Would you share with me, the gory details?" She requested.

"There is nothing to share about it, Cythia. Really." Leda had replied.

A weird expression crossed her Cythia's face and vanished almost as quickly. It curled her features into something that nearly looked like jealousy.

"You should get some sleep, you have work in the morning", Cythia said finally, voice tight.

With that, Cythia turned and fled into her room, the door closing behind her with a strong click.

Leda had let her sister have the bigger bedroom when they packed into the apartment. She had chosen the smaller one in the back that was barely big enough to accommodate her bed and her CommNet station.

Removing her dress over her head, Leda fell between the coarse sheets and shut her eyes. She desperately desired some sleep, but nap proved elusive. The Alpha's aroma still saturated her skin so being snuggled in the thin blankets virtually made it seem that he was in the bed with her.

She wanted to bathe both him and the night away but using the rudimentary Bathing facility would definitely wake Argus. The last thing Leda needed at that moment was to clarify her current state to her little brother.

Each time that she closed her eyes, she heard the boom of a large hand against her skin. Her insides gripped in memory of the earth-shattering orgasm that he had provided her, way more strong than any she had ever attained on her own.

Leda got up from the bed, wiping her eyes with the heels of her hand. Certainly, her mind could not be pushed elsewhere. She didn't want to admit the effect that the meeting had on her, recalling to herself that she had never suffered the attention of an Alpha before. It should not be a surprise that it would take some time to recoup.

Omegas, even when altered and suppressed chemically, were biologically made to respond to Alphas. This is a simple biology, nothing more.

She sat at her CommNet station as she connects to the information portal in a try to distract herself. But the moment that her fingers stroked the pad, she keyed in "Ceres House" as a search keyword. It returned no results.

Maybe she had just visualized the entire thing. And it was not even feasible for her to look up the Alpha that had paid for the benefit of spanking and fingering her. Without a name or even a position, he was totally anonymous. That was likely intended on his part.