The Meeting Concludes

I could tell that Uncle Dominic was immensely proud of me. He was practically radiating with it like it was a light giving me warmth. That and the smile I could see playing at the corners of his mouth. Uncle Isaiah seemed happy as well. He was not hiding his smile as much, so I could see the full force of it when I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. These two were being weird today. Angry and happy at the same time.

Diev, on the other hand, was looking at me like I was a beast with nine heads or something like that. He was definitely not expecting to have me lead any of the discussion. Nor was he prepared for me to be the one to get angry at him.

To be honest, if he hadn't made me feel so uncomfortable, I might not have been so forceful with him. I probably wouldn't have worried about him acting a little stuck up if he wasn't so creepish.