What Were You Thinking Part 2


"Well, Nolan, you certainly know how to clear a room." Callum laughed as the last of my servants disappeared through the door to the kitchens and the door shut loudly.

"I can effectively guide my people, what is wrong with that?" I asked him as I took another drink from my glass. "Damn, this Erif brew really does pack a punch, doesn't it?" I laughed a little as I thought about the fact that this was literally a fire brewed liquor.

"That it does. It's just what someone like me needs after a long day of talking with a bunch of people that I don't like." Callum took another swig and I saw that his glass was more than half empty again. He was the reason that I had told Hiam to leave the bottle. I wasn't much of a drinker, but Callum could really pack them away when he wanted to. The problem was, he rarely got the chance to drink so uninhibitedly that he got drunk. This might be the first time he gets drunk in a while, if I let him get that way, that is.